Meeting documents

Southern Rural Committee
Thursday, 17th June, 2010 7.30 pm

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 Date: Thursday, 18th March, 2010 Time: 7.30pm Place: Great Ashby Community Centre, Whitehorse Lane, Great Ashby, Stevenage
 PRESENT: Councillor D.J. Barnard (Chairman), Councillor A. Bardett (Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Bishop, Councillor Tom Brindley, Councillor Tricia Cowley, Councillor Lee Downie, Councillor Mrs C.P.A. Strong
 IN ATTENDANCE: Simon Young (Transport Policy Officer), Garry Gover (Community Development Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Tony Hunter, Sally Everett (Community Development Project Support Officer) and 4 members of the public
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jane Gray, Sal Jarvis and David Miller.
Minutes - 26 November 2009

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 October 2009 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business was discussed at the meeting.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting;

(2) The Chairman advised Members that Councillor Miller had been unwell and wished him a speedy recovery on behalf of the Committee;

(3) The Chairman announced that the dates of future Southern Rural Committee meetings would be advised as soon as possible;

(4) The Chairman announced that he had agreed that 2 urgent grant requests be considered under Item 7 - Champion News (See Minutes 59 and 60);

(5) The Chairman reminded the Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item.

Mr Lamping, a member of the Crime Prevention Panel, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. He informed Members that he had been a volunteer with the Crime Prevention Panel for 10 years giving support services to the Police and was also on the Panel which met monthly. He advised that the Panel's remit was to see where crime was occurring and then integrate services where needed to combat it. Mr Lamping informed Members that it was rewarding to act as a volunteer and that more people were being sought to offer support to the Police Services. He stated that the support offered relieved front line services of mundane tasks including administrative tasks and field work relating to Anti Social Behaviour Orders and licensing as well as bringing situations to the attention of local business and people. Mr Lamping gave two examples where volunteers had supported Police Services.
Volunteers supported Police services to knock on residential doors and advise on home security and safety
Volunteer supported Police services to check cars which were parked in local car parks for valuable items left on display and giving advice to people about prevention of car crime.

Mr Lamping concluded by advising that volunteers would be asked to give approximately three hours a month to support the Police and help drive down crime and informed Members that speaking to this Committee was the initial part of the process to recruit volunteers and that other options were being explored

Members suggested to Mr Lamping that the Crime Prevention Panel should consider approaching The Round Table, Lions Groups, Rotary Clubs, Parish Councils, Locality Panels, the North Herts Council for Voluntary Services and the Parish Conference to promote the work of the Panel and recruit volunteers and suggested that posters could be placed in local community halls and that he should approach the NHDC Communications Team with a view to this appearing in NHDC Outlook magazine.

The Chairman thanked Mr Lamping for his informative presentation.

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development regarding Covert Cameras and Further Diversionary Anti Fly-Tipping Enforcement Measures, and drew Members' attention to the following:

- That the Capital Visioning Budget currently stood at £15,600;
- That this Committee had previously funded two Covert Cameras;
- That the recommendations included the funding of moveable concrete blocks to facilitate blocking access from the highway to farmland and a sunken pyramid style bollard to block large vehicular access;
- That further proposals included posters for display on bus networks accessing Southern Rural areas and stickers and posters for display on the existing fleet of Veolia and Enforcement vehicles;
- That the proposals had been developed in conjunction with the NHDC Enforcement Team and Hertfordshire County Council Managers.

Members debated the report and asked several questions including whether costs and savings figures were available regarding successful outcomes; what would the additional measures entail regarding calls to the Customer Service Centre; how much would deployment of concrete blocks cost and where would they be deployed and how many metal signs were required at what cost.

The Community Development Officer advised Members:

- That there had been a number of successful prosecutions through the deployment of Covert CCTV Cameras;
- That NHDC costs may be awarded against the defendant to cover the collection of the waste and the cost of solicitors;
- That fines may be imposed, the most recent being for £1,500, although fine was not passed on to NHDC;
- That a checklist would be devised for use by NHDC Customer Service Staff that would support any increase in calls related to this subject;
- That fly tipping incidents had not increased but detection rates had increased by the deployment of covert cameras. This had proved highly successful along with other methods used to detect offenders;
- That prevention methods suggested included bus advertising, which 94.4 percent of target adults would see 34 times over a 3 month period;
- That local farmers would store and deploy the concrete blocks free of charge
- That the blocks would be placed on the Highway at the entrance to farmland;
- That up to 100 concrete blocks could be funded;
- that numerous signs would be required at the cost of £100 per sign.

Members expressed concern that existing cameras had not been an effective deterrent and that prevention methods needed to be considered. They were extremely concerned about the possible legal ramifications of farmers moving concrete blocks and people hitting unlit concrete blocks in an accident and that regular reports regarding the success or otherwise of the existing cameras had not been forthcoming. Members also pressed for the report regarding Value for Money, as detailed in the Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group on CCTV report recommendations, be presented to Cabinet and this Committee prior to further consideration of funding by this Committee.

It was agreed that this item be deferred pending the proposed report to Cabinet, detailed financial information, advice from Highways regarding the placement of the proposed pyramid and moveable concrete blocks and advice from NHDC Legal Department regarding the implications of accident or injury regarding deployment of or collision with the proposed concrete blocks. It was also agreed that regular reports be provided to this Committee regarding the success, or otherwise of use of existing covert cameras and other anti fly-tipping measures.


(1) That the item entitled "Covert Cameras and Further Diversionary Anti Fly
Tipping Enforcement Measures" be deferred until the following resolutions have been completed;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to provide accurate and detailed costings and savings regarding the use of Covert Cameras to this Committee;

(3) That the Head of Housing & Environmental Health be requested to provide a report regarding the use of Covert Cameras for Envirocrime, to ensure NHDC is receiving value for money is presented to this Committee;

(4) That the NHDC Legal Department be requested to clarify legal implications of accident or injury regarding deployment of or collision with the proposed concrete blocks;

(5) That the Community Development Officer, in conjunction with the NHDC Enforcement Team, be requested to provide regular reports regarding the success, or otherwise of the use of existing covert CCTV cameras and other anti fly-tipping measures.

RECOMMENDED TO NORTH HERTS HIGHWAYS PARTNERSHIP - JOINT MEMBER PANEL: That Hertfordshire Highways be requested to provide advice regarding the placement of the propose pyramid and deployment of portable concrete blocks

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee is in receipt of all relevant information regarding Covert Cameras and Further Diversionary Anti Fly Tipping Enforcement Measures prior to making any funding decisions.
Deferred  Community Development Officer - GG, Head of Housing & Environmental Health, Acting Corporate Legal Manager

Appendix 1 - Budgets
Appendix 1.1 - Grant Appliaction - Kimpton Parish Council
Appendix 1.2 - Grant Application - Codicote Parish Council
Appendix 1.3 - Grant Application - Holwell Parish Council
Appendix 1.4 - Grant Application - Great Offley Parish Council
Appendix 2- Highways Work Programme
Appendix 3 - Committee Work Programme

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development regarding Champion News and Finance Report. He drew attention to the following:

That the timetable for the 2010 competition was detailed at Paragraph 3.2.1of the report and funding would be from the Baldock and District Committee (£150) the Royston and District Committee (£50) and Southern Rural Committee (£300)

The Transport Policy Officer advised that members were requested to propose schemes and projects for inclusion in the 2010/11 North Hertfordshire Highways Panel - Joint Member Panel Discretionary Budget. He also advised that the Knebworth Parking Improvement Group (KPIG) had requested that St Martins Road car park be re-designated as a short stay car park with the parking tariffs indicated at Paragraph 3.4.7 of the report. They had also requested that on street parking times in London Road and Station Road be amended as detailed in Paragraph 3.4.8 of the report.

Members debated parking issues in Knebworth and considered that that a further level of parking tariff at the St Martins Road car park be considered of "up to 4 hours £2.00" and that on street parking restrictions should remain at 1 hour with no return within 1 hour in order to support local traders. They also discussed that Parking throughout Knebworth would be considered in the next year and in that review consideration should be given to loading bays, traffic calming and lorries travelling through and parking in the village.

Members agreed that the North Herts Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel be requested to investigate methods to resolve parking issues at Farriers Close, Codicote, provision of a lay-by adjacent to the school in St Pauls Walden and provision of a safety crossing at the end of Whitehorse Lane, Great Ashby with consideration being given to use of Section 106 monies.

Councillors were advised that innovative measures had been taken by Stevenage Borough Council to prevent verge parking, which could be of interest to the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel. The measures consisted of a Traffic Regulation Order preventing parking on the verge, which could negate the need to place barriers on verges and could be a more cost effective solution.

Councillors were advised that WBS HR07257 relating to Knebworth and WBSHR07601 relating to a pedestrian crossing in Whitehorse Lane, Great Ashby, as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report, were now complete.

Members debated the crossing at Whitehorse Lane, Great Ashby and were disappointed that the crossing provided had not been as outlined to the Committee. They considered that changes to the design of any scheme, which had been part funded by this Committee should be bought back to the Committee for further consideration.

The Community Development Officer drew Members' attention to the unallocated Discretionary Budget figure of £8,491 and asked members to consider projects for this.

Members agreed that the unallocated budget should be allocated to Highways issues and anti fly tipping measures.
Ward Surgeries
Members discussed that ward surgeries were difficult for this Committee as the area covered was wide with wards from every corner of the District. They agreed that ward surgeries were valuable and felt that steps should be taken to request that existing surgeries be expanded to include Councillors that represented rural areas surrounding that particular area and that the Chairman of Hitchin Committee should be approached to discuss the possibility.


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being for rural communities be endorsed;

(2) That the review of Service Level Agreement funding and related timescales be noted;

(3) That Officers, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Rural Affairs, conduct detailed negotiations with individual projects regarding the provision of Service Level Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding finding;

(4) That the Committee's budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Ward Development Budgets and the allocated Visioning Budgets, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted;

(5) That the remaining unallocated 2009/10 Committee Revenue Development Budget, amounting to £8,491, be allocated in support of Highways Issues and Anti Fly-Tipping Measures;

(6) That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise note that this Committee supports the following proposals for the Pay and Display tariff at St Martins Road Car Park Knebworth:
Monday to Saturday, 08.00 to 18.00
Up to 1 hour 50p
Up to 2 hours £1.00
Up to 3 hours £1.50;

(7) That the Strategic Director of Planning, Housing and Enterprise note that this Committee recommends the following additional level for the Pay and Display tariff at St Martins Road Car Park, Knebworth:
Up to 4 hours £2.00
Maximum stay 4 hours;

(8) That the Community Development Officer (Southern Rural) be requested to liaise with the Chairman of the Hitchin Committee, via the Community Development Officer (Hitchin), to request that they consider extending the Hitchin Surgery to include attendance by Councillors who represent surrounding rural areas.


(1) That the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership - Joint Member panel be requested to investigate the methods used by Stevenage Borough Council to prevent verge parking and consider whether this would be suitable for use in North Herts;

(2) That the North Herts Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel consider the following for inclusion in it's 2010/11 Highways Work Programme:
(i) Farriers Close, Codicote - Investigate methods to resolve car parking issues;
(ii) St Pauls Walden - Provision of a lay-by adjacent to St Pauls Walden School;
(iii) Great Ashby - provision of a pedestrian safety crossing at the end of Whitehorse Lane.

(3) That if changes are made to the design of any scheme, which is part funded by
The Southern Rural Committee, the amended design proposals should be bought back to the Southern Rural Committee for further consideration.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer and to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee.
Agreed  Community Development Manager, Strategic Director of Planning/Housing & Enterprise, Community Development Officer - GG

Grant Application

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500 be awarded to Kimpton Parish Council from the 2009 - 2010 Discretionary Budget, as support funding towards the costs of purchasing a ceiling mounted projector and associated equipment for installation in the Green Room of Kimpton Memorial Hall.
Grant Application

Councillor Tom Brindley informed Members that he had considered his position regarding the proposed Ward Member Grant and wished to declare a prejudicial interest as he sat on the Codicote Sports Pavillion Steering Group and announced that due to this he would be withdrawing the grant request.
He further advised that he had reallocated his Ward Member Budget to other projects.
Grant Application

RESOLVED: That a grant of £620 be awarded to Holwell Parish Council from the 2009 - 2010 Discretionary Budget, as support funding towards the costs of installation of a half hour fire door and 5 lever lock at Holwell Pavillion.
Grant Application

Members debated that Parish Councils were able to set a precept and should be in a position to fund their own projects and confirmed that the clock was owned by the Parish Council although it is situated in the Church. They acknowledged the merit of this application and agreed to support the electrification of the Village clock winding mechanism.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Offley and Cockernhoe Parish Council from the 2009 - 2010 Discretionary Budget, as support funding towards the costs of electrification of the Offley Village Clock winding mechanism.
Published on Wednesday, 14th April, 2010
9.32 p.m.