Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 28th May, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 5th March, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor A.D. Young(Chairman), Councillor M.R.M. Muir(Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Marilyn Kirkland, Councillor I.J. Knighton, Councillor M.E. Weeks
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green (Head of Policy and Community Services)
Steve Geach (Parks and Countryside Development Manager)
Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow(Committee and Member Services Officer)
 ALSO PRESENT: 18 members of the public, including the 3 registered speakers.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence for this meeting. However, Councillor Weeks notified the Chairman that he would have to leave the meeting before it closed.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201205281930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 January 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman announced that a report would be taken as Item 8, entitled Devolved Management of Baldock Allotment. The Parks and Countryside Development Manager was in attendance at this meeting to present the report. The reason for urgency was because it was important to seek the views of the Area Committee at the earliest opportunity so as not cause delay to the process of devolved management.

(1) The Chairman welcomed Members of the Committee, the public and officers to the meeting;

(2) He informed the Committee that following the first item of Public Participation on Baldock Town Hall, Item 6 would be taken - Baldock Town Hall Group Draft Business Plan - as it relates to with the address by members of the Baldock Town Hall Group;

(3) The Chairman then reminded Members that declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a prejudicial or personal interest and they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared. Members declaring a prejudicial interest were to leave the room and not seek to influence the decision during that particular item. He proposed that Declarations of Interest should be made at the start of each relevant item on the Agenda.

There were three items of public participation at the meeting as follows:

a) Baldock Town Hall
Mrs Alison Gentle, Vice-Chairman of the Baldock Town Hall Group (BTHG) addressed the Committee and explained that she was standing in for Mrs Jenny Gosling, who was unwell. She explained that short statements would also be made by Mrs Maureen Maddren and Mrs Joanna Bowen.

She then gave an overview of the last 12 months, explaining that the Baldock Town Hall Group (BTHG) had formed the ‘Friends' of Baldock Town Hall, to which an astonishing 180 people had signed up.

A Limited Company had been formed with 8 directors, comprising people with a wide range of expertise and they now had a project manager, chartered surveyors, chartered architects, chartered engineers and chartered accountants, as well as people with a wide knowledge of Baldock. North Herts District Council had also helped with a condition survey and reports on asbestos and water hygiene, etc. Farmers markets had also been used to sign up people to support the project and guided tours of the building had proved to be very popular. A website had been set up and registered ( and an Open Evening held - in all, hundreds of hours had been spent working towards the goal of re-opening Baldock Town Hall for general and community use.

Similar groups across the country had been contacted for advice and had pledged support, as had local community groups. Visits had even been made to similar buildings elsewhere in the country, e.g. Bakewell.

Possible areas of funding had been explored and fund-raising and promotion had begun.

In December 2011 a meeting was held with NHDC officers and a plan presented to ensure the Group were on the right track. The basement, ground and first floors were proposed as being multi-functional and becoming venues for a variety of events for all ages and abilities in the local community and it was also proposed that Baldock Museum be housed throughout the building by means of having exhibits in boxed cases around the walls on all floors. This was seen as taking a prominent part in the regeneration of the Town Hall due to Baldock's archaeological importance in the UK and Western Europe. Talks, displays and other visual aids would convey this importance and would be held within the Town Hall.

The first draft of the Business Plan was submitted to officers and positive and constructive feedback received, with the main concern being financial considerations. This has been addressed to some extent, by way of fund-raising and pledges received, as well as definite interest from weekly evening groups, a comedy club, an Arts and Theatre Group, and plans for music-related events in the basement plus BTHG plans for the Reception and Box Office Bar. An application has been made for Lottery funding and a Herts County Council grant has already been made. A grant application has been submitted to the Baldock and District Committee which will help with the procurement of professional advice when negotiating the terms of the agreements.

Mrs Gentle explained that the Group hoped to present their Business Plan to the Cabinet Meeting on 20 March 2012 and hoped to gain their approval and support so that the project could move forward.

Mrs Joanna Bowen informed the Committee that she was the Artistic Director of the Arts and Theatre Group and had connections with prominent people in the West End who could be of use and Mrs Maddren reminded the Committee of the significant historical importance of Baldock in the UK and Western Europe as well as the educational value to local schools of having Baldock Museum and its exhibits in Baldock Town Hall.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Gentle, Mrs Bowen and Mrs Maddren for the informative presentation and explained that the decision on their grant application would be made later on the Agenda.

b) Baldock Skate Park
Mr Keith Bedford addressed the Committee and asked them to look at the possibility of setting up a skate park in Baldock, as there was nowhere for young people, the majority of whom were boys between the ages of 10 and 17 years, to ride their skateboards, scooters etc. Once an appropriate piece of land had been found, he suggested:

 Short term - a hard plug ramp - he proposed Avenue Park as a suitable site for this;
 Long term - there may be a suitable plot of land on the A507 Royston Road where soil had been removed to construct the tunnels leading to the A1M.

Mr Bedford informed the Committee that he had visited Saffron Walden, who had installed a skate park which was an ideal example of what was required in Baldock. It was constructed of concrete, as this material was quiet and therefore was more suitable for a skate park close to residential areas. Unfortunately the use of metal ramps etc made a lot of noise when being used. The starting point was to find an appropriately-sized and situated plot of land and then move onto the next stage which would include funding.

Members discussed this item, which had arisen some time ago. The Portfolio Holder for Leisure stated that Avenue Park had been suggested in the past, but was now in the process of being refurbished so was no longer available for this purpose. He said he would be happy to take this idea back to NHDC officers who could investigate the demand and assist with the search for a suitable site to progress this facility for the young people of Baldock. He also offered to examine possible funding streams in preparation for the start of this project. A possible long term site was proposed on the Royston Road, which could be used for both skateboarding and BMX riding.

The Chairman thanked Mr Bedford for his presentation and informed him that a decision would be taken later in the Committee Meeting on the grant application relating to his address.

c) Baldock Cemetery Group
Mr Chris Gomm addressed the Baldock and District Committee on behalf of the Baldock Cemetery Group. He explained that the objective of the Cemetery Group was to search for possible alternative sites to be used as a new Baldock cemetery, as the existing cemetery in Baldock will reach its full capacity for full body burials in between one and ten years' time. This left just the Wilbury Hills Cemetery in Letchworth as an option.

On contacting the local Member of Parliament, Oliver Heald, the Baldock Cemetery Group was set up to find other options within Baldock and a chair was selected from the Baldock Society.

Land already owned by the Church had been identified, so the Group were in the process of investigating what was needed to set up another local cemetery. This involved canvassing the residents of Baldock and the surrounding area, to establish the need for an additional cemetery.

Mr Gomm advised that a questionnaire needed to be prepared and circulated and all members of the Baldock Cemetery Group would be involved in setting the questions. 6,000 copies would then be distributed in Baldock and the surrounding area and, when they were returned, would then need to be analysed.

The Chairman explained that a decision on this subject could not be made at the current meeting but that he would ensure that this item was on the agenda for the next Baldock and District Committee Meeting on 28 May 2012 for Members' discussion.
Appendix A
Appendix C to Appendix A
Appendix I to Appendix A

Councillor Marilyn Kirkland declared a prejudicial interest in this item, as she is a member of the Baldock Arts and Theatre Group, who are keen to make regular use of the Town Hall once it has been refurbished. She would remain in the room for the presentation, but leave for the duration of the Committee debate. Councillor Michael Muir declared a personal interest in this item as he has assisted the Baldock Town Hall Group with financial resources from his Hertfordshire County Council Locality Budget. He planned to stay in the room and join in the discussion.

The Head of Policy and Community Services (HPCS) addressed the Baldock and District Committee and reminded them that the Baldock Town Hall Group (BTHG) had been given one year in which to develop a business plan for the restoration of Baldock Town Hall. The Draft Plan had been distributed to the Committee and it was hoped to take their views with regard to the proposals being made by the BTHG to accompany and inform the final report, back for Cabinet's consideration on 20 March 2012. She explained that the phased development was proposed in three stages and refinements had been made to the draft business plan during constructive discussions made in the previous week.

Councillor Kirkland left the room before the start of the Committee debate. Members commented positively and congratulated the BTHG on their hard work and enthusiasm for the restoration of what could become a major asset to Baldock. They said it was good to see the Group working closely with the District Council and asked what they wanted from Cabinet. Members were told that the aim was to gain Cabinet's approval and a letter of intent to show North Herts District Council's commitment to the transfer of Baldock Town Hall to community management. This would move the Group through the first phase of their plans and would be of great assistance when seeking funding from the Lottery and other funding streams.

The Committee admitted that one obvious drawback was whether adequate funding could be raised, as there appeared to be a heavy reliance on grant aid, which was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. The HPCS advised the Committee that the chances of gaining a Lottery-funded grant were quite good due to the criteria fulfilled, especially if Cabinet approved the business plan and expressed intent. In addition, NHDC could offer assistance in finding trust funds for the Group.

Members expressed the opinion that the Business Plan was sound and had a good chance of success, with little risk to the Council. It was also observed that once the Olympic Games were over, those Lottery grants currently in use for the Olympics would be freed up. In addition, a long term lease could be requested, as this would be more beneficial for the BTHG. Councillor Kirkland returned to the Committee room.

The Chairman thanked the HPCS for her report and expressed the intention of the Baldock and District Committee to refer the Baldock Town Hall Group's Business Plan to Cabinet on 20 March 2012 with their wholehearted support.

1) That the Baldock and District Committee note and welcome the receipt by the Council of the Draft Business Plan as presented by the Baldock Town Hall Group;

2) That the Baldock and District Committee commented on the proposals made within the Draft Business Plan (Appendix A to the Report);

3) That the Baldock and District Committee fully support the Baldock Town Hall Draft Business Plan and recommend it to Cabinet for adoption.

That Cabinet be requested to note the comments made by the Baldock and District Committee in support of the Baldock Town Hall Group Draft Business Plan and recommend that it be adopted.

1) To acknowledge that the BTHG have prepared a Draft Business Plan for the transfer of the Baldock Town Hall to community management as originally requested by Cabinet in March 2011;

2) To enable the comments of the Baldock and District Committee to be made to, and considered by, Cabinet at their meeting on 20 March 2012.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and explained that there were a few updates to his report as follows:

Baldock Youth Council
The Youth Council meets on a bi-weekly basis and is struggling for members. The young people are involved in the skate park project.

Baldock Half Marathon
Approximately £10,000 has been secured to date in sponsorship and there are currently 270 runners registered to take part.

Pond Lane
The work to remove the diseased chestnut trees in Pond Lane was completed on 28 February 2012.

The CDO then took the Committee through the budget spreadsheet, the Highways Work Programme, the Area Committee Work Programme and the Fast Track grants to be ratified. He detailed the Ward projects still awaiting funding documentation and informed Ward Councillors of the monies remaining in their budgets.

He also confirmed with Members the list of seven organisations that currently receive a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) grant from the Committee.

The remaining sums for the budgets below were updated as follows:

Baldock Town - £583 (pre-allocated Town Project Initiatives budget) Base budget £6690
Baldock East - £254 (total remaining)
Arbury - £1386 (pre-allocated Rural Community budget) Base budget £1492
Weston and Sandon - £122 (pre-allocated Rural Community Initiatives) £2030 Base budget.

Fast Track Grants
These were ratified as follows:
 an award in the sum of £500 to the Baldock Town Partnership to help with publicity costs for promotion of the Baldock Half Marathon, split between Ward members in the usual percentage;
 an award to Hinxworth Parish Council in the sum of £350 from the Arbury Ward member's 2011/2012 base budget for the provision of car parking spaces at Hinxworth allotments;
 an award in the sum of £250 from the Arbury Ward member's 2011/2012 base budget to the Ashwell Music Festival Committee for publicity costs.

Ashwell Parochial Council
Councillor Muir declared a personal interest in this item as he is a member of the Parochial Council.
Funding of £2,000 was requested by the Ashwell Parochial Council to help fund the purchase of new equipment for the clubs for 6-8 year old and 9 + year old children and to help with travel costs for events and residentials and various youth projects. After some discussion, Members agreed to award £1,000 on condition the equipment is lent to other youth clubs in the area. Funding will be provided from the Arbury, Baldock Town and Baldock East Ward Members' budgets. It was emphasised that funding at this level cannot be given in the future.

Baldock Town Hall Group
Councillor Marilyn Kirkland and Councillor Michael Muir had declared an interest in this grant application for the reasons given in Minute 51 above.
The Baldock Town Hall Group requested the sum of £1,000 from the Baldock and District Committee to help fund professional assistance regarding the building's future potential and also to help with the escalating costs of room hire for their meetings. Members agreed to award this amount, split in the usual way between the two Baldock Wards.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.

1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets be noted;

2) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £500 to the Baldock Town Partnership to assist with publicity costs for the Baldock Half Marathon;

3) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £350 to Hinxworth Parish Council for the provision of car parking spaces at Hinxworth allotments;

4) That the Committee acknowledges the recent Fast Track grant award of £250 to Ashwell Music Festival to help with associated publicity costs;

5) That the Committee awards the sum of £1,000 to the Ashwell Parochial Council for the purchase of new equipment for the two children's clubs currently provided in Baldock;

6) That the Committee awards the sum of £1,000 to the Baldock Town Hall Group to cover the costs of surveyors', solicitors', architects' and accountants' fees together with meeting room hire charges.

7) That the Committee agrees the award of the Memorandums of Understanding to the seven groups/organisations in Baldock as detailed in paragraph 4.10 of the Community Development Officer's report.

1) To ensure that the Baldock and District Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

2) This report is intended simply to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the grants procedure;

3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

4) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCDM) presented the report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services on the proposed devolved management of the provision, maintenance and management of the allotment function for Baldock and informed the Committee that he sought their views and comments, to be included in a future report to Cabinet.

He went over the background of the Baldock Allotment and Leisure Gardeners' Association (BALGA) and the meeting held between them and officers to discuss leasing allotment land for 25 years in both the North Road and Clothall Road sites, one owned by NHDC and the other leased by NHDC from Herts County Council. In addition, a separate agreement would be required to devolve the statutory allotment function to the Association and this would require an alteration in BALGA's Constitution to include trustees. The aim was to gain the approval of Cabinet for the transfer of this asset to BALGA at a meeting in the future.

The PCDM listed the steps leading to a formal handover to the BALGA as laid out in the report, a vital part of which was consulting the Members of the Baldock and District Committee.

The Committee discussed the report and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure commented that devolved management as proposed would give BALGA wider scope as well as better benefits. He remarked that a great deal of work had been done across the District between allotment associations and officers for the benefit of allotment holders. The Chairman and Committee agreed, and the Chairman stated that in his opinion devolved management of Baldock allotments to BALGA offered good value for money.
He thanked the PCDM for presenting the report at this Baldock and District Committee Meeting.

1) That the Baldock and District Committee support the move towards devolved management of the North Road and Clothall Road allotment sites;

2) That the views of the Baldock and District Committee be included in a future report to Cabinet.

To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the views and comments of the Baldock and District Committee when considering the devolved management of the Baldock allotment function.
Published on Tuesday, 20th March, 2012
8.52 p.m.