Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 18th July, 2011 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 13th June, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.R.M. Muir (Vice-Chairman),Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton and Councillor M.E. Weeks.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Sergeant Jonathan Vine (Hertfordshire Constabulary), Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer)
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S.K. Jarvis and A.D. Young.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201107181930/Agenda/Minutes

Members advised that the funding amounts at Minute 63 - Recommendation to North Herts Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel - Scheme Ref (X) were incorrect and agreed that this should be amended to show that the following awards had been granted in respect of a new footpath at the A507 Baldock - Radwell:
Councillor Hunter - £1,000, Councillor Muir - £ 500 and Councillor Young's 2011/12 Discretionary Arbury based budget - £500 making a total of £2,000.

RESOLVED: That, subject to the following amendment, the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 January 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman:
Minute 63 - Champion News and Finance Report
Recommended to the North herts Highways Partnership -Joint Member Panel
Scheme Ref (X) - A507 Baldock - Radwell - New Footpath to read:
That the following grants be awarded "in principal" from the Baldock and District Committee budgets:
Councillor Hunter - £1,000, Councillor Muir - £500 and Councillor Young (2011/12 Arbury based 2011/12 discretionary budget) - £500 making a total of £2,000 available as matched funding from this Committee.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201107181930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 May 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business was put forward for discussion at this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to this meeting of the Baldock and District Committee, particularly Sgt Jonathan Vine of the Hertfordshire Constabulary;

(2) The Chairman reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.

There was no public participation at this Committee Meeting.

Sgt Jonathan Vine of Hertfordshire Constabulary thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. In respect of the closure of Baldock Police Station he advised that sadly the station had closed on 27 May 2011, however the Neighbourhood Team now had an office in Letchworth Police Station although were actively seeking a base in Baldock from which they could work. Officers visited Baldock daily and had a vehicle available should it be required. To compensate for the closure of the Police Station, surgery dates had been arranged in Baldock on Mondays and Wednesdays and Officers had access to emails and direct phone lines which meant that the service had little changed.

Members asked whether the patrols by Police on a bicycle would continue and asked for clarification regarding the future of the station building and car park.

Sgt Vine advised that bike patrols would continue as well as having vehicles available and that the car park at the rear of the station remained open, but he did not know the plans for the station building.

In respect of crime figures Sgt Vine gave the following breakdown of the 2010/11 crime figures:

Overall Crime
- An increase of 6 offences to 528 offences
- This rise was due to an increase in the reporting of domestic violence offences

- 48% increase in the number of offences
- There have been an increased number of fights in the High Street, but the main reason for the increase was the reporting of domestic violence offences

- 17.1% reduction in the number of dwelling burglary offences
- 7% reduction in the number of other burglary offences
- Only 1 incident of distraction burglary last year which was largely due to the work of Police in educating people about the risks and targeting offenders.

Criminal Damage
- 28% reduction in the number of offences

Members queried the reason for the increase in the reporting of domestic violence offences and whether this was an area wide trend.

Sgt Vine advised that positive action was being taken regarding domestic violence which had resulted in an increase in the number of arrests and that increases had been seen in this area across Hertfordshire. He stated that there had been a high number of offences at Tescos in 2010/11 but they now had proactive security and the police had offered support, which had resulted in a dramatic reduction in that area.

Sgt Vine then gave the following breakdown of crime figures for the 2011/12 year so far, compared to the same period of the previous year:

Overall Crime
- 13.8% reduction in the number of offences

- A reduction from 5 to 2 dwelling burglary offences
- There had been an increase in other burglary offences, mainly due to the rapid increase in metal theft
- There had so far been no distraction burglary offences

Motor Vehicles
- Theft from motor vehicles had reduced from 15 to 3 offences
- There had so far been 15 offences of damage to motor vehicles. Additional patrols would be put in place to combat this.

- Reduced from 21 to 9 offences

Anti-Social Behaviour
- Reduced from 113 to 89 offences.

Members drew attention to motorcyclists using the Greenaway and asked that contact numbers for Police Officers in Baldock and Royston be circulated to Members of this Committee.

Sgt Vine advised Members that officers would look into use of the Greenaway, that officers within the local team investigate and conclude approximately 40% of local crime and concluded by stating that there were currently no major concerns and that if any issues arose resources were available.

The Chairman thanked Sgt Vine for his informative presentation.

(1) That Sgt Vine of the Hertfordshire Constabulary be thanked for his informative presentation;

(2) That the Committee and Member Services be asked to circulate the contact numbers for Police Officers in Baldock and Royston all Members of this Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee is kept fully apprised of the work undertaken by Hertfordshire Constabulary in the area.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and drew attention to the following:

The Farmers Markets continued to be popular and were due to be held on a monthly basis during 2011. The two day Italian Market had been extremely successful and had been supported by the Ferrari Club, which had drawn large crowds. The Wednesday Market had shown a dip in performance however the Town Centre Manager together with the Community Development Officer were working to bring in new stalls. Future events that had been organised included Baldock Big Lunch (5 June 2011) and Baldock Day (9 July 2011).

The 28th Baldock Festival ended on 14 May 2011 with the Street Festival. This had been extremely well attended and no incidents had been recorded.

Members were concerned about the layout of the stalls as the current style disadvantaged some of the stalls. They asked that consideration be given to the stalls being grouped together.

The Youth Council continued to meet on alternate Tuesdays, although membership was very low with an average of 4 members attending.

Although residents had tidied the area no real progress had been made regarding the wall, which was falling down.

The date for this event had been confirmed as 16 July 2011 at Knight Templar Sports Centre. Despite a reduced budget, bands will be performing all day including local talent and that there would be a 5 a side football competition, a cricket match and a dance competition as well as being attended by the Police and Fire Service. The Community Development Officer had worked closely with Licensing regarding the Premises License for this event, with the application being submitted in May it was now subject to a month long consultation period.

Members asked that local residents , particularly those in Chilvers and Leys be warned of the event and the possible noise. This could be done by flyers delivered.

Approximately £3,000 of Section 106/Planning contributions had been identified as a potential source of capital funding and North Hertfordshire Homes would make available matched funding. It was hope that funding would be released in July to enable planned works to be undertaken in time for the summer holidays.

Members asked that they be advised of the next meeting of the residents Association.

The Committee were invited to nominate additional schemes for inclusion in the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel scheme of works for 2011/12. Members identified the following schemes for consideration:

- Bottom of Weston Way and Hitchin Street, Baldock - resurfacing of approximately 60 feet of road;
- The Tene, Baldock - resurfacing of both road and footpath. The footpath was now a health and safety issue;
- North Road (Under railway bridge), Baldock - railings previously removed and stored should be replaced on both sides of the carriageway;
- Hadrians Way (near motorway bridge) - resurfacing of road required.

Members considered the budget spread sheets and asked that the Community Development Officer investigate the Small Area Grants and report back as to where these funds have been allocated in the last 3 years and what had happened to any unallocated budget.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

(2) That the Community Development Officer be requested to investigate the Small Area Grants and advise the next meeting of this Committee as to where these funds have been allocated in the last 3 years and what had happened to any unallocated budget.

(3) That the following Fast Track grant awards be acknowledged:

(i) Ashwell Retailers Association - £380 towards the cost of design and printing of the Ashwell Village Trail leaflets;

(ii) Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust - £175 towards the purchase of replacement hand tools for use at Ashwell Quarry nature Reserve;

(iii) Radwell Social Club - £300 towards the purchase of new kitchen equipment;

(iv) Ashwell Music Festival - £250 towards the cost of printing leaflets;

(v) Howard Garden Social and Daycare Centre - £200 towards the running costs of the centre;

(vi) Friends of Baldock Green Spaces - £100 towards publicity costs, including the production of leaflets;

(vii) Newnham Village Hall - £300 towards the purchase of a new oven for the hall;

(viii) Weston Voluntary Nursery - £105 towards the purchase of staff uniforms and software equipment;

(ix) Baldock Allotment and Leisure gardens Association - £500 towards the purchase of fencing for the allotments

(x) 4 streets in Baldock Town Ward and 2 streets in Baldock East Ward - £150 towards set up costs for Royal Wedding Street Parties;

(xi) North Herts Village of the Year - £100 towards the costs of the 2011 Village of the Year programme;

(4) That in respect of the Baldock Festival 2011 consideration be given to the stalls being grouped together;

(5) That in respect of B'Fest - Be Healthy 2011 the Community Development Officer be requested to deliver flyers to local residents , particularly those in Chilvers and Leys in order that they be warned of the event and the possible noise;

(6) That in respect of Nightingale Park - Community Safety project The Community Development Officer be requested to advise Members of the date and time of the next meeting of the residents Association.

That the North Hertfordshire Highways Partnership - Joint Member Panel be requested to consider the following schemes for inclusion in their 2011/12 work programme:
- Bottom of Weston Way and Hitchin Street, Baldock - resurfacing of approximately 60 feet of road;
- The Tene, Baldock - resurfacing of both road and footpath. The footpath was now a health and safety issue;
- North Road (Under railway bridge), Baldock - railings previously removed and stored should be replaced on both sides of the carriageway;
- Hadrians Way (near motorway bridge) - resurfacing of road required.

(1) To ensure that the Committee is kept fully informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) To enable the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(3) To improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Published on Wednesday, 6th July, 2011
8.40 p.m.