Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Thursday, 29th January, 2015 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 2nd December, 2014 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor David Leal - Bennett (Chairman), Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Frank Radcliffe, Councillor Adrian Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake.

Note. Councillor Allison Ashley joined the meeting at 8.50p.m.
Councillor Paul Clark left the meeting at 9.05p.m.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Mary Caldwell - Development and Conservation Manager
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Andrew Mills - Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance
Claire Morgan - Community Development Manager
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement of the meeting 21 members of the public, including six registered speakers.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Judi Billing, Simon Harwood, Alan Millard, Ray Shakespeare - Smith and Deborah Segalini.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201501291930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 September 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There were no items of other business raised at the commencement of the meeting.

1.The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked all who attended and spoke at Town Talk;

2.There will be an additional meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on Thursday 29 January 2015 at Benslow Music Trust commencing at 7.30 p.m. and preceded by Town Talk at 6.30 p.m;

3.Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Ms Melissa Peacock thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

Ms Peacock advised the Committee that Parkrun organised free, timed 5 km runs that took place at 09.00 every Saturday in parks and woodlands with almost 300 parkruns in the UK and that Parkrun wished to bring one to Hitchin. Ms Peacock stressed that Parkrun events were not a race, they were timed runs open to everyone. Children under the age of 12 could take part with an adult and all entrants could complete the 5 kms at their own pace. The objective of a Parkrun was to: encourage people to run an exercise regularly, to pursue healthy lifestyles, bring the local community together in an active friendly way and allow people to gain confidence and new skills as volunteers.

Ms Peacock was pleased to advise the Committee that NHDC had given approval to hold the event each Saturday on Walsworth Common and that 50 per cent funding had been secured from Herts Sports Partnership and Public Health Hertfordshire.

Should the Committee be minded to grant the application for £1500 the event could start and the full sum would cover the entire life of the event including: laptop and software; stopwatches; bar code scanners and chip timing tokens; 20 marshal's vests, a first aid kit. Cones and km markers and upgrades and replacement kit.

Ms Peacock concluded her presentation by confirmation that there was a core group of volunteers trained to organise and lead the weekly Parkrun and that considerable interest had already been received from local residents.

The Chairman thanked Ms Peacock for the presentation and several members enquired as to the availability of the Parkrun to residents in North Hertfordshire and whether the other NHDC Area Committees would receive a similar presentation. Ms Peacock advised that hopefully there would be a Parkrun in Letchworth Garden City soon. Ms Peacock advised that the runs would be weekly and that one Parkrun had been in existence for more than 10 years. A Member enquired how interest in the local community was assessed and the speaker advised that there had been an online application facility with nearly 300 votes in support of the Hitchin Parkrun and many letters of support had been received. A Member considered that the start up costs for a 5K run was not high and ‘running kit' was not required. Ms Peacock advised that Sweatshirts UK did offer monthly prizes which included running kit. Another Member agreed that the £1500 start up cost seemed high and that Hitchin Running club offered a running session every Sunday morning. Ms Peacock accepted that in Hitchin and many other Parkrun centres there were other running clubs but the objectives of parkruns were to encourage exercise in those who did none or did very little aerobic activity and after this running clubs could provide the next step.


(1) That Melissa Peacock be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 6.

Mr John Manitara thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that Child UK had been providing a service in North Hertfordshire for the last seven years in association with Hertfordshire Constabulary, Youth Connexions, Pro Action, north Herts homes and NHDC. Child UK were making a grant application to run projects in Hitchin and Letchworth.

A Hertfordshire High Sherriff's award had been received for the work with teenagers at Windmill Hill and there had been success in Bancroft. The latest request had come from the Westmill Estate following instances of Anti Social Behaviour and Mr Manitara clarified that Child UK only went to assist in areas where a request had been made and in partnership with NHDC. It had been evident that where Child UK were present that crime was reduced as a result of team working with other bodies such as Community Safety Teams. A variety of activities were offered to young people such as basketball, dancing, football and skateboarding. Activities had taken place at King George V Playing fields and the Priory School and that 25 to 30 youngsters attended each week. Hertfordshire Constabulary nominated youngsters to Child UK who always adopted a holistic approach to their work and was pleased to advise that Sports England (East of England) provided prizes for achievement.

Mr Manitara concluded his presentation by advising the Committee that Child UK was prepared to take advice from all quarters. The grant application was for an 11 week project that would provide diversionary sports and arts activities for the young people on Westmill Estate.

The Chairman thanked Mr Manitara for the presentation and invited questions from the Committee.

A Member enquired if staff received payment and Mr Manitara advised that assistance came from many sources including Hitchin Football Club all of whom had been involved for several years with two volunteers each time plus four persons from Youth Connexions and Mr Manitara advised that a minimum of two accredited adults must be present for child protection. A Member sought clarification of the current activities on the Westmill Estate and was advised that Child UK used the Multi Use Games Activities facilities, also that there had been and would be good use made of the King George V Playing Fields. Numbers of participants had increased and use had been made of Priory School on many occasions. In response to an enquiry Mr Manitara advised that children were escorted to the two venues by volunteers or by parents. A Member questioned the fall in crime and where was the evidence? and Mr Manitara stated that the crime rate had fallen by nearly 35 per cent during the summer but had risen this September.

A member sought clarification as to the start up cost of £1500 and those other sources of funds could be Hitchin Youth Trust and Youth Connexions. Mr Manitara advised that the grant application was for starting costs and equipment and that there would be no changes to charges for users and that support had been received from North Herts Homes. The main objective of making a grant application was to meet a shortfall in costs and that no funding had been available for the Westmill project. A Member wished to point out that CAYPOW undertook a very important role on Westmill and that this should be recognised by other voluntary organisations.


(1) That Mr Manitara be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 6.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Chairman that he was the NHDC appointed representative to Hitchin BID and would remain in the room for the duration of the item and vote upon the grant application at Agenda Item 6.

Mr Keith Hoskins the Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Hoskins advised that representations had been made by businesses and residents for the installation of CCTV in West Alley, Hitchin. The application was for part funding between Hitchin Committee funds and Hitchin BID funds as an application to JAG (Joint Action Group - Multi Agency Community Safety Group) had not been successful. The funds applied for would support three CCTV cameras. There would also be funding from the residents of West Alley

Mr Hoskins stated that the three new cameras would be an extension of the current CCTV system based in the Arcade which saved images on an existing Digital Video Recorder

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for the presentation and it was agreed that this proposal was a good example of the community working together.


(1) That Mr Keith Hoskins be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 6.

Mrs Suzy Taylor thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that Herts Young Carers was a group that provided emotional and practical support to Young Carers through recreation. Support was given to young children and young people who performed a caring role to another member of their household.

Herts Young Carers was a community based initiative wholly led by volunteers and previously part of a large charity - Carers in Hertfordshire. The tasks undertaken by carers varied immensely according to the form of illness or disability, the level and frequency of care and the family structure. Some children supported parents with a physical disability or a mental health problem. Young Carers also tended to siblings who might be autistic, ADHD or perhaps learning difficulties.

Mrs Taylor confirmed that the carers attended a session every two weeks during term time, on a Thursday from 19.00 to 21.00 at the Nightingale Day Centre in Hitchin to enjoy three different themed activities per session viz. sports/exercise, cookery and arts and crafts. Day trips to enjoy other entertainment was provided (Harry Potter World) when funds were available.

Mrs Taylor advised that there was an increasing number of carers who sought relief from the demanding role of being a carer. The presentation was in support of a grant application to support volunteer training costs, equipment and transport for the young carers from home to the Day centre and return. Mrs Taylor confirmed that transport costs were a major expenditure in the running costs of this group and she thanked the Committee for the grant awarded 12 months ago.

Mrs Taylor introduced Hector a young carer who was very supportive of the activities provided by Herts Young Carers. Hector advised that meeting other young carers was very beneficial and helped relieve stress even if it was only for a short time every two weeks.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Taylor for the presentation and invited comments and or questions from Members.

In response to a question Mrs Taylor advised that there were nine young carers from Hitchin and eight young carers from Letchworth and that there had been an increase in referrals from Stevenage. Mrs Taylor also advised that there had been no application to Stevenage Borough for funding partly as it had not been possible to locate a suitable venue.


(1) That Mrs Suzie Taylor be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 6.

Mr Andy Nazer thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living provided support for the more vulnerable sectors of the Community who had long term condition that affected their lifestyles and quality of life such as AIDS dependency, children excluded from school who needed anger management support, Some 1400 people attend the Centre each week to participate in and enjoy a wide range of activities. The Centre worked in partnership with NHS, HCC, Health and Wellbeing Partnership and NHDC to provide services for the frail and elderly, carers and those with Parkinsons and Alzheimer's plus those with long term medical conditions.

Mr Nazer advised the Committee that the presentation was in support of a condition attached to a planning condition where additional lighting during the hours of darkness was required in the car park. Funding had been given by Comic Relief and the Marie Curie Foundation previously to support the many activities at the Centre. An increasing problem was that people were now living well past 80 years of age especially in North Hertfordshire. The centre was growing in size and therefore more car parking space was required and the granted planning permission was conditioned to provide sufficient lighting in the interests of health and safety.

Mr Nazer commented that the Centre had received financial support for many years from a benefactor but these donations had come to an end with the very welcome news that the complete debtors list had been written off. In response to a question Mr Nazer stated that the majority of essential expenditure was met by charges made to centre attendees.

The Chairman thanked Mr Nazer for the presentation.


(1) That Mr Andy Nazer be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 6.

Mr Stephen Pike thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that he was Chairman and a Trustee of Hitchin Town Hall Limited (HTHL).

Mr Pike opened the presentation by stating that the attempt to work in partnership with NHDC officers and delivery of the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall had fallen far short of the original vision. Mr Pike stated that there had been many hours of voluntary work which was probably in excess of £250,000 at commercial rates and that the freehold title of 14 and 15 Brand Street had been acquired to improve the whole project.

Mr Pike stated that upon the introduction of 15 Brand Street to the scheme which would increase the square footage of the development, make the frontage more attractive NHDC Officers resisted the attempts of HTHL to save inter alia the stage in the Mountford Hall, and that with hindsight HTHL should never have agreed to the construction of a ‘removable stud wall' across the stage. The construction of the wall on the stage plus heavy machinery and plant - there had been no consultation - and was constructed without HTHL agreement meant there was no possibility of reversing this construction and the stage had been lost for ever and the promised museum storage was compromised.

HTHL and its advisors considered that this amendment to the construction plans was a breach of the Development Agreement (DA) with NHDC together with other breaches previously advised to Council Officers. Mr Pike wished to place on public record at this meeting the extreme dismay of HTHL at the gross misrepresentation by the appointed architect and agent of NHDC stating that HTHL had been consulted on and agreed with the retrospective listed building planning consent.

Mr Pike stated that unfortunately, following a request for this statement to be retracted it was a great surprise to be in receipt of an NHDC letter that stated that HTHL were probably in breach of the DA by raising the matter with the architect and this was disingenuous to say the least.

Mr Pike confirmed that there was no alternative open to HTHL other than to serve notice of termination of the Development Agreement and therefore had exercised the contractual obligation - known as a ‘Put Option' - which would require NHDC to pay HTHL £440,000 to take possession of the legal ownership of 14 and 15 Brand Street. Mr Pike stressed to those present that HTHL owned the land on which the foyer was being constructed.

Mr Pike opined that it was very unfortunate that NHDC officers had totally rejected the HTHL notice of termination and the ‘put option' and the officer's response had been to refer to procedures within the DA to resolve any disputes which HTHL refuted as there were no provisions in the DA for a statement of material breach. Mr Pike advised the Committee that as a result of these material breaches HTHL had been unable to undertake a community fundraising programme. HTHL had a very robust business plan that was approved by their bankers and by NHDC but the current pre-opening and ongoing future running plans were compromised by these breaches.

Mr Pike stated again that HTHL were very frustrated despite all their efforts and that there had been very little if any ‘partnership' working with NHDC. However HTHL were still open to meeting with officers including the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council at this late stage to consider a way forward on a Without Prejudice basis. In addition HTHL had on many occasions requested a meeting with the NHDC Chief Executive and Leader of the Council but this had been declined.

Mr Pike advised the Committee that HTHL were aware of public announcements made by the Leader of the Council that NHDC were concerned as to the financial standing of HTHL. Mr Pike stated that this was an interesting point to raise when NHDC had placed HTHL in a position where due to the strength of negative feeling in the Hitchin Community fundraising by HTHL was now impossible. Mr Pike confirmed that the HTHL bankers following detailed discussions had agreed that the viability of the HTHL business model was now uncertain. Mr Pike opined that NHDC were seriously at risk for a liability of £1M and, stating his view as a local tax payer, this was lamentable.

Mr Pike concluded his presentation with illustrations of the issues cited in his speech that made up the material breach of the Development Agreement viz. The masonry wall, pipe work and plant to the rear of the wall; plant above the wall meant for museum storage; air venting on the balcony; ducting at the entrance; an air curtain in the entrance; floor damage in the Lucas Room, plant in the main office at the Town Hall and the proposed museum entrance.

The Chairman thanked Mr Pike for the presentation including the illustrations and enquired if there were any questions. There were no questions.


(1) That Mr Stephen Pike be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the decision taken by Hitchin Town Hall Limited to serve due notice of termination of the Development Agreement with North Herts District Council be noted.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

The CDO briefly summarised the grant applications from: Hitchin Park Run, Child UK, Hitchin BID, Herts Young Carers, Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living and Walsworth Community Centre. The CDO advised that a grant application to install a drinking fountain in Bancroft Recreation Ground, King George V Playing Fields and Ransom's Recreation Ground would be determined at the additional meeting of this Committee on 29 January 2015 to allow further investigation of the costs of maintenance to be determined and the provision of mains water and metering installation.

The CDO confirmed that the total sum of the grant applications before the Committee could be met from the carry forward budget. A short discussion ensued and it was agreed to use the carry forward funds provided there had been no specific allocation to named projects.

The CDO advised that she attended a meeting at Priory School concerning the potential financial support to install a climbing wall and an athletics running track. The CDO would report back to a future meeting on any developments.


(1) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being since the meetings of the Hitchin Committee held on 10 June 2014 and 2 September be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3) That the details of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Programme and Highways Schemes as presented at Appendix D be noted;

(4) That the Community Development Officer be requested to take the appropriate action to transfer the unspent monies from the Discretionary Budget for 2013-2014 into the Discretionary Budget for 2014-2015.


(1) To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds and acknowledge the status of budgets;

(2) To ensure that the procedure for receiving and monitoring highway schemes and highway issues was maintained.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,500 be awarded ‘in principle' to Park Run UK - Hitchin Group as a contribution towards the costs of setting up a weekly 5K run on Walsworth Common and subject to the attainment of the necessary permission/s.

For the Committee to support physical recreation in the Community.

RESOLVED: That no grant be awarded to Child UK.

Due to the lack of sufficient statement of accounts and discrepancies within the Memorandum of Articles of Association regarding voting procedures.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Chairman that he was the NHDC appointed representative to North Herts Hitchin BID but did not think that this was a Declarable Interest and would not have any bearing on this grant application and would remain in the room.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £800 be awarded to Hitchin BID as a contribution towards the cost of purchasing camera equipment and installation to provide CCTV coverage in West Alley, Hitchin.

In the interests of public safety and security.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,750 be awarded to Herts Young Carers as a contribution towards the costs of volunteer training, equipment for activities and transportation of young people attending the fortnightly group sessions.

To support the work of young carers in North Hertfordshire through recreation.

RESOLVED: That the determination of a grant award to the Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living be DEFERRED to allow officers to enter into discussions with the applicant for the clarification of the financial status of the Centre and details of the costs of lighting.

To allow further enquiry concerning finance and capital costs of new lighting.

Declaration of Interest:
Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Chairman that he was the NHDC appointed representative to Walsworth Community Association and would have to withdraw.

Note: With Councillor Lovewell leaving the room the meeting would have been inquorate and consequently this grant application was deferred until the next meeting scheduled for 29 January 2015.
Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) referred the Committee to the Information Note which provided an update on progress to date. The SD advised that there was a revised opening date of 27 July 2015 which was about seven to 12 weeks behind schedule due to the Listed Building Consent.

The SD advised the Committee that there had been a number of statements had been made by Hitchin Town Hall Ltd including at this meeting (Minute 71 above refers). Members must be aware that any public rebuttal by the Council at this stage of such claims could put the Council at risk. The SD confirmed that there would be an additional meeting of the NHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18 December 2014 that would review all matters concerning the extant Development Agreement and that a recommendation to Council on the way forward would be tabled following legal advice. The Committee noted that this meeting would have Part 1 and Part 2 sections and that all Members of the Council would receive an invitation to attend.

The SD urged Members not to make any speculative comments on this project and that this was a contractual dispute between the two parties in the Development Agreement.

There ensued a short discussion as to what could be placed in the public domain regarding the Development Agreement and a Member considered that presentations did not cause any problems. The Chairman suggested that a meeting should be set up with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Hitchin Town Hall Limited and perhaps introduce external mediation to resolve this issue. It was agreed that as the Hitchin Committee was unable to make a decision at this agenda item as it was an Information Note and not a Report that any Member that wished to put forward any suggestions as to the way forward should do so at the additional meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 18 December 2014.

Upon enquiry by the Chairman there were no questions or comments.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That the announcement of an additional meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 18 December 2014 that would review the current status of the Development Agreement between NHDC and Hitchin Town Hall Ltd regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall be noted;

(3) That it was the wish of the Committee that all parties to the Development Agreement be requested to meet together as soon as possible in order to resolve outstanding issues concerning the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.
Information Note
Appendix A
Appendix B

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCD) presented the Information Note of the Strategic Director of Customer Services.

The PCD reminded the Committee that Cabinet had met on 5 August 2014 and received an update as to why the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) had decided not to award a grant for the refurbishment of Bancroft Recreation Ground (Minute 37 refers). On 29 September 2014 NHDC Officers had met with representatives of the HLF and discussed in more detail the reasons for refusal. The PCD referred the Committee to Appendices A and B which gave the Decision Note by HLF and the Case papers for the grant application respectively.

In summary:

- It was apparent that opposition to the scheme expressed by a minority of park users had a negative impact on the outcome of the bid and would need to be balanced with greater evidence of the wider support;

- The submission could have been strengthened by including a greater emphasis on restoration of existing features;

- Additional revenue budgets would have been required to strengthen the training and activity plans;

- Bancroft Recreation Ground was only listed as medium heritage value as unlike Broadway Gardens and Howard Park in Letchworth, Bancroft Recreation Ground was not listed as a scheduled historic park and this reduced its chance of lottery funding. In addition Hitchin did not have a high level of deprivation which again reduced its chance of a lottery success;

- This was a very competitive arena and sites with a high heritage importance in areas where there was also a high level of deprivation might stand a better chance of achieving approval of a grant application.

Following the announcement by the HLF the PCD advised the Committee that the Bancroft Project Board met on 20 November 2014 to discuss and review the HLF decision with particular emphasis on the way forward as the grant had not been awarded. The Project Board agreed that Cabinet would have to resolve the way forward and the PCD confirmed that Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 16 December 2014 would receive a report with various recommendations on specific options.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That the potential options for Bancroft Recreation Ground development would be discussed by Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 16 December 2014 be noted.
Information Note
Appendix A
Appendix to Cabinet report

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present to present this Information Note.

The Chairman advised that the resolution made by Council on 27 November 2014 had been tabled at this meeting and distributed to all those present.

During the ensuing discussion it was agreed that very little progress could be achieved until a new process had been confirmed and that the future of Hitchin Market appeared to be the probable obstacle to any developer who would probably want to use the curtilage of the market as part of the overall development of Churchgate. A Member considered that if the Market had to move to another location in Hitchin in order to have a larger re development of Churchgate then perhaps this would have to be seriously considered as a definite option.

The Chairman referred to comments that he made at Council on 27 November (Minute 48 refers) and that resources should be made available that would accrue professional expertise and that dialogue with the present leaseholder should take place sooner than later.

In conclusion all present agreed that the delays to any re-development of Churchgate had gone on far too long. Comment was made as to how the re-development of Hitchin Post Office after a slow start was well on the way to completion and that perhaps specific small scale re-development in this historic market town would be more appropriate, whilst being part of and integral to the re - development of Churchgate.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That the resolution made at the meeting of Council on 27 November concerning the Churchgate and Surrounding Area (Minute 48 refers) tabled at the meeting be noted.
Information Note

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCD) explained to the Committee why there had been a cessation in the works to the Play Area in that only some sections of Walsworth Common were registered as Common Land, but unfortunately the site of the play area fell inside the designated Common Land.

The PCD advised that an application had been made to Defra to allow the refurbishment of the play area on this Common Land and public notices had been placed on the common as well as in the local media. In addition the PCD confirmed that signage would be installed on the Common stating apologies for the delay.

The Committee noted that public consultation closed on 5 January 2015 and that provided there were no objections lodged then the works would be completed in the spring of 2015, with a caveat that if there were any objections it could take up to 12 months before work could start

The PCD concluded his update with confirmation that renovation of the Ransom's Recreation Ground Play Area was nearing completion and would be shortly open for use with a climbing wall and ‘mega tyre swing'.

A Member enquired why this problem of the area of Walsworth Common that was Common Land had not been recorded by the Council. The PCD agreed that his was unfortunate but the land had been reclaimed from a rubbish dump and was delineated by Hitchin Urban District Council and that the refurbishment of play areas on Common land needed Defra consent. The PCD confirmed that officers were in the process of reviewing all NHDC recreational areas as to Common Land status to ensure that any problems could be dealt with before any work was commenced.

A Member advised the Committee that there had been a protest by local parents and that the strength of feeling expressed had been moved to a positive stance and individuals had written to the Planning Inspectorate to confirm support and that many families used this play area on a regular basis. The Member requested that subject to no objections that work should start as soon as possible after 2 January 2015.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That officers be requested to ensure that subject to no objections work should commence on the refurbishment of the play area at Walsworth Common.
Information Note
Appendix A
Appendix B

The Development and Conservation Manager advised the Committee that there was no updating to this Information Note and that the details concerning A Boards in Hitchin was comprehensive.

A County Member stated that he had referred this issue to the Executive Member for Highways at County Hall but Councillors had to note that not all of Hitchin Town Centre was highways land and that any enforcement would be through a licensing regime. However the County Member agreed that the clutter of A Boards in Hitchin Town Centre was unnecessary and there was damage to the footway.

A Member advised the Committee that A Boards were a constant matter for discussion at Councillor Surgeries and that NHDC had offered enforcement support to the County Council on many occasions but the matter of the lack of a coherent licensing enforcement policy had hindered these attempts to remove A board from town centre in North Hertfordshire. Despite representation to Members of Parliament, The Chief Executive at HCC there had been no progress on this issue and action was needed as a priority. Another Member was also concerned at the lack of enforcement and that the proliferation of A Boards had become a great hazard to all visitors to the town centre and proposed that should the licensing enforcement policy be adopted at the County Council that Hitchin could be the first town and have a pilot study to assess effectiveness.

The CDM agreed that there had been frustration throughout North Hertfordshire at the lack of action and that there would be a trial in North Hertfordshire. Following an invitation by the Chairman to address the Committee the Hitchin Town Centre manager advised that on 5 December he would be meeting an officer from Herts Highways to discuss a pilot code of practice for enforcement against A Boards and street clutter - all Hitchin Members were invited to attend.

In response to a suggestion made by the Chairman the DCM advised that Councillors had no legal status to request the removal of A Boards from the footway but that the suggestion for an A5 leaflet that would confirm the need for a licence could be perused but all text would have to be provide by Herts Highways to ensure adherence to policy. The DCM noted that Councillors could assist in the delivery of such leaflets and the County Member advised that there would be no resource provided on this issue by HCC. A Member emphasised that if NHDC were given enforcement powers the District Council would undertake such enforcement.


(1) That the contents of the Information Note be noted;

(2) That the Development and Conservation Manager be thanked for the update and clarification of the current situation regarding enforcement.
Appendix (Informal Meeting Notes)

The Chairman advised the Committee that he attended the meeting of Cabinet on 24 November 2014 that received a report from the Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green issues concerning the proposed increases in car parking charges in North Hertfordshire.

The Chairman advised that Cabinet had adopted in the main the proposals made by Hitchin Initiative and supported by the Hitchin Committee on 13 October 2014 and this had been a good example of how the business community in Hitchin could work with the Local Authority for the benefit of all in Hitchin and the residents of North Hertfordshire.

The Chairman advised that he had little to add other than a vote of thanks should be made to the Hitchin Town Centre Manager and Hitchin Initiative in recognition of the efforts made at very short notice to produce an alternative yet complementary car parking charges tariff proposal for Hitchin.


(1) That the Chairman be thanked for the update following the meeting of Cabinet held on 24 November 2014;

(2) That the decision taken by Cabinet on 24 November 2014 (Minute 68 refers) to increase car parking charges in North Hertfordshire be noted;

(3) That the decision taken by Cabinet on 24 November 2014 (Minute 68 refers) to adopt in the main the proposal by Hitchin Initiative for car parking tariffs in Hitchin be welcomed and applauded;

(4) That the Notes of the Informal meeting of the Hitchin Committee on held on 13 October 2014 be agreed as a true record of the proceedings.
Appendix A

The Development and Conservation Manager (DCM) presented the report of the Head of Development and Building Control.

The DCM advised that this was the annual summary of the contributions from developers that were linked to planning applications and then allocated to specific projects. The DCM referred the Committee to Appendix A which listed in detail the Section 106 Planning Obligation Finances for Hitchin and separated by category e.g. Childcare Contribution, Informal Open Space, Village Halls and Sports Pitches.

The DCM referred the Committee to Paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6 of her report that updated the information on the changes to Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (CIL) from 6 April 2015. The Committee noted that the ability to use S106 agreements will cease with the introduction of CIL. From next April a pooling limit would be applied to any obligation completed after 6 April 2015 and from this date if more than five obligations had been allocated to a specific project the Local Planning Authority would be unable to seek any more contributions. However, any existing funds and those due for collection from existing permissions would not be affected.

The DCM advised the Committee that Government would undertake a review of CIL next spring and she would advise Members of any changes to CIL. In addition to the above information the DCM confirmed that Government had updated and modified the Planning Practice Guidance at 28 November 2014 which instructed that no contributions should be sought from developments of 10 or less units and in the rural parts of North Hertfordshire this could be reduced to a lower limit of five units or less where no affordable housing or tariffs could be sought. For a development between six and 10 units the Local Planning Authority could request contributions in the form of commuted cash payments.

The DCM next referred the Committee to Paragraph 8.11 which detailed the amount of Section 106 monies held by this Council from 2001-2002 to 2014- 2015 and advised that the third column should be titled ‘Spent in Year' not ‘Allocated in Year'. The DCM advised that Paragraph 8.12 listed the main projects that were funded from S106 contributions in 2013-2014 and that in 2014-2015 a total of £269.6K had been received at 31 October and that £165.K would be allocated to capital projects in Sandon, Hitchin (two schemes), Baldock (two schemes) plus a contribution to waste and recycling. With regard to the unspent £2.5M of Section 106 monies (Paragraph 8.11) the DCM confirmed that some of the capital projects may not take place until 2018-2019 for example - green space management plans.

The Committee noted that the following unallocated funds for Hitchin were:
Affordable Housing = £37,367
Leisure = £26.107
Public Realm (residential) = £9.952
Sustainable Transport (residential) £4,.486
Sustainable Transport (non- residential) = £20,792
Hitchin Swim Centre = £s to be confirmed

The DCM concluded her presentation with reference to a request from the Hitchin Committee Chairman for an allocation of sustainable transport monies to HCC in support of a proposed pedestrian crossing in Wymondley Road, Hitchin. Should the Committee agree to this request then the funds of £6732 could be taken from Reference 09/2367/1. The Committee agreed to this proposal.


(1) That the updated advice provided on Section 106 Contributions and Unilateral Undertakings be noted;

(2) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to update all Members of the Council via the Members Information Service of any changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations after 6 April 2015;

(3)That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to present an annual updating report on outstanding S106 allocations and any contributions under the new CIL regulations.

To ensure that the Hitchin Committee were made aware of the robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106 and Unilateral Undertakings and receive an annual update of the current status of allocations.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H

The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance (SMG) presented the report of the Strategic Director of Customer Services and advised the Committee that although Walsworth Common was one of the largest open spaces maintained by North Hertfordshire District Council and a valuable asset there was in fact no long term vision for the Common. The site of 9.6 hectares of open space was registered Common Land (No. CL050) with the River Purwell as an eastern boundary and provided some visual relief from the adjacent residential and industrial land scape of north-east Hitchin.

Consequently the SMG was pleased to present to the Committee a draft Management Plan for Walsworth Common (Appendix A) which provided an assessment of the physical and natural environment of the area including proposals for the enhancement of the area in the long term. In order to attract funding for improvement a Management Plan was essential and the objectives and actions detailed in the plan must be regarded as aspirational and that Defra would be notified in good time of any proposed actions to ascertain if permissions were required.

The SMG stated that the management of Walsworth Common would be a good scheme that would complement the excellent achievements at St John's Cemetery, Purwell Meadows and Oughton Head Common.

The SMG advised that the most important action (Appendix A: Section 4 - Actions 1, 2 and 3) at the moment was a replacement bridge access and funding was a priority. However, a grant application from this Committee was not proposed. The current bridge could not bear the weight of heavy vehicles The Hertfordshire Countryside Management Service had already secured £16K under a performance reward grant to commence the delivery of the environmental aspects contained within the Management Plan. The £16K would also be used as match funding against any further external grant applications such as the landfill tax schemes run by Biffa or Veolia.

The SMG confirmed that it was hoped to start works at 1 April 2015 and it was hoped to submit an application for a Green Flag Award for Environmental Best Practice at the appropriate time. There had been a lot of voluntary work lately in the clearance of rubbish and dumped items from the River Purwell to reveal a chalk stream of which there were few in Hertfordshire. Flow defectors had been installed at intervals on the side of the river channel at no cost to the Council to increase the river flow and reduce deposits of silt. It was evident that with the increased river flow the chalk stream bed had been revealed and fish and kingfishers had been observed.

A Member advised the Committee that the cost of the replacement bridge had been entered into the Corporate Business Planning Process as the budget estimates for 2015 - 2016 (Capital Scheme - C27 refers). The Committee were fully supportive of the draft Management Plan and that funds were available for the construction of a new access bridge onto the common. Comment was made that it would be very desirable to have a separate pedestrian bridge to ensure that vehicles and people did not use the same structure.

In response to a question the SMG advised that Network Rail were the only organisation that could have access to and clear up rubbish on railway property, but the Council would continue to seek maintenance of fencing by Network Rail that was on the northern boundary of Walsworth Common. The SMG agreed to approach Network Rail to seek any funding that might be available for community projects.

The Chairman thanked The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance (SMG) for the announcement of the draft Walsworth Common Management Plan and that officers be congratulated on the Plan and the aspirational objectives as detailed at Appendix A.


(1) That the details of draft Walsworth Common Management Plan be noted and welcomed;

(2) That the proposed 27 actions as detailed in Section 4 of the Draft Management Plan (Appendix A) be noted;

(3) That the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance be requested to keep the Hitchin Committee informed at regular intervals of the progress against the 27 Actions listed in the Draft Management Plan;

(4) That the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance and officers be congratulated on the work proposed to improve Walsworth Common.

To ensure that the Hitchin Committee were aware of the proposals for the preservation and enhancement of this important Community Asset including the protection of the flora and fauna of Walsworth Common.

The Hitchin Town Centre Manager advised the Chairman that he had no updating to make to the Committee.

There were no updates from Councillors.
Published on Wednesday, 14th January, 2015