Meeting documents

Royston and District Committee
Wednesday, 27th July, 2011 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 22nd June, 2011 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room, Royston Town Hall, Melbourn Street, Royston
 PRESENT: Councillor Fiona Hill(Chairman), Councillor Bill Davidson(Vice-Chairman), Councillor A.F. Hunter, Councillor R.E. Inwood, Councillor Gerald Morris
 IN ATTENDANCE: Alan Fleck (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 4 members of the public including speakers, Royston Town Councillors and a Reed Parish Councillor.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burt and Green.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201107271930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Royston and District Committee Meeting held on 9 March 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings, and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Royston and District Committee/201107271930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Royston and District Committee Meeting held on 19 May 2011 be approved as a true record of the proceedings, and be signed by the Chairman.

1) The Chairman informed the Committee that the response to the letter received by all Members regarding location of further cemetery space in Royston would be taken as Item 11 on the Agenda;
2) The Chairman proposed that the matter of The Hang Out Youth (Tuesday Night) Club was raised as Other Business and the Committee agreed. She suggested that this would be discussed as Item 12 on the Agenda;
3) Correspondence had been received from Royston Town Council regarding vibration over Royston Cave and this would be discussed under Item 8, Highways Issues.

The Chairman welcomed everybody to this first meeting of the Royston and District Committee in the Civic Year 2011/2012. She especially welcomed Members who had been re-elected in May 2011 and the new Members of the Committee.

She voiced her appreciation for the past support of two Members who had not stood for re-election, Cllrs Marshall and Grimes. Special mention was given to Cllr Marshall, who had been her Vice-Chairman for some years and had encouraged and supported her in her role as Chairman. A letter of thanks would be sent to both Cllr Marshall, who was now on the Reed Parish Council, and to Cllr Grimes, a Royston Town Councillor. A Member suggested that Cllr Marshall should be presented with a certificate as he had been a longstanding Member of the District Council and the Committee Clerk is to investigate the logistics of this (Action Committee Clerk).

There had been a response in May 2011 from the Head of Passenger Transport to the Committee's request to trial bus service 17 to Coombelands and to reroute bus service 331. However, nothing had been heard since regarding the meeting held between Arriva, the Herts CC Compliance Officer and a member of North Herts District Council. A letter would be sent to the Head of Passenger Transport requesting information on the outcome of this meeting (Action Committee Clerk).

Members were informed that Item 9 - Champion News and Finance Report with its attendant grant applications, would be taken immediately after Item 6 - Public Participation, so that the speakers could stay on at the meeting to be advised of whether or not their grant applications had been successful.

Members were reminded that any declarations of interest, in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a prejudicial interest can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

1) Youth Issues and the 2012 Committee
Royston Town (RT) Councillor Lindsay Davidson addressed the Committee on Youth Issues in Royston and gave a report on the annual visits she made to the schools in Royston. She had visited seven schools and had been accompanied by the NHDC Community Development Officer (CDO), the Markets Manager and several County Councillors, District Councillors and Royston Town Councillors. There had been problems in booking visits with some Royston schools and Meridian School had not responded at all to any invitations to visit, but extra efforts would be made to overcome this in 2012.

She thanked all councillors who had taken the time and made the effort to visit the schools to show the students democracy in action. Results of the Citizenship Classes were recorded in the CDO's report, as was the ‘wish list' compiled by pupils at the seven schools visited. This list included local indoor and outdoor facilities, play equipment, shops of different types and even the type of market stalls the children would like to see on Royston Market.

One idea raised by pupils was provision of an outdoor gym, which was unlikely to be very expensive. Many students stated that they liked living in Royston and gave their reasons, but younger children admitted that they found the behaviour of teenagers upsetting and even frightening. They seemed to be interested in becoming good citizens and good neighbours and RT Cllr Davidson believed that these visits were valuable in exploring the wishes, likes and dislikes of the children in the Royston area (some of the schoolchildren in the surrounding villages attended schools in Royston).

The Chairman thanked RT Cllr Davidson for her presentation and the sterling work done with the students and the CDO was requested to investigate the cost of providing an outdoor gym in Priory Park (Action CDO).

RT Cllr Davidson then turned to the subject of the 2012 Committee and explained that this Committee had been set up in November 2010 to celebrate both the London Olympics and the 850th Anniversary of the founding of Royston Priory. She declared that this would be an ideal opportunity to raise the profile of Royston in the Press and the media generally. The local schools could be asked to appoint young reporters for 2012: their reports could be collated into a book to be distributed to all children in the area. A schools' competition had resulted in the adoption of the logo for Royston 2012 and planting would be done around the town using this logo. First Capital Connect had agreed to contribute towards the planting at Royston Station. However, funds for street dressing were needed. The Herts County councillors and Royston Town councillors had been generous, and RT Cllr Davidson now appealed to the Royston and District Committee for financial resources by means of a grant application. She concluded by assuring the Committee that the measures planned would create a lasting legacy for Royston and create community involvement throughout both the town and the villages in the surrounding area.

The Committee then discussed Cllr Davidson's presentation and raised such points as: could Parish Councils be asked to support the schools' work on democracy in action and citizenship?; the reason for the classes were explained and it was confirmed that most pupils were very interested.

The Chairman once again thanked RT Cllr Davidson for her informative presentation and her hard work and informed her that the relevant grant application would be decided during the following Agenda item.

2) Report on the Open Secrets Event, 12 June 2011
Mrs Linda Turner addressed the Committee on the recent Open Secrets Event, which had been a great success. She gave the background to the organisation of Open Secrets and revealed that the sponsorship received had enabled 35 free community stalls to be included. She listed the participants and declared that an estimated 1,000 visitors had attended on the day. Mrs Turner declared that this was the third year the event had been held, but in her opinion changing the day to a Sunday had ensured that more people could visit and had guaranteed its overwhelming success.

The Chairman stated that the event had pulled together both small businesses and the community and all present had thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The Committee discussed and praised the event, which most of them had visited. The Chairman then thanked Mrs Turner for her presentation and for her hard work in organising and running the Royston Open Secrets event and informed her that the grant application linked to Open Secrets would be discussed and decided shortly.
Noted  Community Development Officer - AF

Information Note

The Chairman introduced the Information Note which had been prepared by the Corporate Strategic Planning and Enterprise Manager.

After a short discussion, the Royston and District Committee agreed to note the contents of the Information Note.

1. The Chairman informed the Committee that she had received correspondence from Royston Town Council regarding a company who had been observed using a jack hammer on the footway in Melbourn Street over The Royston Cave. She proposed, and the Committee unanimously agreed, that a letter be sent to Herts Highways expressing concern at work being carried out in such a sensitive location and asking that all utility companies be routinely notified of the surface location over the Grade I listed Cave. There is a blue plaque on the wall of the bookmaker's premises over the grille marking the precise location of Royston Cave.

2. A Member expressed concern regarding the crossing located on a bend in Burns Road. The Chairman has corresponded with the relevant officer at Herts County Council and Herts Highways and asked them to investigate as a matter of urgency. A risk assessment/safety audit had been carried out prior to the work taking place (accidents had previously happened in icy conditions on this bend).

3. The Chairman took Appendix O to Item 9 at this point (Highways Work Programme). Comments made were as follows:

(viii) A10 South of Royston - Gateway Feature: Total cost of works is £4,100 and the Committee will allocate £500 towards the cost;
(xxv) Old North Road, Royston - Verge parking: the Committee agreed £500 ‘in principle' (Members would like a cost estimate for a reduced area of Grascrete);
(xxxvi) Estimate for progressing all junction protection schemes: need clarification and costings.

4. Following the traffic accident in 2010 in Baldock Road, the Chairman advised that she had investigated the possibility of a crossing at this location. At that time the criteria were not met to warrant a permanent crossing. However since that date, a new tennis club has been established on Therfield Heath and planning permission has been granted for a new housing development at Ivy Farm, Baldock Road. Highways concerns have been voiced by local residents and Herts Highways are looking at implementing safety measures. The Chairman proposed and the Committee endorsed her suggestion that the matter be pursued with Herts Highways. A petition has also been raised by a local campaigner, and a crossing in this location is supported by the local Member of Parliament.

That the above Highways Issues raised by Members be noted and, where appropriate, be forwarded to the next Meeting of the North Herts Highways Partnership-Joint Member Panel, to be held on 25 July 2011.

1) That the Joint Member Panel be requested, as a matter of urgency, to investigate the contractor using a jack hammer on the footway over the Grade 1 listed Royston Cave and to ensure that any works in that area are handled carefully and sensitively. The Committee stressed that it was vital that all utility contractors working in the area were fully appraised of the importance of taking great care near and over the Royston Cave;

2) That the Committee will allocate £500 towards the cost of a an area of Grascrete on the Old North Road, Royston;

3) That the Royston and District Committee allocate the sum of £500 towards the A10 gateway feature insert;

4) That estimates for progressing all junction protection schemes be clarified and costed;

5) That the Joint Member Panel be requested, as a matter of urgency, to authorise the investigation of providing a crossing on Baldock Road, Royston, in the location of the new Ivy Farm development and the Royston Tennis Club, Therfield Heath, as a vital safety measure.

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Appendix N
Appendix O
Appendix P

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his hard work and efforts for the residents of Royston and for his support for herself and for the Royston and District Committee.

1) That the Committee endorses the actions taken by the Community Development Officer (CDO) to promote greater community capacity and well-being;

2) That the Committee notes the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets set out in Appendix A;

3) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £290 to the Depression Alliance for rental support and incidental costs;

4) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £810 to Cokenach Cricket Club for the provision of a sight screen;

5) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £750 to the Rotary Club of Royston to support their Technology Tournament;

6) That the Committee agrees to ratify the sum of £70.26, already agreed for room hire for an art event in the Market Hill Rooms during the Easter holidays;

7) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £500 to Royston's Open Secrets for the 2011 event;

8) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £100 to Royston in Bloom for the 2012 Royston Railway Station decoration project;

9) That the Committee considers the grant application from Barkway Parish Council for equipment to monitor speeding vehicles. However, it may be possible to obtain another set of equipment to be shared by Barkway and Barley and Cllr Davidson will investigate this and report back to the Committee. Members therefore agreed to defer this grant application until the outcome of investigations and discussions;

10) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £1,000 to Royston Art Festival towards costs of the 2011 event;

11) That the Committee considers and agrees to ratify the sum of £4,000 to Royston Town Council for hanging baskets in the Town Centre, which had previously been agreed;

12) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £1,296 to Royston Town Council towards Museum staffing costs;

13) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £500 to Royston 2012 Co-ordinating Committee for the promotion of the 2012 Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics celebrations and Priory Anniversary;

14) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £1,000 to Royston Community Hub towards staffing costs of the new organisation;

15) That the Committee considers and agrees to grant the sum of £1,500 towards the costs of the "Free after Three" parking subsidy;

16) That the Community Development Officer be thanked for his actions, which had promoted greater community capacity and well-being for the residents of Royston.

1) To ensure that the Committee is kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) To inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. The report draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Royston and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

Coombes Community Centre
The Coombes Community Centre is progressing well.

May Fayre Committee
A formal request is required for Cllr Davidson to represent North Herts District Council on this committee.

Royston Town Twinning
Matters are progressing well with arrangements for setting up twinning with the Spanish town of Villanueva de la Canada.

The Chairman informed the Royston and District Committee that a letter had been received from the North Herts District Council Strategic Director of Customer Services regarding the proposed policy to cease full burials in Royston, amongst other locations in North Herts. She reminded the Committee that they had made it plain by a majority vote that they did not support this policy and she proposed that a letter was sent to the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance, Andrew Mills, reiterating this and suggesting that further land suitable for this purpose be actively sought and that possible reuse of burial plots be considered (Action - Committee Clerk).

Alderman F J Smith confirmed that Royston Town Council is investigating potential sites in and around Royston.

Members were informed that 30 people a week use this facility and that the grant funding will shortly cease.

The Chairman requested a formal report to be brought to the next meeting of the Royston and District Committee on 27 July 2011 and Members will consider financial help following a grant application.
Published on Wednesday, 13th July, 2011
9.15 p.m.