Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 18th September, 2013 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Wednesday, 24th July, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill (Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson (Vice-Chairman), P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Tony Hunter, Councillor R.E. Inwood and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Manager
Brendan Sullivan - Scrutiny Officer
Alan Fleck - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Royston Town Councillor Mrs L. Davidson
Royston Town Councillor Bob Smith
Mrs Liz Sim - Public Participation
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201309181930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 June 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

(1)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting and requested that all present should join her and stand for a minute's silence in memory of Councillor David Billing - Member for Oughton Ward, Hitchin;
(2)The Chairman advised that there would be an additional item under Public Participation - A Splash Park for Royston.
(3) Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Royston Town Councillor Mrs Lindsay Davidson thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee on recent Citizenship Classes held for young people in Royston.

Mrs Davidson thanked the Councillors and the Community Development Officer who attended the Citizenship Classes at all eight Royston Schools between 23 January 2013 and 19 March 2013.

The format was the same as in previous visits with the CDO describing the levels of Government in the UK and Councillors described their roles and duties within local government. This was followed by a question and answer session and what it meant to be a good citizen in the local community.

The issues raised by pupils covered; Play equipment and facilities, Litter, Fast Food Outlets, Bus services, Retail outlets, road safety and road crossings, Cold weather issues, Car parking (outside schools), Street lighting and Dog fouling. In particular swings and slides in play areas for older children, a bigger and better skate board park, a toy shop and more fast food outlets,

One particular request that had good support was the provision of sturdy and robust outdoor play equipment such as logs with ropes and netting that could be used for general fitness. Mrs Davidson considered that the play area in York Way or Priory Memorial Gardens could be used as a location and that costs were estimated between £2,500 and £3,500. Mrs Davidson considered that this provision would tie in very well with the 2012 Olympics legacy.

The Committee considered that this proposal had merit and rather than include such a scheme within the Green Space Strategy that funding could be sought from the Royston Committee Discretionary Budget and County Councillor Locality Budgets. It was proposed and agreed that the Community Development Officer should seek assistance and guidance on the type of equipment, costing and potential location from the Parks and Countryside Manager.


(1)That Royston Town Councillor Mrs L. Davidson be thanked the presentation and for organising the citizenship classes and the summary of the outcomes;

(2)That the Community Development Officer be requested to meet with the Parks and Countryside Manager and work up a cost estimate, specifications for an outdoor play, location and feasibility and report back to a future meeting of the Royston and District Committee.

Mrs Liz Sim thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that she was speaking on behalf of the Royston Splash Park Group and presented a petition with over 1000 signatures ‘ We, the undersigned, petition North Herts District Council to install, maintain, fund or help gain funding for a Splash Park located in one of Royston's parks or another suitable location in Royston'

Mrs Sim advised the Committee that there was a lot of support for a Splash Play Area in Royston following the great success of such facilities in Baldock and Letchworth. The scheme in Royston would not need to be as large as Baldock but the major problem should such provision proceed to viable cost estimates would be the location. Petitioners had been more or less equally divided in a preference for either Priory Memorial Gardens or Therfield Heath, with a slight majority for the Heath location and all petitioners acknowledged that there were pros and cons for each location.

Mrs Sim presented a brochure to the Chairman which summarised all the main points concerning the provision of a Splash Play Area with outline costings.

In response to a question on costings Mrs Sim stated that one estimate was in the region of £70,000 and there would be annual costs to consider. It was also considered that costs could be influenced by location as for example land owned by NHDC at York Way and Newmarket Road would limit costs to purchase, installation and maintenance with a reliable water supply being essential. Members agreed that small would be beautiful, there had been good community interaction, that the scheme should be achievable but much work would be needed to ascertain what could be attainable. Several Members thought that a Town Centre Location would be preferable as there would be benefit to independent shopkeepers, banks, fast food outlets and supermarkets in Royston.

The Committee were supportive of this community proposal and it was agreed that this scheme should be put forward for inclusion in the Green Space Strategy from 2014 to 2019 and agreed that a feasibility study would be needed to look at all options of providing a Splash Play Area in Royston, including location.


(1)That Mrs Sim be thanked for the presentation and the dossier of possible Water Play Schemes that could be installed in Royston;

(2)That Mrs Sim be thanked for the presentation of a petition with over 1000 signatures entitled ‘‘ We, the undersigned, petition North Herts District Council to install, maintain, fund or help gain funding for a Splash Park located in one of Royston's Parks or another suitable location in Royston'

(3)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to note the wishes of the Royston Committee for the provision of a Splash Park in Royston within the Green Space Management Strategy from 2014 to 2019;
Agreed  Parks & Countryside Development Manager

Appendix A

The Parks and Countryside Manager (PCM) referred the Committee to the Briefing Note from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure tabled at the meeting which stated the essential need for external investment in order to complete the proposed schemes for the next five years. Consequently this would only be possible by the demonstration of genuine community support for each scheme as per the achievement in the last five years where £3.4M of external investment was used for green space improvement. It was therefore very important in the current financial climate to continue with this objective of achieving external investment for schemes, which must be affordable and meet the existing NHDC adopted policies and strategies. Without such an objective and much local community support it was very unlikely that external funding would be secured or schemes progressed.

The PCM presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services which sought the views of the Royston Committee on the Draft Green Space Management Strategy. The existing Strategy had provided the evidence base for the need for investment and contained action plans to deliver improvements across a wide range of sites in North Hertfordshire. The Strategy had given the Council the opportunity to apply for external grants and in five years from 2009 to 2014 there had been in excess of £3,420.000 external investment. The PCM advised that for every £100 spent NHDC had provided £30. Improvements in Royston were at Priory Memorial Gardens and Burns Road BMX track. The PCM advised the Committee that Cabinet on 18 June 2013 (Minute 14 refers) had sought the views of the five Area Committees on the draft strategy.

The PCM referred the Committee to Appendix A which was the Draft Green Space Strategy for the next five years and described to the Committee the five main aims of the Strategy.

By way of a brief summary the PCM advised the Committee that recent studies had shown that there was good scientific evidence that urban parks contributed to human and social wellbeing. People greatly valued local green spaces, from parks and gardens, ,sports pitches and recreation grounds to woodland and playgrounds which was confirmed by a MORI survey in 2012 where nine out of ten adults identified parks, playgrounds and green spaces as contributing to a good place to work and live. Also, that in the past five years there had been an increase in customer satisfaction relating to green space with a 19 per cent increase in usage which was amplified in Section 5.1 of the Strategy. It was clear that quality green space would continue to play a vital role in sustaining and improving local communities, but it was widely recognised that for the next five years at least Local Authorities would face an ever increasing constraint on finances for providing services to local communities. This Draft Green Space Management Strategy recognised the importance of ‘living within our means' and this would be enhanced by co-operation with external agencies such as Groundwork Hertfordshire and the Countryside Management Service and close ties to the local community in order to secure external funding which would supplement a limited NHDC Capital Investment programme. The proposed investment over the next five years for the total capital investment from NHDC resources was £3.316M which was a reduction of £1.62M from the previous five years.

The PCM advised that the five year action plan included a reduced investment programme which would focus on health and safety issues at cemeteries and essential investment to meet local community needs at a local level in neighbourhood parks and amenity green space. Also, that it was well recognised that green space can help to mitigate against climate change with the Forestry Commission stating that trees in towns reduced the urban heat island by up to seven per cent.

The PCM completed his presentation by stating that it should be recognised that even if the proposed strategy was adopted and that a reduced investment whilst appropriate and essential in the short term it would not be sustainable in the long term and the benefit of green space would quickly fall away.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Manager for the information provided on the Draft Green Space Management Strategy and invited questions and or comments from the Committee.

There ensued a short discussion on the five year plan approaching completion and the comment by Members that there had been a relatively small amount of expenditure in Royston compared to the other three towns in North Hertfordshire, even though the investment at the Burns Road BMX track had been very important as evidenced by the increased usage and national recognition. A Member reminded the Committee that a lot of green space improvement work in Royston had been achieved in the last ten years. The PCM responded that the Strategy had to cover all of North Hertfordshire and there were not many sites remaining in Royston per se that could be considered, and that Royston Cemeteries, Newmarket Road Play Area Entrance and enhancement of wheeled sports provision, Serby Avenue Play Area were included in the next five years programme.

Despite previous support to projects in Royston, Members were agreed that additional finance should be allocated to Royston for Green Space Improvement in the next five years. With this request in mind the Committee strongly supported the proposal for a Splash Park as evidenced by the signed petition and the use of the Baldock and Letchworth Water Splash Play areas by Royston residents which confirmed the desire and need for such a facility in Royston.

It was agreed that the best way forward was to request a feasibility study covering all aspects to implement a Splash Park at an approved location in Royston within the next five year span of the Green Space Management Strategy. Other requirements that should proceed were larger slides and larger swings in the play areas to be upgraded or refurbished. Despite the possible funding of an outdoor fitness area in or near a current play area from the Royston Committee and County Councillor locality budgets it was considered that this scheme should be put forward as a scheme within the Strategy to allow access to external funding if possible.

The Committee also agreed that the renovation of the play area at Serby Avenue should be brought forward in the programme as soon as possible


(1)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be thanked for the presentation and that the Committee acknowledged the excellent work undertaken in the preparation of the Draft Green Space Management Strategy;

(2)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to note the wishes of the Royston Committee for the provision of a Splash Park in Royston within the Draft Green Space Management Strategy for 2014 0-2019;

(3)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to note the wishes of the Royston Committee for the provision of an outdoor fitness centre near to or in a play area in Royston within the Draft Green Space Management Strategy for 2014 - 2019;

(4)That the Community Development Officer be requested to liaise with the Parks and Countryside Manager to undertake the necessary preliminary investigations of the feasibility study and outline costs for the provision of a Splash Park in Royston and an outdoor fitness centre near to or in a play area in Royston, and place both within the Draft Green Space Management Strategy for 2014 - 2019;

(5)That the Parks and Countryside Manager be requested to report back to a future meeting of the Royston and District Committee with the outcomes of the preliminary investigations of the feasibility and cost estimates for the two schemes.

To allow the Parks and Countryside Manager present to Cabinet the wishes of the Royston and District Committee concerning additional schemes within the Draft Green Space Management Strategy at the meeting to be held on 24 September 2013.
Agreed  Leisure Projects Manager, Parks & Countryside Development Manager

Appendix A

The Scrutiny Officer (SO) advised the Committee that the NHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee had set up a Task and Finish Group that would review highway issues in North Hertfordshire. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 11 June 2013 (Minute 16 refers) had requested that the views of the five NHDC Area Committees be sought on highway issues in North Hertfordshire during the July 2013 cycle of meetings.

The Scrutiny Officer referred the Committee to Appendix A which presented the Scope for the Task and Finish Group and described the aims of the review which inter alia would: Identify HCC's responsibility for Highway Issues, understand the way in which NHDC Councillors fed into highways policy and operations, could communications be improved between all parties as this was thought to be a major issue and canvas the views of members in other Local Authorities in Hertfordshire.

The SO advised that it was recognised that a considerable amount of District Councillor's time could be expended on highway matters even though it was a County Council responsibility. The Task and Finish Group would seek the views of Members on service standards, consultation, information streams, the new highways liaison arrangements and highway issues generally. The SO then read out eight questions that would guide the discussion and the comments by Members is recorded at (2) 1 - 33 below.

The Chairman thanked the Scrutiny Officer for the introduction to the aims of the Task and Finish Group.


(1)That the Scrutiny Officer be thanked for the report and that the intentions of the Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues be noted;
(2)That the Scope of the Task and Finish Group on Highways Issues as presented at Appendix A be noted;
(3)That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to take note of the following issues and comments applicable to Highway Matters identified by Members of the Royston and District Committee:
1. Members broadly satisfied with performance of Hertfordshire Highways;
2. Road surface conditions are not perfect but overall very good;
3. Complaints are often about length of time taken to effect repairs especially potholes;
4. Some residents often frustrated by responses from Highways
5. Some residents need to be advised of the reasons for quick and temporary repairs undertaken in the winter period;
6. Some residents need to be made aware of the procedures for repairs to potholes;
7. There are regular briefings for County Councillors from Ringways on highway issues;
8. It should be acknowledged that Ringway were only nine months into their contract;
9. One Member considered that road conditions were not good in rural areas, but the majority of Members opined that rural road conditions were acceptable;
10. One Member was not impressed with Ringway's performance in some of the rural areas near Royston, but other Members considered that the new contractor had performed reasonably well to date;
11. Response by Highways ‘automatic on line response' stating that repairs are complete is not always correct as work may need be done later to say make final repair or that the utilities companies may be involved;
12. Problem for rural roads is large lorries and new large farm equipment;
13. Sometimes no reply to emails from Ringway after fault is reported;
14. Verge repairs are difficult to achieve;
15. Not always easy to get any feedback from Ringway after initial repair;
16. Sometimes a lack of response to fault reporting by Parishes;
17. Need more clarification for residents and Councillors on the potholes ‘ decision tree'
18. Fortunate that Royston Committee has two County Councillors to advise on highways matters and schemes;
19. Good advance notice of road works and closures;
20. Need to have internet presentation of works progress;
21. Request for confirmation of completion of second major repairs as an email response to original fault registration;
22. The effectiveness of the major overhaul of reporting procedure was acknowledged;
23. Need accurate reportage of repairs location;
24. There is a good procedure for reporting faults but needs to go further with the next steps;
25. Members were content with the JMP (two Committee Members had no experience of the JMP), but noted good progress with the Highways Locality Budget to date;
26. Not able to compare the JMP with the HLM as only one meeting to date of the HLM.
Note. The next meeting of the HLM is scheduled for Monday 7 October at the NHDC District Council Offices commencing at 7.30 p.m.
27. Need more information on reasons for road closures;
28. Suggestion to have a regular information sheet (on NHDC website?) similar to the NHDC Grounds Maintenance monthly update and similar to the CCTV reportage in MIS;
29. Suggest that reporting (28 above) is broken down into the five areas of the NHDC Area Committees;
30. Suggest that emails on highways repairs that go direct to the resident might be copied to District Councillors and Town/Parish Clerks as well as the County Councillor;
31. Some Members considered that there should be more advance notice on the highways works programme;
32. Need updates on performance targets for potholes, street lighting that was given to the JMP to be given to Area Committees;
33. Need access to all Ringway performance data.

To provide the Scrutiny Officer with comments and observations on highways issues in North Hertfordshire that would be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group.
Agreed  Scrutiny Officer


The Chairman introduced this item and with the Committee's agreement proposed to record in these Minutes outline details of highway schemes and issues that would be funded through Highways Locality Budgets following a Highways Locality meeting held at Royston Town Hall on 24 July immediately prior to this Committee meeting.

County Councillor Fiona Hill - Royston Division - Highways Locality Budget
Phase 1 Schemes:
Shaftesbury Way
Suffolk Road
Haydock Road
Stamford Avenue
Lime Grove
Shepherd Close and The Shires (footpaths)

Phase 2 Schemes:
Waiting restrictions:
Maple Way
Lumen Road
Roads off Burns Road
Redwing Rise
Studlands/Newmarket Road
Melbourn Road/Half Acre
Titchmarsh Close/Farrier Court

Other Schemes:
Improvements to Royston High Street
Lighting in Newmarket Road

County Councillor Tony Hunter - North Herts Rural Division - Highways Locality Budget
Phase 1 Scheme:
Pedlars Lane, Therfield

Phase 2 Schemes:
Reed - Jackson Lane, verge damage and verge protection
Reed - Church Lane - verge protection with grasscrete
Barkway - Village signs

There is also a joint Phase 2 scheme under investigation from both Royston and North Herts Rural Highways Locality Budgets, with regard to junction improvements on the A505/Ashwell Road ‘Odsey Turn'. Consultation is taking place with the Cambridge County Councillor and between Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire County Council's Highways officers.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. He updated the Committee on and gave a brief summary of the activities with which he had been involved since the last meeting on 5 June 2013 with details on the following:

Royston BMX Track
The CDO advised the Committee that the track was formally opened on 7 July 2013 by Oliver Heald MP with races for 171 riders from BMX clubs as far way as Peterborough, Ipswich and Norwich. The new track complied with national BMX standards and formed part of the important legacy from the 2012 Olympic Games.

Royston Cinema
This cinema re- opened on 1 July 2013 - one hundredth anniversary to the day - with support of £36,685 from NHDC using Section 106 Planning Gain monies. The CDO advised the Committee that Section 106 monies could not be used for the refurbishment of the toilets but he would make further investigation as to the use of Section 106 monies allocated to the cinema.

Barkway Pavilion
The CDO advised that there had been slow progress towards achieving the target of £140K to finance the cost of replacing the football pavilion. The availability of £50K from the Council's PACIF Rural Grants Fund in 2010 had expired in April 2013 with an extension to the end of July 2013 and £50K from other sources. In order to meet the shortfall officers were working with the Football Foundation ‘Build the Game' fund in order to submit a grant application for the outstanding monies.

The CDO confirmed that he attended the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation Funding Fair and responded with the Letchworth CDO to many enquiries about the availability of grants in North Hertfordshire.

The CDO took Members through the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budget, together with up-to-date figures for the Memoranda of Understanding as presented at Appendix A.

Grant Funding
The Committee considered the grant application from Barkway Parish Council for the sum of £500, towards the cost of office equipment, display items and worktops and cabinets for the Barkway Parish Reading Rooms.

The Committee considered the grant application from the NHDC Childrens' Services Team for the sum of £960 towards the costs of supporting the Hang Out Tuesday Drop in Centre.

Determination of these grant applications is recorded at Minutes 26 and 27 below.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for presenting the report and for his hard work for the people of Royston and surrounding area and it was suggested that the CDO should investigate further schemes or projects that might be funded in total or in part by Section 106 monies.

There were no other items raised or highway matters discussed.

(1)That the Committee thanked the Community Development Officer (CDO) and endorsed the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

(3)That the updates on Royston BMX track, Royston Cinema and Barkway Pavilion be noted.

(1)To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2)To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

(3)The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(4)The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

(5)Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - AF


RESOLVED: That the sum of £500 be granted towards the cost of office equipment, display items and worktops and cabinets for the Barkway Parish Reading Rooms.
Deferred  Community Development Officer - AF


Councillor Fiona Hill advised the Committee that she would not participate in the determination of this Grant application as she had previously allocated funds from her HCC Locality Budget to the Drop in Centre.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £960 be granted towards the costs of supporting the Hang Out Tuesday Drop in Centre in Royston.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - AF


1. Royston Day Centre
Councillor Bill Davidson reported that this facility was operating well and that there were some 35 to 40 clients using the centre but not all at the same time.

2. Coombes Community Centre
Councillor Bill Davidson reported that all was proceeding well until ceiling tiles fell down and the hall had to be closed under Health and Safety legislation. It was hoped to re-secure the tiles soon and re-open the centre.

3. Royston and District Volunteer Centre
Councillor Jean Green reported that the Manager had prepared a new programme following feedback from other volunteers. This group was very good and were in receipt of a few grant applications.

Published on Thursday, 8th August, 2013