Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 22nd July, 2014 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 10th June, 2014 Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor David Leal - Bennett (Chairman), Councillor Deborah Segalini (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Frank Radcliffe, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith, Councillor Adrian Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: Katie White - NHDC Monitoring Officer
Steve Crowley - Contracts and Projects Manager
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Brendan Sullivan - Scrutiny Officer
Claire Morgan - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: County Councillor Derrick Ashley
Councillor Mrs C.P.A.Strong
Vaughan Watson - Head of Leisure and Environmental Services
Stuart Izzard - Community Development Officer

At commencement 28 members of the public including six registered speakers.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Simon Harwood, Alan Millard and Paul Clark.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201407221930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 March 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201407221930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 June 2014 as tabled at the meeting be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Following the signing of the Minutes the NHDC Monitoring Officer (MO) thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The MO advised that the Minutes were not sent to Members until 6 June due to an Internal Audit commissioned by the Monitoring Officer regarding the approval of a grant award to the Charlton Society (Minutes 87 and 88 refer). Problems had arisen following the meeting held on 4 March 2014 as although the grant award had been processed and paid to the Charlton Society in accordance with the Committee's resolution the Delegated Authority given to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance had not been implemented prior to the payment being made. The findings of the Internal Audit confirmed that the proper decision making process had been conducted by the Committee.

In response to a question the MO confirmed that the reason for the delay in issuing the Delegated Authority was due to an administrative oversight.

There were no items of other business raised at the commencement of the meeting.

(1)The Chairman welcomed Councillors Simon Harwood (apologies received) and Adrian Smith as Members of the Hitchin Committee and congratulated them on their election on 22 May 2014 and offered his and the Committee's thanks for the work and support to the Hitchin Community from Councillor Lisa Courts who was not re-elected and to Councillor Lawrence Oliver who did not stand for re-election.
(2)On behalf of the Committee the Chairman proposed and which was agreed a recorded a vote of thanks to the outgoing Chairman Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith and outgoing Vice - Chairman Councillor Richard Thake for their excellent work for the Hitchin Committee and the Hitchin Community.
(3)On behalf of the Committee the Chairman extended a warm welcome to Claire Morgan to her first meeting as Community Development Officer for Hitchin;
(4)The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, to those speaking at Public Participation and thanked those who attended Town Talk;
(5) The Chairman advised that there would be no presentations from:
3. Association of traditional Shokotan Karate
5. North Herts Samaritans
8. Move Hitchin (Hot House Dance)
and that there would be no grant applications from:
16. Association of traditional Shokotan Karate
21. Move Hitchin (Hot House Dance)
(6) Please note that as per the Chairman's Announcements (6) at the last Meeting concerning the disposal of NHDC assets. The Head of Finance Performance and Asset Management issued a clarification note to all Hitchin Councillors. The Committee Clerk had provided copy of the
Note to new Members.
(7) The Chairman read from a statement made by Councillor Simon Harwood who had tendered his apologies which thanked all those who had voted for him to represent Highbury Ward. Councillor Harwood stated that he would undertake the position with passion and enthusiasm, do what is right for Hitchin and he looked forward to working with all Members of the Hitchin Committee;
(8) The Chairman echoed the comments made by Councillor Harwood and wished to place on record his thanks for the cross party support at Annual Council on 5 June and his appointment as Chairman of the Hitchin Committee. With CouncillorDeborah Segalini as his Vice Chairman they would focus on what would be best for Hitchin with specific reference to Hitchin Town Hall, Bancroft Recreation Ground and Churchgate. He would welcome comments and assistance from all
Members, seek co-operation from everyone in Hitchin and it was essential to acknowledge that all Councillors were elected, even if for short periods and were accountable to all residents and would provide value for the services provided by North Herts District Council;
(9) Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosabl Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Mr Urbanowski thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and stated that he intended to set up with a group of individuals an American Flag Football Community project in Hitchin. The project would aim to support young people with behavioural difficulties or in danger of offending. and divert such individuals from anti - social behaviour. Approximately £1000 of personal finance had been used to purchase most of the equipment. However, it was very important to keep the cost of each session as low as possible and this was the reason for the grant application which would cover the initial cost of hiring an all season pitch newly laid at Hitchin Boys School in Hitchin. Mr Urbanowski advised the Committee that this would be a test project and that an open day had been very successful. The training project would be held in July, August and September on a Saturday from 1 pm to 2 pm and the first session would be free. Mr Urbanowski considered that the four matches of USA Professional Football in 2014 played here in the UK would promote the game, and that this project would be a positive step for young people. This was a no contact sport using flags and the wearing of the distinctive sports gear would attract teenagers.

Mr Urbanowski hoped that the Committee would look favourably on this grant application.


(1)That Peter Urbanowski be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 13.

Mrs Gill Shinkins thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The Bancroft Project had since 2003 provided a hot food, hot drinks and support service on a Sunday for homeless and disadvantaged people in Hitchin and North Herts. The Bancroft Project also provided a family fellowship in a friendly and homely atmosphere for rough sleepers through the provision of small packs of necessities, sports mentoring and counselling support as well as guidance on benefits, housing and employment matters.

Mrs Shinkins advised the Committee that the Bancroft Project had a very small amount of funding and was at risk of closing if the availability of funds ceased due to lack of public donations. At the moment the Bancroft provided its services at Bancroft Hall but there were insufficient reserves to cover the cost of the hall hire. The cost of hiring Bancroft Hall for two hours each Sunday was £910 for a full year. No charge was made for the food and drink and this was covered by donations to meet the weekly cost of £30.

In conclusion Mrs Shinkins hoped that the Committee would support the grant application and although there was no statistical evidence it was thought that the provision of hot food and drinks did have a positive effect on crime levels in Hitchin and North Herts.

Several Members expressed their support for this very important project and complimented the Bancroft Project on the work being done for homeless and disadvantaged people.


(1)That Gill Shinkins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 13.

The Chairman advised that this presentation had been deferred to the next scheduled meeting on 2 September 2014.

Ms Sharon Pennie and colleagues of the Early Days Play Group thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. The Early Days Play Group was based at the Westmill Estate and in the main provided play facilities for many children who lived in flats without access to play areas. An enhanced outdoor play area next to the playgroup building would be of great support for play in an imaginative, stimulating safe area. The Group were continually fundraising and so far had raised £1500. There was a suitable site for the play area but this parcel of land was in the ownership of Hertfordshire County Council and a lease agreement had to be made. To cover the rent of the Playgroup building parents paid £8 for each three hour session but over 90 per cent of the users were government funded.

Members expressed strong support for this essential service and acknowledged the importance of play for young children and this proposal had much merit and noted the potential delays to implementation due the requirement for the granting of a lease by the County Council.

A County Member suggested that when the grant application was discussed at Agenda Item 13 that a proviso could be made for a fall-back position to award the grant in principle before the next meeting depending on the granting of a lease by Herts County Council and that the grant would be made under the Delegated Authority Process.


(1)That Sharon Pennie and colleagues be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 13.

The Chairman advised that there would be no presentation from North Herts Samaritans but with the agreement of the Committee the grant application would be determined at Agenda Item 13.

Mr Tony Sudweeks thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was The Treasurer of the Hitchin Society. The Hitchin Society was the local co-ordinator for the national initiative of Heritage Open Days in Hitchin and surrounding villages. The Heritage Days would promote partnerships with local organisations and museums by opening venues that would not normally be open for visits from members of the public. The 2014 Heritage Days would be in the period 11 to 14 September and in 2013 visits be made to 16 venues plus two guided walks.

In order to meet the costs of promoting Heritage Days a grant application had been made to cover the costs of media advertising in Hertfordshire Life, The Comet and the printing of leaflets announcing the Open Days, Hitchin Society newsletters, and other Heritage Open Days websites. Mr Sudweeks stated that in the last two to three years it had been difficult to increase visitors. As ever the costs increased year on year and new initiatives cost more e.g. an A3 poster could cost some £200.

The Chairman thanked Mr Sudweeks for the presentation and a Member suggested that much more use could be made of the Internet and in particular their own website and The Chairman suggested that Hitchin Forum might be a possible source of expertise to assist with development of the website.


(1)That Tony Sudweeks be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 13

Mr Bob Harold thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was speaking on behalf of the Hitchin Quaker Meeting. Mr Harold confirmed that the two stretches of boundary walls to the Meeting House grounds needed repair and refurbishment with an overall project cost of £74,000. Most of these sections of boundary wall were probably built in the 19th Century and required re-pointing, replacement or repair of damaged (spalled) bricks and repairs to settlement cracks. Mr Harrold stressed that this type of repair work was done by experienced and specialist contractors. There was a measure of urgency to this remedial work as one stretch of the wall was next to a pedestrian footway in Bedford Road and the other stretch of wall overlooked the driveway to the adjacent Hitchin Christian Centre which was in regular use by pedestrians and car drivers. Consequently Mr Harrold opined that the Hitchin Quaker Meeting had a duty of care to ensure that these walls remained in a safe condition. Mr Harrold advised the Committee that £8000 would be sourced from their own funds and that all other raised funds would be underwritten by the Hertford and Hitchin Quaker Meeting.

Mr Harrold hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the grant request for £3000.

A member enquired if any Building Surveyors reports were available for inspection and Mr Harold advised that there were no specific surveyor's reports but there was a long and detailed report by a buildings expert.


(1)That Bob Harold be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 13

The Chairman advised that this item had been withdrawn.
Information Note

Declaration of an Interest:
The Chairman of the Hitchin Committee Councillor David Leal-Bennett advised that he had a Declarable Interest as he was a Director and Trustee of Hitchin Town Hall Limited and that he would leave the room for the duration of this item:

The Vice-Chairman of the Hitchin Committee Councillor Deborah Segalini advised that she would act as Chairman for this item.

The Contracts and Projects Manager (CPM) presented the Information Note of the Strategic Director of Customer Services which gave a project update and overview of the key tasks undertaken as part of the construction of the new North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility since December 2013 and up to the end of May 2014. The gymnasium had been stripped out and new ‘steels' placed for the two floors of the Museum and concrete slab for the first floor plus new drainage. The first step involving Mechanical and Electricals had been commenced. There would be regular photographic updates on the NHDC Flicker pages.

The CPM was pleased to confirm that the Council had recently received a grant of £914,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and this grant would be used to pay for the fit out of the North Hertfordshire Museum and a one year part time employment. The Museum Exhibition Designer made a presentation to the Arts Museum and Heritage Forum on 28 May on the proposals and the CPM advised that a main contractor would soon be appointed to undertake the Museum fit out.

The CPM explained that a briefing was held on 28 May with Councillors to present an update on current project issues, and further briefings could be arranged on request by any Councillor who was unable to attend.

The CPM referred the Committee to the Project Plan and confirmed that there had been no changes to the Project Plan since last reported on 4 March 2014 with the opening still on schedule for 22 June 2015.

A Member stated that there had been discussion during Town Talk about the Town Hall and what had been observed as works inside the building as everyone was aware that the building was Grade 2 listed. There had been many third party comments about recent works and retrospective planning applications for Listed Building Planning Consent. The CPM was aware of comments made by Members of the Public and explained that the NHDC Conservation Officer and Hitchin Area Planning Officer had been on site with the Council's lead Architect to discuss these issues and were satisfied with the process followed by the Council. The CPM also confirmed that the appointed architects were very experienced in the conversion of listed buildings and would ensure compliance with all the requirements of works to listed buildings. A Member stated that it would be very useful if future Information Notes could identify and comment on any listed building issues that had an affect on the completion of the works.

The Vice-Chairman commented that it would be helpful for all Councillors to have a guided tour of the construction site subject to Health and Safety requirements and preferably before the end of August. The CPM agreed with this proposal and would be able to make the necessary arrangements for a visit at a time when it was safe to do so and there would be a significant progress to view.

A Member questioned the number of planning applications to vary Building Consent and the CPM explained that the recent application for the Electrical and Mechanical works was in addition to the original Listed Building Consent but were not submitted by North Herts District Council and in response to a question the CPM confirmed that there had been no major variations. The CPM concluded his presentation by advising the Committee that on any development such as this there would be variations to the granted permission as was evidenced by asbestos removal and work at 14 and 15 Brand Street.

The Vice-Chairman thanked the Contracts and Projects Manager for the clarification on certain issues concerning the works at Hitchin Town Hall but wished to emphasise on behalf of the Committee that there still remained points for clarification and resolution both by Councillors and members of the public.


(1)That the Contracts and Projects Manager be thanked for the update on the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility;

(2)That the award of part of the Stage 2 Grant (£914,400) by the Heritage Lottery Fund be welcomed and noted.

(3)That the Contracts and Projects Manager be requested to make the necessary arrangements for the Hitchin Committee to undertake a visit to the construction site at Hitchin Town Hall to view progress on a date to be confirmed but before 31 August 2014.
Information Note

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (CDM) advised the Committee that the Heritage Lottery Foundation Board would meet on 24 June 2014 with the announcement of the grant award under the Stage 1 Lottery submission the following day.

The CDM confirmed that if a Stage 1 pass was awarded to the Council plus a minimum of 75 per cent of the grant then Cabinet on 24 June 2014 would be requested to instruct officers to proceed with a Stage 2 Application. However, if the Stage 1 Pass was not given or the funding offer was less than 75 per cent then officers would present alternative options to Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 5 August 2014.

The CDM referred the meeting to Tables 1 and 2 for a summary of expenditure and a summary of funding resources respectively. The Committee noted that BDP consultants had deemed it to be prudent to anticipate a grant of 75 per cent and if this was awarded then there would need to be a further capital provision of £132,000 that in turn would make the total capital investment £502,000 towards the £2,647,000 scheme. The CDM wished to place on record the thanks of the Portfolio Holder for Leisure for the £30,000 contribution from the Hitchin Committee.

The CDM advised the Committee in broad terms ongoing discussions with Hitchin Tennis Club and Hitchin Bowls Club and restated that Cabinet had not approved any public car parking within the boundary of Bancroft Recreation Ground.

A Member referred to the plan of the proposed works for Bancroft and questioned whether this was the indicative master layout plan agreed by Cabinet but could be amended if necessary. The CDM stated that this was the current plan as commissioned and prepared by BDP consultants following the latest phase of consultations. Much more emphasis had been placed on the development and enhancement of the River Hiz watercourse and there had been a vast increase in the formal play area.

Concern was raised again (Minutes Passim) about the validity and viability of the scheme if the current layout plan was not changed and Members sought confirmation that this was not the final layout. The Chairman looked forward to the announcement of the grant award as this could moderate the final layout and whether the HLF could place conditions on the grant award and sought support from the Committee and the people of Hitchin to ensure that the final result would be what the people of Hitchin wanted. The CDM advised that the HLF could request that NHDC should revisit the proposed scheme to clarify certain aspects.


(1)That the current information on progress with the Bancroft Recreation Ground Project be noted;

(2)That the Parks and Countryside Development Manager be thanked for all the hard work since the consultation period and the presentation of the grant application to the Heritage Lottery Foundation;

(3)That the announcement of the decision by the Heritage Lottery Foundation regarding the grant application on 25 June 2014 be noted.
Information Note

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman expressed their dismay at the non-attendance of an officer to present this Information Note.

A Member supported the view expressed by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman concerning the officer absence and remarked that unfortunately there appeared to be a standstill between the Council and Hammersmatch and that it was understood that the Council were awaiting further information from the Churchgate leaseholder. It was also suggested that the Hitchin Committee might act as an ‘honest broker' to drive this project forward and there should not be any issues that could not be resolved.

A Member wished to place on record that Hammersmatch had an extant three year planning permission for the refurbishment of Churchgate Shopping Precinct and that one three year permission for the same had expired without any detailed proposals submitted. Also, that there been no planning application from Hammersmatch for the Churchgate and Surrounding area.


(1)That the extreme disappointment of the Committee at the non-attendance of an officer to present this Information Note be made known to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance;

(2)That the information on discussions between NHDC and Hammersmatch be noted;

(3)That the potential presentation by Hammersmatch of their proposals for Churchgate and Surrounding Area to the Meeting of Council on 24 July 2014 be noted.
Information Note
Appendix A
Appendix B

The Scrutiny Officer (SO) advised the Committee that the details in this Information Note had been drawn in the main from the Hertfordshire County Council Speed Management Strategy and clarified that a 20 mph limit would be applied to a single road and a 20 mph zone would cover two or more adjacent roads. Additionally the introduction of any speed management measures could only be accepted if the Speed Management Strategy key criteria and Local Transport Plan objectives were met.

The SO stressed to the Committee that there was no application form to complete or record any proposed 20 mpg limits or 20 mph zones. Anyone could apply for a reduced speed limit in a road or zone but the process was as listed in the algorithm presented at Appendix A and according to the criteria at Appendix B.

Of equal importance was the source of funding to cover the costs of implementing a speed limit or a speed zone which could include; The Local Transport Plan; Section 106 monies; External funding from the District Council, Town Councils and Parish Councils; Hertfordshire County Council Locality Budgets. Other funding streams within the Local Transport Plan included; Casualty Reduction, Mode Share to School; Increasing Cycle Trips and Quality of Life.

The SO concluded his presentation by stating that there was no timetable put forward by the County Council and that it was clear that the process for the application for a 20mph road or 20 mph zone was likely to take a considerable amount of time.

A Member proposed that any application for speed restrictions would be more successful if a group of roads in Hitchin were proposed rather than a single zone and that funding could be sought from the Hitchin North and Hitchin South County Councillor Locality Budgets.

Following a short discussion it was agreed that the best way forward was to proceed with a zone of roads proposed for Bearton Ward Hitchin and that Hitchin Members should be encouraged to put forward roads or zones to their County Councillor.


(1)That the information on how to apply for a 20 mph limit or 20 mph zone and the assessment process be noted;

(2)That the sources of funding for such limits or zones from County Councillor Locality Budgets and if appropriate from Area Committee Ward budgets be noted;

(3)That County Councillors Judi Billing and Derrick Ashley be advised of the wishes of the Hitchin Committee to proceed with the application for 20 mph limits in the following roads in Beaton Ward, Hitchin:
1.Lancaster Road
2.Lancaster Avenue
3.York Road
4.Bunyan Road
5.Dukes Lane
6.Florence Street
7.Kings Road
8.Alexandra Road
9.Brampton Park Road
10.Balmoral Road
11.Dacre Road
12.Radcliffe Road
13.Whitehurst Road
14.Wilton Road
15.The north end of Ickleford Road
16.Baliol Road
That the following roads be considered as traffic calming measures would not be required to enforce 20 mph limits:
1.Bearton Road
2.Stormont Road
3.Periwinkle Lane
4.Water Lane
5.The length of Ickleford Road not included at 15 above.

(4)That the above list be forwarded to the Highways Locality Manager for North Herts and Stevenage with a request to revisit previous feasibility surveys and prepare cost estimates of providing 20 mph speed limits in the above roads and streets in Hitchin;

(5)That the Highways Locality Manager for North Herts and Stevenage be requested to liaise with the appropriate County Councillor concerning the cost of such works including Design, Road Signs and markings and Traffic Regulation Orders.

(6)That the Highways Locality Manager in liaison with the Hitchin Community Development Officer be requested to make the necessary arrangements for the presentation of cost estimates for each of the 20 mph schemes listed above in ‘Grant Applications and Community Update' at the meeting to be held on 2 September 2014 in order to determine the award of any Area Committee grants in addition to monies allocated from Locality Budgets;

(7)That all Members be requested to advise their County Councillors direct with other suggestions of roads or streets in their own wards that may be considered for the introduction of 20 mph speed limits.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that commercially Hitchin was quite buoyant although there were vacant properties in Hermitage Road and Bancroft with offers on three shop units pending.

The Committee noted that the Hitchin Festival Box Office would open on 12 June and run from 24 June to 28 July with over 105 events of many forms of entertainment.

The Town Centre Manager shared the excitement that there seemed to be some progress on the Churchgate and Surrounding Area Development and that Hitchin Initiative would welcome an invitation to participate in any discussions with NHDC officers on the proposals for Churchgate.


(1)That Mr Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That the information on retail premises occupancy in Hitchin Town Centre be noted;

(3)That the information on the forthcoming Hitchin Festival (105 events) from 24 June to 28 July 2014 be noted.

The Chairman invited updates or comments from Members on outside bodies.

There were no updates.
Appendix A
Appendix A.1
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J

The CDO thanked the Chairman for the welcome and advised that all grant funding through Memorandums of Understanding had been distributed bar one grant of £280 which the Committee agreed should be re-allocated. The CDO sought guidance from the Committee as to the retained monies from previous years and if the Committee would consider the payment of the grants determined previously (Minutes 24 - 31 refer). The CDO also advised the Committee that £9,257 remained in the Development Budget and sought guidance on how this should be allocated.

The Chairman proposed that it would be inopportune to accede to the request for allocation of retained grant monies from previous years to the payment of grants approved at this meeting. The Committee agreed that all Members should be given the opportunity to revisit the grants allocated and carried forward and the Chairman requested that the CDO should contact all Ward Members with the Ward grants carried forward and request that a decision should be made as soon as possible as to retention or re-allocation.

A request was made to have a presentation of the drawings and designs for the new Westmill Community Centre at the next meeting to be held on 2 September.


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 4 March 2014 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix J be noted;

(4)That the Community Development Officer be requested to advise each Hitchin Councillor by email the individual balances in ward budgets with the objective of expending as many carry forward monies as possible into amalgamation which could for example cover the grant awards made at this meeting as detailed at Minutes 24 to 31 below

(5)That the Community Development Officer be requested to meet with the Senior Estates Surveyor with a view to facilitate the proposals for the new Westmill Community Centre for presentation to the meeting on 2 September.


(1)To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2)To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.


(1)That the sum of £620 be awarded to The American Flag Football Community Project as a contribution towards start up costs for equipment and hire of an all season pitch for training sessions;

(2)That representatives of The American Flag Football Community Project be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community and development of sporting activity in Hitchin.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Deborah Segalini made a Declarable Interest as a Director of the North Herts Ethnic Minority Forum who support the Bancroft Project and advised the Chairman that she would remain in the room but not speak or vote.


(1)That the sum of £910 be awarded to The Bancroft Project as a contribution towards the costs of providing support to homeless people in Hitchin throughout the use of Bancroft Hall on a weekly basis subject;

(2)That representatives of the Bancroft Project be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community and disadvantaged families.

No grant award was made to the Association of Traditional Shotokan Karate as the grant application had been deferred to the next meeting of this Committee on 2 September 2014.


(1)That the sum of £1500 be awarded to The Early Days Play Group ‘in principle' as a contribution towards the costs of providing an enhanced outdoor play area for the maximisation of early years learning though play;

(2)That should a grant of lease or licence be awarded to The Early Days Play Group in advance of the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 2 September 2014 it was agreed that in order to process the grant award the Community Development Officer be requested under the Delegated Authority process following approval by the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance, The Head of Policy and Community Services, the Chairman and Vice - Chairman of the Hitchin Committee and the Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Rural Affairs to make the grant award;

(3)That representatives The Early Days Play Group be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community.


(1)That the sum of £250 be awarded to The North Herts Samaritans as a contribution towards the costs of installation of Closed Circuit TV in the Hitchin Headquarter premises;

(2)That representatives of The North Herts Samaritans be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community.


(1)That the sum of £500 be awarded to The Hitchin Society as a contribution towards the costs of promoting Heritage Open Days in and near Hitchin;

(2)That representatives of the Hitchin Society be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community.


(1)That the sum of £3000 be awarded to Hitchin Quaker Meeting as a contribution towards the costs of repairing and refurbishing two sections of the boundary wall adjacent to the footway on Bedford Road, Hitchin

(2)That representatives of the Hitchin Quaker Meeting be invited to make a presentation to the Hitchin Committee in 12 months time to update the Committee on the expenditure of the grant.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community.

No grant award was made to Move Hitchin (Hot House Dance) as the grant application had been withdrawn.
Published on Tuesday, 8th July, 2014
9.34 p.m.