Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 25th July, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 13th June, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor P.C.W. Burt, Councillor Jean Green, Councillor A.F. Hunter, Councillor R.E. Inwood, Councillor Gerald Morris
 IN ATTENDANCE: Alan Fleck (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: Honorary Alderman F John Smith
1 member of the public.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence at this Committee Meeting.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201207251930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman. A query was raised regarding a possible MoU for The House Drop-In Centre. This was to be discussed under Item 8 - Champions News and Finance Report.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201207251930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 May 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no other business raised at this meeting.

1) The Chairman welcomed the Committee, Honorary Alderman F J Smith and the member of the public to this first meeting of the Civic Year 2012/2013. She thanked the Committee for endorsing her as Chairman and also thanked Cllr Davidson for his continued support as the Committee Vice-Chairman;

2) She recorded her best wishes and those of the Royston and District Committee to Cllr David Billing for a speedy recovery. The Committee also sent best wishes to Royston Town Cllr Graham Palmer for a speedy recovery;

3) The Chairman announced that Andy and Viv Williams of The House Drop-In Centre had received a Comet Award for Service to the Community. The Committee wanted to record their congratulations for this well-deserved acknowledgement of their very valuable work for the young people of Royston;

4) The Committee was informed that the Mayor of Royston was holding a Royston
Sports Fiesta on Saturday 14 July from 10am to 12.30pm at Royston Town Hall.
This would incorporate a Sports Fashion Show, Sports Fair, would have displays and demonstrations from local clubs and classes. Included in the ticket price was a free crèche, a drink and a slice of cake. Members were asked to publicise this as widely as possible, as all proceeds would go to the Royston Mayor's Community Fund;

5) The Chairman reported that a thank you card had been received from Margaret MacCormack for the grant awarded to Crack-an-Egg 2012 for the purchase of craft resources;

6) Members were reminded that any declarations of interest, in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

There was no participation from members of the public scheduled for this meeting.

The Chairman advised that the feasibility study for a potential crossing on Baldock Street/Road would be funded from the Herts CC Locality Budget.

Members were asked to consider any potential Phase 2 (Highways Locality Budget) schemes for the next meeting, with possible match-funding.

She then went through the Highways Work Programme at Appendix Q of the Champion News and Finance Report, together with the Potential Community Projects at Appendix R, as follows:

Appendix Q

Ref 10 - The Warren, Royston has progressed;

(v) - the A10 Gateway feature south of Royston has been approved and funded and is awaiting a suitable time to do the work;

(xii) - Old North Road, Royston verge parking - this work has been completed.

Appendix R

W - The Chairman reported that officers are continuing to investigate a possible crossing at the north end of the town.

1) It is planned that the Royston Underpass will be officially opened on 27 June 2012 and a Committee Member said that the schools had been notified and residents in the area were said to be pleased;

2) Pedlars Lane in Therfield and Kelshall Tops were both mentioned as being in a very bad state and the Member who registered this issue was informed that work is scheduled to be carried out, but had been delayed by adverse weather;

3) Both ends of the A505 were to be resurfaced shortly;

4) The lack of lights on Newmarket Road was proposed as a Phase 2 scheme and Committee Members were asked whether they wished to support this;

5) In response to a comment, the Chairman advised that both she and Herts Highways had been putting pressure on the relevant contractor in order to complete the relevant upgrading of the bus stop outside Morrisons;

6) The Chairman stated that she is consulting on the part-night lighting and a relevant map is currently being displayed in Royston Town Hall Reception. A discussion followed, including comments such as variation on times of light switch-off in certain areas (e.g. 2am), to be reviewed after the Policy is in place. The Chairman advised that in some areas the lights will not be switched off at all, e.g. on A roads and roads in Royston town centre, where there is traffic calming and CCTV. It was advised that the whole Royston area had been fully discussed with the local Police. Statistics showed that crime actually decreased when the lights were off. Local County Council Members and the Police could get lights switched on again if there was an exception and a valid reason;

7) The speeding issue in Barley was discussed and it was emphasised by local Members that this consistently endangers all village residents and needs to be addressed urgently.

8) The Chairman would investigate why some cycle path lights on near the park (near Shakespeare) were not lit and also the need for continuation of double lines on the corner of Burns Road.
Main Report
Appendix A, Finance spreadsheet
Appendix B, Grant application
Appendix C, Grant application
Appendix D, Grant application
Appendix E, Grant application
Appendix F, Grant application
Appendix G, Grant application
Appendix H, Grant application
Appendix I, Grant application
Appendix J, Grant application
Appendix K, Grant application
Appendix L, Grant application
Appendix M, Grant application
Appendix N, Supporting documentation, R Volunteer Bureau
Appendix O, Supporting documentation, R Community Transport
Appendix P, Summary of Citizenship classes
Appendix Q, Highways Work Programme
Appendix R, Section 106 monies

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and provided some verbal updates.

He ran through the item on Youth which related to citizenship classes and the Chairman recorded the Royston and District Committee's thanks to both Cllr Mrs Lindsay Davidson for arranging visits to the Royston Schools and to the CDO for administrating the classes.

Under Other Work he confirmed that leading up to the closure of Royston Hospital, it was currently closing at 4.30pm every day.

The CDO then took the Committee through the budget spreadsheet and the grant applications submitted, to be considered and agreed, as follows:

a) The sum of £1,000 was requested by Royston Arts Festival for costs towards publicity materials and hire charges for the 2012 Arts Festival. The Committee agreed to award the full sum requested;

b) Cllr Burt declared a personal interest in this grant application as he is a member of Royston Town Council and also of the Royston Museum Sub-Committee. Cllr Inwood also declared a personal interest as he, too, is a member of Royston Town Council. The sum of £960 was requested by Royston Town Council to cover the cost of Museum wardens on Sundays and Bank Holidays between June and September 2012. The Chairman invited Mr Les Baker to clarify this application from the floor, on behalf of Royston Museum which he did, and after some discussion the Committee agreed to award the full amount;

c) The sum of £500 was requested by Barkway Village Hall towards the purchase of equipment for the village hall cinema project. After some consideration, Members agreed to award the full amount;

d) Cllr Hill declared a personal interest in this grant application as her daughter attends Therfield School and she herself is a member of the Friends of Therfield School Committee. The sum of £400 was requested by Friends of Therfield School (FTS) to complete funding for outdoor seating for children in the play area. The Committee considered this application and agreed to provide the full amount. They put on record their congratulations to FTS having raised the remaining £445;

e) Cllr Inwood declared a personal interest in this grant application as he would be running a stall at the event. The sum of £1,500 was requested by Royston's Open Secrets to support the 2012 event on 17 June on Royston Heath. As this organisation promotes local businesses, clubs, societies etc, the Committee agreed to award the full amount;

f) The Chairman declared a personal interest in this grant application as she has agreed to support it with funds from her Herts County Council Locality Budget. The sum of £1,000 was requested by Young Enterprise for ‘Learning by Doing' classes for students from year 1 to year 6. As there were some concerns, this grant application was agreed in principle but deferred, subject to further information. The CDO was requested to investigate and report back to the Vice-Chairman;

g) Barkway Community Group submitted a grant application for £205 to assist with the cost of a Jubilee Tea for older people in the village at no cost to the invitees. As this was a Fast Track grant, the Committee agreed to ratify the sum of £200 for this purpose;

h) Cllr Burt declared an interest in this grant application, due to his role as Portfolio Holder for Waste, Recycling and Environment, which covers Grounds Maintenance. The sum of £200 was requested by the Rotary Club of Royston to assist with the purchase and erection of a flagpole in Priory Memorial Gardens for the commemoration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Rotary Club of Royston. This was also to be used by community groups and projects and the Committee agreed to ratify the application;

i) Mortimer Road Jubilee Street Party submitted a grant application for £200 to provide commemorative mugs for children and bunting for their Jubilee Street Party. This was a Fast Track grant and the Committee agreed to its ratification;

j) Barkway Parish Council submitted a grant application for £200 to fund the provision of commemorative mugs for all the children in Barkway. This was a Fast Track grant which was ratified by the Committee;

k) Wheatfield Crescent Street Party submitted a grant application for £115 to fund street decorations etc for their Jubilee Street Party. The Chairman attended this and considered it was an excellent event. This was a Fast Track grant and was ratified by the Committee;

l) Royston Methodist Church submitted a grant application for £200 towards funding a Jubilee Flower Festival over the Diamond Jubilee weekend. Match funding was in place and the Committee agreed to ratify this Fast Track grant application.

Cllr Inwood declared an interest in the proposed MoU, as he had started working as a volunteer at The House Drop-In Centre.

With reference to the current MoUs funded by the Royston and District Committee, it was proposed that The House Drop-In Centre be added to the list, starting at £1,000 p.a. and this would run for three years. If they required further funds it was agreed that they could submit a grant application to the Royston and District Committee. After some debate on Royston Town Twinning, Members recommended deferral of a decision on whether to renew its MoU until the next Royston and District Committee Meeting on 25 July 2012, pending the meeting between Royston Town Council and the Town Twinning Association. The other two MoUs were agreed by the Committee.

It was proposed that a bench be reinstalled in the High Street but that it should not be situated outside the takeaway shops. The opinion was voiced that the bench in Princes Mews needed to be reinstated and that a bench also be installed at the bottom of Briary Lane. This will be investigated regarding costs and locations and reported back to the Committee.

A Member commented that a site for the new Royston cemetery had been identified and it would be useful if Section 106 monies were put towards this project. Another use for S106 monies, put forward by the Chairman, was the refurbishment of the Royal British Legion HQ in Royston.

The CDO informed the Committee that he had attended the recent lighting of the beacon at Therfield.

A Member pointed out that Royston had not been included in the list of events being held by the Safety Advisory Committee and the CDO was asked to investigate and feed back information on this to the Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his hard work and efforts for the residents of Royston and for his support for herself and the Royston and District Committee.

1) That the Committee thanks the Community Development Officer (CDO) and endorses the actions he has taken to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

2) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £1,000 to Royston Arts Festival for 2012 Festival publicity materials and hire charges;

3) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £960 to Royston Town Council for support for Royston Museum wardens;

4) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £500 to Barkway Village Hall for its village cinema project;

5) That the Committee considers and agrees to award the sum of £400 to Friends of Therfield School for provision of seating for children and parents during events;

6) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £500 to Royston's Open Secrets for their annual event;

7) That the Committee considers making a grant award in principle to Young Enterprise for local ‘Learning by Doing' classes;

8) That the Committee considers ratifying a grant award of £200 to Barkway Community Group for their Diamond Jubilee Celebration;

9) That the Committee considers making a grant award of £200 to Rotary Club of Royston for the purchase and installation of a flagpole;

10) That the Committee considers ratifying a grant award of £200 to Mortimer Road Jubilee Street Party for their Jubilee Street Party;

11) That the Committee considers ratifying a grant award of £200 to Barkway Parish Council for Jubilee commemorative mugs;

12) That the Committee considers ratifying a grant award of £115 to Wheatfield Crescent Street Party their Jubilee Street Party;

13) That the Committee considers ratifying a grant award of £200 to Royston Methodist Church for their Jubilee Flower Festival.

1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

Coombes Community Centre
It was reported that the Community Centre was running well.

Royston Day Centre
This was progressing well.

Royston Town Twinning Association
The Association was also continuing to make good progress.

Sport Royston
This organisation was making good progress.
Published on Thursday, 28th June, 2012