Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 20th November, 2013 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 18th September, 2013 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Council, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor Tony Hunter and Councillor Gerald Morris.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Mary Caldwell - Development and Conservation Manager
Alan Fleck - Community Development Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: Royston Town Councillor Bob Smith
Geraint Burnell, Royston Town Manager
Jane Shipley, Young Enterprise
Beth Holmes, Young Enterprise
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Robert Inwood.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201311201930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 July 2013 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman. She stated that the Green Space Management Strategy would be on the Agenda for the next Cabinet Meeting on 24 September 2013.

No additional business was notified to the Chairman for discussion at this meeting.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting including Members of the Committee, NHDC officers, Royston Town Cllr Robert Smith and the speakers at Public Participation;

(2) She read out the following: "Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote."

Geraint Burnell, the Royston Town Manager, addressed the Committee on several issues, starting with the renewal for the Royston BID. He handed out literature on the Business Survey 2013, the BID Review 2009-2013 and the Royston First Update. Members were reminded that the first 5-year period of the BID would expire on 30 March 2014. The literature had been distributed to inform businesses and discover their views on whether they would like to continue for a second term from April 2014 to 2019. The questionnaires had now been collected and results were currently being analysed, together with the results of on-street surveys which had been conducted over three days. The Business Plan and Prospectus for the BID renewal was to be drafted once the results of the analysis had been gathered, and they would be presented to Cabinet on 10 December 2013. If Cabinet give their approval, a vote will take place in January 2014.

The Town Manager gave details of the projects currently active. These were:

- Royston Picture Palace
- Parking scratch cards
- Royston Visitor Centre
- Youth projects
- Cleaning town centre streets
- Light penetrable dressing for empty shops
- Digital signs at the Royston gateways - in collaboration with Herts Highways.

The Chairman thanked the Town Manager (TM) for his informative presentation and for his hard work on the Royston Picture Palace. The Committee raised points such as: provision of a LCD sign for the cinema (no, the best that can be afforded is now up); definition of a boutique cinema (with comfortable chairs and tables); the method of using fire gel to scare off pigeons (the gel resembles fire to pigeons); what was the plan for expanding the scratch card scheme so parents can use them to park in Royston town centre? The TM explained that as well as the Free After Three scheme, it was planned to introduce a free hour's parking in the mornings. In order to promote the Royston Cave, Royston Museum and the Heath, it was thought feasible to establish a Royston Visitor Centre in the vicinity of Royston Cave. Funds could be found for attendants to work in the Visitor Centre five mornings a week on tours etc. Youth shelters were envisioned near the skateboard park and the Community Development Officer (CDO) was currently working on this. A campaign was being launched for a joint schools minibus, as the one currently in use was near the end of its life. The TM advised that there was a budget available for deep cleaning the pavement in Fish Hill and Jepps Lane, together with seats and bins. In addition, there was a new system for dressing empty shop fronts, which is light penetrable and appears to be a shop. As for the Royston gateway signs, Royston First advocates digital signs on some of the main approaches to Royston, but this will probably be completed in 2014/2015 and Royston First would allocate a budget to this scheme.

Councillor Hunter observed that Herts County Council and North Herts District Council had been involved in the refurbishment of Angel Pavement, but now street furniture was required in the area. The TM replied that the only items under consideration in Angel Pavement were litter bins and maybe a sculpture of some sort.

The Chairman thanked Mr Burnell for his address and the excellent ideas presented to the Committee. She observed that if showed how much could be achieved by team work.


(1) That Geraint Burnell, Royston Town Manager, be thanked for his work on the Royston BID with Royston First, and for the preparations he is working on for the BID Renewal in 2014, subject to approval from Royston businesses and Cabinet on 10 December 2013;

(2) That the Royston Town Manager be thanked for his work on behalf of the residents of Royston and for presenting the Committee with an update.

Jane Shipley thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Royston and District Committee and introduced her colleague Beth Holmes. She explained that Young Enterprise is an educational charity and the majority of the programmes are run by volunteers for different age groups and durations during the academic year. These are split up into company-based and classroom-based programmes. The charity's mission statement is "to inspire and equip young people to learn and succeed through enterprise" and the organisation's motto is: "Start Something".

The young people with whom they work "Learn by Doing", forming their own companies with the aid of Business Advisors who help with cash flow, business plans, marketing etc. Some of them buy objects and sell them on for a profit, others obtain craft kits to make up and sell and yet others have been known to make objects in their Graphic Design Department for just 1p to sell on at £1.50.

Jane Shipley advised the Committee that there would be a Small Business UK event in Hitchin on 7 December 2013. Teachers at the schools involved in the programme have stated that the scheme encourages teamwork and discipline as well as being able to focus and improving their skills in English and Mathematics. Taking part in a Young Enterprise programme also broadens the students' outlook and provides activities and learning about economy and sound business decisions, as well as enabling them to share and work well together. It was emphasised that all students who had taken part in the past had benefited from the programme.

The programme has been rolled out across schools in Royston, Baldock and Ashwell and those that have already taken part are very keen to take part again by repeating last year's successful projects. Everybody is delighted with the success and sees it as a business link for their schools. Some schools can commit to a small amount of funds, and Jane Shipley was delighted to report that Johnson Matthey of Royston also supports Young Enterprise. She had come to the Royston and District Committee to request financial resources to enable the children to repeat their previously successful activities and results.

The Chairman thanked Jane Shipley for her excellent presentation and explained that the grant application relating to Young Enterprise would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 9.


(1) That Jane Shipley, Young Enterprise Manager be thanked for her informative presentation on the background, work and great success of the educational charity Young Enterprise;

(2) That Jane Shipley and her colleagues at Young Enterprise be congratulated on the excellent work they do with children of all ages in Royston schools.
Appendix 1

The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) introduced the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, the first for 15 months and explained the background and purpose of Section 106 agreements and Unilateral Undertakings.

She explained that justified contributions would be sought as appropriate and that the situation is very different from 2006. it is extremely difficult to obtain Section 106 monies, as developers often challenge distribution and inspectors do not always accept them. The DCM declared that capital projects are always justified but it is necessary to be aware of which capital projects are required. If seeking to improve facilities, these are justified.

The Committee were informed that the Appendix showed Section 106 monies which had been received and where they had been allocated. Paragraph 8.12 showed where contributions went in the last 12 months and 8.13 showed the likely spend for 2013. What the report did not include was the monies for Hertfordshire County Council (highways works, schools and libraries).

Finally, the DCM declared that the system outlined at paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 had been operating since 2012.

The Chairman remarked that the trail as to where money has gone should generally be more transparent. The DCM was asked whether parish councils are notified before or after monies are drawn down and she replied that she informed parish councils where the money is to be spent, with which they agreed. A specific capital project does not need to go to Ward councillors.

The Chairman proposed, and the Committee agreed, that this issue should be publicised in Outlook.

The Chairman thanked the Development and Control Manager for her informative presentation.


(1) That the contents of the report be noted;

(2) That a report continues to be presented on an annual basis to each of the Area Committees;

(3) That, other than where a contribution has been negotiated for a specific purpose or project, Ward Members of the area where Section 106 or Unilateral Undertaking funding is generated be consulted prior to allocation of funds to any project;

(4) That, other than where a contribution has been negotiated for a specific purpose or project, Ward Members of the area where Section 106 or Unilateral Undertaking funding is generated and the Area Committee be consulted prior to funding being allocated away from that area or from a village location to a town.


(1) To ensure that there is a robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106 and Unilateral Undertakings;

(2) To ensure that this is kept under constant review and that the risk associated with this activity is managed in an appropriate manner.

The Community Development Officer introduced this report and stated that in his opinion it should be taken as read, as it was for information only.

The Royston and District Committee agreed to note the report.


(1) That the report be noted;

(2) That Members support the approach whereby items acquired, and subsequently owned, by external organisations utilising grant funding should be treated equivalently to being on loan to the organisation in question, following a proportionate approach depending on value and a clear audit trail as described in paragraph 8.3.


As requested by Members, to inform Area Committees of the financial reporting approach to be taken with respect to grant funded purchases.

The Chairman introduced this item.

Matters raised were as follows:

- There has been an approach regarding reduction of the 40mph speed limit to 30mph. The 40 mph sign has now been moved further out to reflect the new Ivy Farm estate but some drivers are exceeding the speed limit. The Committee resolved to request a Police speed check and also to report that the speed activation sign appears to be faulty.

- Mill Road/Lumen Road. There has been representation regarding traffic and parking issues in the area. There have been discussions in the past regarding making the whole road into a one-way street, bearing in mind a current planning application and possible future applications. The Committee resolved that this should be investigated by Highways officers and considered by Planning officers.

The Chairman advised that a report on Phase 1 of the Highways Locality Budget 2014-2015 would be brought to the next Royston and District Committee Meeting on 20 November 2013.

RESOLVED: That a report on Phase 1 of the Highways Locality Budget 2014-2015 be brought to the next Royston and District Committee Meeting on 20 November 2013.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B2
Appendix C
Appendix C2
Appendix D
Appendix D2
Appendix E
Appendix F

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services. He updated the Committee on and gave a brief summary of the activities with which he had been involved since the last meeting on 24 July 2013 with details on the following:

Royston Town Council and Section 106/Unilateral Undertakings Payments

The CDO advised the Committee that the as mentioned in the Agenda report, a meeting was held just before the Royston and District Committee Meeting in the Committee Room, Royston Town Hall with some members of the Town and District Councils, the Town Clerk, the NHDC Committee Development Officer and Development and Conservation Manager to clarify any issues they had.

Royston Railway Underpass

Further to the CDO's report in the Agenda, he updated the Committee that the area would be cleaned during week commencing 22 September and that three new dog bins would be installed and maintained, at a cost of £300 each.

Titchmarsh Close/Farriers Court

The CDO revealed in his report that work regarding Traffic Regulation Orders were to commence in Farriers Court resulting from responses to the consultation held. However, there had been very little response to the consultation in Titchmarsh Close. This is very likely because the issue does not affect the whole road. The Committee resolved that further discussions should take place between officers and residents.

Other Work

There was no updating given to this section of the CDO's report in the Agenda.

Highways Matters

The CDO reminded the Committee that, as stated in his report, a new section on Highways Matters would be introduced in his report, rather than being an item on the Agenda.

The CDO took Members through the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budget, as presented at Appendix A. This included details of allocations in the Committee's base budget and carry-forwards which should be used before considering sums from this year's unallocated base budget.

Grant Funding

The Committee considered the grant application from Young Enterprise for financial support to ‘Learning by Doing' at Appendix B.

The Committee considered the grant application from the Royston and District Volunteer Centre to support unemployed people through volunteering, which was attached as Appendix C.

The Committee considered the grant application from the Rotary Club of Royston to support the Royston Technology Tournament, attached as Appendix D

Determination of these grant applications is recorded at Minutes 39, 40 and 41 below.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for presenting the report and for his hard work for the people of Royston and surrounding areas.


(1) That the Committee thanked the Community Development Officer (CDO) and endorsed the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

(2) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved, be noted;

(3) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry-forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

(4) That the Royston and District Committee considers making a grant award of £800 to Young Enterprise for ‘Learning by Doing';

(5) That the Royston and District Committee considers making a grant award of £1,200 to the Royston and District Volunteer Centre for supporting unemployed people through volunteering;

(6) That the Committee considers making a grant to the Rotary Club of Royston for the Royston Technology Tournament, but decides to defer the grant award until clarification has been obtained;

(7) That the Committee proposes a re-consultation regarding parking issues at Titchmarsh Close, due to a very low response rate.


(1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

(3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community;

(5) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District', in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Royston and District Committee on six occasions per annum, in line with the Civic calendar.

Councillors Fiona Hill and Tony Hunter advised the Committee that they would not participate in the determination of this grant application as they had also received an application to their HCC Locality Budgets from Young Enterprise.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £800 be granted to Young Enterprise to continue their programme of ‘Learning by Doing' throughout schools in Royston for the children and young people's own economic well-being and possible career choices.

Councillor Davidson declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as his wife, Royston Town Councillor Lindsay Davidson, is Chairman of the organisation. Councillor Jean Green declared a Disclosable Interest as she is a Trustee of the organisation. Both Members left the room for the debate and vote.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,200 be granted to the Royston and District Volunteer Centre to help support unemployed people through volunteering.

Councillors Fiona Hill and Tony Hunter advised the Committee that they would not participate in the determination of this grant application as they had also received an application to their HCC Locality Budgets from Rotary Club of Royston.

RESOLVED: That the allocation of funds toward supporting the Royston Technology Tournament be deferred until clarification has been obtained.

Royston Town Twinning Association

Councillor Jean Green advised the Committee that it would shortly be the 40th anniversary of the like with Grossalmerode, Germany and dates were awaited for the exchange visit.

Villanueva-de-la-Cañada, Spain would be coming over to Royston in September 2013 during the Royston Arts Festival and there would be an official welcome by the Mayor at The Heath on 27 September, followed by a dinner with members of the Royston Town Twinning Association.

La Loupe, France will be visiting Royston at the beginning of May 2014 and Royston will visit Villanueva-de-la-Cañada at the end of May 2014.
Published on Tuesday, 1st October, 2013