Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 19th July, 2010 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 14th June, 2010 Time: 7.30 pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.E. Weeks(Chairman), Councillor A.D. Young(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton, Councillor M.R.M. Muir
 IN ATTENDANCE: Louise Symes (Project Manager, Planning Control)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 8 members of the public, including the 4 registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Data/Baldock and District Committee/201007191930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 March 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201007191930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 May 2010 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no notification of any other business to this Committee Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending this first Baldock and District Committee Meeting of the Civic Year 2010/2011.

He confirmed that the Committee list on the published Agenda was wrong, and that for the current Civic Year it should read Councillor M. Weeks (Chairman) and Councillor A. D. Young (Vice-Chairman). The Chairman then put on record his thanks to Councillor Ian Knighton for his term as Chairman of the Baldock and District Committee.

The Committee were advised that the items on the published Agenda would be supplemented by a late item (Item 8), which was a report entitled Baldock Parking Review, and would be introduced by the NHDC Planning Projects Manager. This item would be taken before Item 7, Champion News and Finance Report 2010/2011.

The Chairman stated that a late grant funding application had been submitted by Andy Bigby of the Baldock Community Centre and that although Mr Bigby had not formally registered to speak at the Committee Meeting, the Chairman's Discretion would be exercised, enabling him to address the Members to put his case.

The Chairman then reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of the relevant item on the Agenda.

1) Gary Leask of Youth Connexions thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he had brought with him Mark Batt from the organising committee who would speak on the subject of the Baldock Youth BFestival if any clarification was required. Mr Leask reminded the Committee that the first BFestival had been a great success in 2009, and that the organisers had received many requests to put on another one, which they were now in the process of arranging. The event would take place on 10 July 2010, and the theme would be "BFest - Be Safe", with the festival being dedicated to the memory of Jake Chapman, the schoolboy who had been involved in a fatal road traffic accident outside the Baldock Arena. Mr Leask explained that a number of safety aspects for young people were already being organised in schools, including: driving and texting; riding bicycles safely; and a safety DVD with which the Police were involved and which listed reaction times. On the day of the BFestival, there would be several activities: a 5-a-Side Football Tournament for the Jake Chapman Cup; two stages - one with local bands and the other with local talent; the Police would have a stall with a road safety theme and the Fire Service would demonstrate how to cut somebody out of a car after a road traffic accident; the Health Bus would be on site, with staff giving out information and giveaways on general and sexual health. A licence for a larger event had been applied for, as 500 people had attended last year and 600 to 700 young people were expected this year. The event would be staffed by Youth Connexions, the young people of the Youth Council and security staff, and the Baldock and District Committee had been approached with a view to donating funds towards payment of the security staff, as the majority of funds had already been earmarked or raised. A music licence with conditions had been granted by the Environmental Health, with the volume not being stipulated, but the music had to cease by 10pm and local residents would be individually informed of this before the BFestival. Mr Leask thanked the Committee for their attention, and the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, wished him, Youth Connexions and the other organisers the very best of luck with the event.

2) Councillors Muir, Knighton, Weeks and Kirkland all declared a personal interest in this item, as they were members of the Baldock Town Twinning Association. They would join in the debate and vote at the appropriate time. Mr Humphrey Pickering of Baldock Town Twinning Association (BTTA) addressed the Committee and thanked them for giving him the opportunity to present to them the work of the BTTA. He went through the history, background and purpose of the Association (to foster understanding between communities, to share national cultures and to breakdown barriers of culture and language. Baldock has been twinned with Eisenberg in Germany for 23 years and Sanvignes-les-Mines for 13 years and the benefits include better international understanding; languages learned in a casual, non-stressful way; appreciation of foreign culture and cuisine being fostered and firm friendships forged. Mr Pickering explained that the BTTA is largely self-financing and that all net income is spent on hosting and entertaining their twinning visitors. The BTTA are now planning ahead to take advantage of the 2012 Olympics by inviting both twin towns to visit Baldock (they usually visit on alternate years) in August and to attend a few Olympic events with them. It is anticipated that around 100 visitors will visit Baldock on that occasion. The budget required is £15,000 and £10,000 of this can be achieved by the BTTA. It is hoped to obtain some sponsorship, and Mr Pickering hoped that the Baldock and District Committee would consider offering assistance of some kind. He added that steps were being taken to recruit new members and hosts via pupils at Knights Templar School. The Committee discussed this presentation, and agreed to give due consideration to this matter when raised in 2012. The Chairman thanked Mr Pickering for his interesting presentation.

3) Councillor Muir declared a personal interest in this item as a member of the Local History Society. He stated that he would stay in the room and vote at the appropriate time. Mrs Eileen Kenning of Baldock Museum and the Local History Society thanked the Chairman for allowing her to speak to the Baldock and District Committee regarding the hosiery firm of Kayser Bondor. She went through her background as a teacher in Stevenage and explained that she had a passion for recording the stories and experiences of ordinary people who had lived through extraordinary periods in the past. She was fascinated with the story of Kayser Bondor from its beginnings in 1928 through time until the mid-1050s, which had been on the site now occupied by Tesco Stores at the top of Baldock High Street and she would like to make the story into a film. She had already spoken to at least one former Kayser Bondor worker who had a number of black and white photographs which could be used. It was anticipated that the film could be shown at the Baldock Community Centre, and in local schools. Mrs Kenning explained that the grant application for £500 made to the Committee was to hire experts (lighting, sound, direction). She was keen to capitalise on what was already available. She then showed a few minutes of a film made previously entitled "John Cronin's Story - Flying Sailor" which documented John Cronin speaking of how he joined the Royal Navy and then the Fleet Air Arm in 1944. This was the sort of treatment she anticipated using on the Kayser Bondor story, to "put history on DVD". The Chairman thanked Mrs Kenning for her presentation, and explained that the grant applications would be considered later on the Meeting Agenda.

4) Mrs Rebecca Jenkins from Christchurch Baldock Tea and Tots addressed the Committee and thanked them for giving her the opportunity to speak to them. She explained that the organisation had a maximum of 35 adults and over 45 children and babies. They enjoyed a favourable standing in the community and good relationships with carers and parents of toddlers and babies. The service that they provided was a good stepping stone for children to learn social skills and how to share their toys, as well as providing support for new parents. An interactive story time was provided, proving a challenge to the volunteers leading the sessions and it was for this that a discreet headpiece microphone was required, to enable the storyteller to communicate effectively. Mrs Jenkins explained that they were a voluntary organisation, funded by an entry fee which funded hall hire, refreshments and the occasional replacement of equipment. On being questioned, Mrs Jenkins declared that the organisation was more than happy to share the equipment with the community at large, as long as it was properly stored and cared for. The Chairman thanked Mrs Jenkins for addressing the Committee, and declared that the grant application would be debated later on the Agenda.

5) Councillors Knighton, Weeks and Kirkland all declared a personal interest in this item, as they were on the Management Board of Baldock Community Centre. Mr Andy Bigby thanked the Chairman for using his discretion to allow him to address the Committee. He declared that the Community Centre required updating and he was appealing to the Baldock and District Committee for funds to obtain two heavy picnic tables for the patio area behind the Community Centre. A leather sofa was also required to help update the reception area and make it more comfortable. The Management were planning to obtain a wifi and a music centre in the future, but plans were being made for fundraising through a quiz night arranged for 4 September, a champagne breakfast, an attic sale, etc. It was intended to enhance the garden and better outside furniture was required to ensure more use. To try and ensure that people continued to come and use the Community Centre, it was hoped to create a coffee culture. The Chairman thanked Mr Bigby for speaking to the Committee, and informed him that his application would be debated later on the Agenda.

As agreed, this item was taken before Champion News. The Chairman invited the Planning Projects Manager (PPM) to address the Committee on the Report of the Corporate Manager for Strategic Planning and Enterprise. She explained that scoping reports for the town-wide parking reviews for each of the towns in North Hertfordshire were being prepared one by one in accordance with the adopted NHDC Parking Strategy, beginning with Baldock. She took Members through the report which set out the programme, explaining that various areas were included, and pointed out that the budget figure of £65,000 would not cover all the suggested Zones identified in the Report. She stated that she would return in September to find out the Baldock and District Committee's choice for issues to be progressed following completion of the necessary background on-street survey work to be undertaken during the summer.

Referring to items in paragraph 3.4, the PPM explained that issues in Category 1 identified as part of the Town Centre Enhancement Review list presented to the Committee on 9th March 2010 would be picked up as part of the work on the town-wide review. These items could be viewed as ‘hot spots' to be taken forward and this included relocation of the loading bay in Church Street as a priority.

Category 2 issues, identified under paragraph 3.5, were those which required careful consideration and the areas in question were those adjacent to the town centre and Baldock railway station.

Category 3 issues, identified under paragraph 3.6, covered zones further out of the town centre and would be considered if the funding was available.

She asked the Baldock and District Committee for their views.

The Committee discussed the report and their comments and proposals covered: dealing with the ‘hot spots' identified under Category 1 issues before charges were brought in for the Twitchell car park; every road in the Category 1 area to be reviewed; requesting the PPM to bring costings done of charges to be implemented in the Twitchell; and how much would be spent on investigation and how much on implementation of parking restrictions in the various zones. The PPM advised that costs were to be kept low by research being done in-house, but she also advised that consideration needed to be given to the type of restriction, as the more restrictions proposed through Traffic Regulation Orders, the higher the cost of signage. Members expressed concerns that the feasibility study may cost so much that there would be little money left to implement the recommendations, as the feasibility study needed to consider the appropriate restrictions requested by different residents at different times of the day; identifying which streets cause problems from the residents' point of view. Members were asked to concentrate on Zones 1 to 3.

The Planning Projects Manager confirmed that she would come back with implementation costs, information on expected income from car parks and how much could be achieved by £65,000, to the next meeting of the Baldock and District Committee on 19 July 2010. She also confirmed that she would inform the Parking Services Manager at the Members request, that enforcement would have to be stepped up of these proposed TROs and that the on-street survey work would start as soon as possible, in Zones 1 and 2.

She was requested to also bring to the meeting information on what extra could be done with £10,000 from the Herts County Council Discretionary Budget. Members also requested an investigation into whether a 3 tonne weighting limit or an all night parking restriction could be applied to the loading bays outside the Zeus Hotel and the White Horse, as lorries regularly parked there and stayed overnight.

Members then debated the necessity of holding a Special Meeting in February 2011, to accord with the indicative work programme set out at Appendix A to the Report. The Committee and Member Services Officer was tasked with investigating whether it would be possible to omit the Committee Meeting on 10 January and consider the possibility of combining this with the one on 7 March 2011 to a meeting date in February 2011. The response would be relayed to the Chairman and the Committee shortly.

The Chairman thanked the Planning Projects Manager for her hard work on behalf of the residents of Baldock.
1) That the Baldock and District Committee's views on parking issues in Baldock be reported to officers;

2) That the Committee agree the scope for the review in line with those issues described as Category 1 and 2, i.e. as listed under paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the report;

3) That the Committee endorse the indicative programme for the review as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;

4) That officers report to the Baldock Area Committee on progress with the Parking Review for Baldock;

5) That the Planning Projects Manager come back with implementation costs, information on expected income from car parks and how much could be achieved by the sum of £65,000, to the next meeting of the Baldock and District Committee on 19 July 2010;

6) That the Planning Projects Manager also bring to the Committee Meeting on 19 July 2010, information on what extra could be done with £10,000 from the Herts County Council Discretionary Budget and the results of an investigation into the possibility of controlling overnight lorry parking in the loading bays outside the Zeus Hotel and the White Horse;

7) That the Committee and Member Services Officer investigate the possibility of postponing the Committee Meeting on 10 January and combining it with that of 7 March on a date in February 2011;

8) That the Planning Projects Manager be thanked for her work on behalf of the residents of Baldock.

To ensure the Parking Review for Baldock has an agreed scope and can be delivered within the planned programme and that the issues for consideration are recorded as early as possible.
Appendix 1 - Budget spreadsheets
Appendix 2 - Highways Work Programme
Appendix 3 - Area Committee Work Programme
Appendix 4 - Baldock - Calendar of Events
Appendix 5 - Grant Application - Baldock Teas and Tots
Appendix 6 - Grant Application - Baldock Town Youth Football Club
Appendix 7 - Grant Application - Baldock Community Assoc
Appendix 8 - Grant Application - Bfestival
Appendix 9 - Grant Application - Baldock Museum

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District took the Committee through the report of the Head of Policy, Partnerships and Community Development.

He confirmed that all the events arranged by the Baldock Town Partnership had been co-ordinated by Murray Fastier, the Town Centre Manager (TCM) and the CDO. These have been very successful, and in the near future an initiative to raise awareness of the Baldock Town Partnership will be started in nearby villages, including Bygrave, Radwell and Hinxworth, including also Stotfold Town Council. The CDO pointed out the amount of work done for Baldock by the TCM, who is still part time. He mentioned that some budgets were unspent and there were also unspent funds linked to the Baldock Town Centre Enhancement which had never been taken back.

The Committee discussed the report, mentioning that Mr James Lunnon who ran the Baldock Town Partnership (BTP) tended to support it with his business and that the BTP would come to a halt without him. It was imperative that more support should be found for the Partnership.

The point was raised that the TCM is retained to work just three days per week and is the only Town Centre Manager who is part-time. Baldock would benefit from his full-time support - which could be achieved with financial help from the Baldock and District Committee.

The Chairman asked the CDO to investigate the exact sum required to fund the TCM and report back to the Committee at the next Meeting on 19 July 2010.

Members discussed the possibility of donating the sum of £1,000 to BTP to assist in the short term, subject to the figures brought back to the Committee by the CDO and to then consider offering further assistance in the future. This was proposed and seconded by Members, providing the rules to be investigated by the CDO allowed. The split was agreed three ways in the usual percentage.

Members then discussed the grant applications whose presentations had been made earlier in the meeting, and agreed that:

 £1,000 be awarded to the Baldock Youth Council to give financial assistance for the BFestival for 13-19 year olds, to be held on 10 July 2010. This sum would be split as usual between all Wards;
 The Committee give due consideration to awarding financial assistance to the Baldock Town Twinning Association when requested in 2012 to help with hosting visitors from Eisenberg and Sanvignes-les Mines;
 Due to the large sum of money already accrued by the Baldock Museum and Local History Society for this project, the Committee decided to award the sum of £250 for the creation of a video showing the impact made by Kayser Bondor in Baldock. This would be split between Baldock Town and Baldock East Wards;
 A Fast Track grant of £350 be awarded to Christchurch Baldock Tea and Tots to assist with the purchase of discreet amplification equipment, with the condition that it is offered for use by other community groups using the Church Hall;
 The grant application from Baldock Town Youth Football Club for funds to assist in the purchase of kit and equipment for Under 7s and Under 8s teams was deferred for clarification at the next meeting on 19 July 2010. The clarification was required as to whether the teams were already established or were about to be set up, and this would affect the criteria;
 A last-minute grant application was presented to the Committee for £1,500 for the purchase of two new environmentally friendly picnic tables for the garden and a leather sofa for the Reception area of Baldock Community Centre. This was split as follows: Baldock East Ward - £150, Baldock Town Ward - £1,350.

Finally, the Baldock and District Committee went through the Highways Works Programme and after some debate the Committee agreed to contribute £500 towards a feasibility study for the proposed crossing at Weston Way, Baldock.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his presentation and efforts on behalf of the residents of Baldock.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the Committee considers the allocation of uncommitted budget balances prior to the end of the financial year, as outlined in Appendix 1;

3) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for the Baldock and District area be endorsed;

4) That £1,000 be awarded to the Baldock Town Partnership to provide financial assistance subject to the figures brought back to the Committee by the CDO and to then consider the possibility of offering further assistance in the future;

5) That the following Fast Track grant be considered and granted:
 £350 to Christchurch Baldock Tea and Tots;

6) That the following grant applications be considered and agreed:
 £1,000 to the Baldock Youth Council;
 £250 to Baldock Museum and Local History Society;
 £1,500 to Baldock Community Association;
 £500 towards a feasibility study for the proposed pedestrian crossing at Weston Way, Baldock.

The allocation of funds would improve the services provided by the local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by various members of the community.
Published on Friday, 2nd July, 2010
10.10 p.m.