Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Thursday, 31st May, 2012 7.30 pm

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 Date: Tuesday, 6th March, 2012 Time: 7.30pm Place: Benslow Music Trust, Benslow Lane, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor Paul Clark (Chairman),Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Clare Body, Councillor Lisa Courts, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor Lawrence Oliver, Councillor Deepak Sangha, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor R.A.C. Thake
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Louise Symes - Planning Projects Manager
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Development Manager
Margaret Bracey - Community Development Officer
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement approximately 40 members of the public including 4 speakers at public participation.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors Judi Billing and David Billing.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201205311930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 January 2012 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

Save for noting that the meeting took place at John Barker Place.

The Chairman advised that there would be no other business.

(1)Councillor Paul Clark welcomed everyone to the meeting and to the speakers at Public Participation, thanked those who attended Town Talk and confirmed that as Councillor Judi Billing had tendered her apologies he would chair this meeting.
(2)The Chairman reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of
any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a prejudicial orpersonal interest and that they were required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the item on the agenda.
Members declaring a prejudicial interest should leave the room and not seek to
influence the decision during that particular it.

Mr Girvan thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee at short notice.

Mr Girvan advised that he was proposing the formation of a Community Hall Supporters Group, made up of current users who would be displaced if Bancroft Hall was demolished and other clubs and societies who would need a suitable, modern community space in central Hitchin. Unfortunately the existing Bancroft Hall was unsuitable due to its size facilities and neglected condition. The proposal by Hitchin Bridge Club for a replacement building had the support of many local groups and societies and Mr Girvan advised the Committee that he would soon be contacting many more community groups. Mr Girvan opined that as the refurbished Hitchin Town Hall would have reduced space for community use it was essential to have a replacement for Bancroft Hall. Mr Girvan stated that actual usage of Bancroft Hall was no guide as it was shabby, neglected, inflexible, energy inefficient, old fashioned and its condition discouraged further use, and despite this the Hall was used every week day afternoon, four weekday mornings and three weekday evenings and therefore little extra capacity for community use. There had been extensive consultation with members of the public but there had been little follow up from the Council and it was considered to be essential that the redevelopment of Bancroft Gardens must include a new Community Hall and Mr Girvan urged the Council to embrace the Prime Minister's vision of the Big Society and community cohesion and that it was very regrettable that groups who use the hall were not consulted about the future. Also, Hitchin Bridge Club had written to the Council in 2010 about using the old Hitchin Museum once the Museum had moved to the refurbished Hitchin Town Hall, but had as yet not received a reply. Mr Girvan then gave the example of how the arrangement of Mrs Howard Hall and Howard Park and Gardens in Letchworth Garden City had shown that Community Halls could exist in parks and gardens.

Mr Girvan concluded his presentation with three alternatives:
1.Transfer the existing Hall to the ‘3rd Sector' (a Community Group) as originally considered with permission to rebuild;
2.Permit the Community Group to build a new structure on the expanded site of the derelict toilets to meet the same need;
3.Decide now that the Community Group could take over the old Hitchin Museum (with consent from the Moss Family who hold covenants).

Mr Girvan urged the Committee to support these proposals and support the convening of a meeting of representatives of the Community Group, Portfolio Holders, Senior Officers and members of the Hitchin Committee to discuss all possibilities for future community space in Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That Mr Girvan be thanked for the presentation and the Committee noted the proposal to form a Community Hall Users Group.

Morag Norgan thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that there would be a Hitchin Rotary Olympics on the weekend of 7 and 8 July 2012. Hermitage Road, Bancroft and Brand Street would be closed to all vehicles to allow a Brazilian Carnival procession and there would be many stalls supported by local sports clubs. The Hitchin Hard Half Marathon would be held after several years of absence. The costs associated with hall hire and road closure permits could not be met in full by commercial bodies in Hitchin and she hoped that the Hitchin Committee would be minded to approve the grant application which would ensure that all the planned events would take place. In response to a question Ms Norgan confirmed that Hitchin Rotary Olympics would be open to all.


(1)That Morag Norgan representing Hitchin Rotary Olympics be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 11 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Ms Sharon Walsh thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she represented Hertfordshire Young People of the Year Award via the Corporate Spatial Relationship and was a social enterprise.

This award was for young unsung heroes in the age group 10 to 25 years and in 2011 there were 26 finalists, one of whom was resident in Hitchin. There was a strong relationship with all Hertfordshire Schools and 2012 would be the ninth year for YPOY in Hertfordshire. Ms Walsh advised that the grant application was to support visits to schools in Hitchin and she hoped that the Committee would look favourably on the grant application.


(1)That Sharon Welsh representing Young People of the Year Award be thanked for the presentation;

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 11 - Champion News and Finance Report.

Vanessa Hewer thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that she was representing Strathmore School Parents Association who wished to submit a grant application in respect of a grant application that would contribute to the costs of providing a sensory garden in the school grounds. There were 232 children on the school roll and following a consultation with parents and children it had been agreed that the top priority was for an outdoor garden at the school which would feature a sensory trail, water features and sculptures and support was needed from the local community. Mrs Hewer advised the Committee that other school children in Hitchin would be welcome to visit the sensory garden (one of the first in a Hertfordshire School) and that Groundwork has funded the design and specified the landscape work. There would be many fundraising activities towards the estimated costs of £10,000 and the 2011 Guido Fawkes fireworks and bonfire party had raised £5000, some of which would be given to the sensory garden project.


(1)That Vanessa Hewer representing Strathmore School Parents Association be thanked for the presentation.

(2)That a decision on the grant application be taken at Agenda Item 11 - Champion News and Finance Report.
Information Note

The Planning Projects Manager (PPM) presented the Information Note of the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance and advised that there were two additional points of information. There had been good progress on the visits to schools by officers and the Students' Councils. Comments would be written up soon and reported to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee to be held on 31 May 2012. Some redacted parts of papers from the Churchgate Project Board had been released, and would be placed on the NHDC web site after this meeting.

In response to a question about the statement by advisors to Council about the recovery of the economy - which had not occurred yet - the PPM advised the Committee that Simons Development would be attending the Churchgate Project Board to discuss inter alia the prospects for recovery of the retail economy and the Churchgate Development Project.

In response to another question the PPM confirmed that the planning permission granted to Hammersmatch for the refurbishment of the Churchgate Shopping Centre would expire on 18 August 2012.

In response to another question the PPM was able to confirm that all members of the Churchgate Project Board were consulted on prospective dates of meetings to achieve a consensus and that she would confirm to the Chairman if substitution of board members was allowed.

The Chairman thanked the Planning Projects Manager for the updating to the Information Note.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.
Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services was pleased to advise the Committee that negotiations with Hitchin Town Hall Limited on the Management Agreement and Lease had been completed and were with the legal representatives of Futurebuilders England Ltd. There was progress on agreeing the Development Agreement which also required approval by the legal representatives of Futurebuilders.

Despite the delays the arrangements for the closure of Letchworth and Hitchin Museums (provisional date of 3rd September 2012) had been kept on schedule so that this element of the overall project did not impede progress and the SD re-confirmed the reasons for the phased closure .

In response to a question the SD advised the Committee that all decisions on closure would be monitored and scrutinised and that the £1.8M secured to date did include the £800K received from Futurebuilders. The SD confirmed that there would be two separate agreements and that the Development Agreement would be the overarching agreement which encompassed legal arrangements, funding and work schedule of the project. The SD also confirmed that the end date for the completion of this project remained although there had been slippage within the schedule and that the final signed contracts would confirm any revisions to the estimated completion date.

The SD concluded his updating with confirmation that all Members and stakeholders would be invited to briefing sessions in due course with a final objective of the Council leasing part of the Town Hall and Trust property to Hitchin Town Hall Ltd for a term of 125 years.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the Information Note be noted.
Information Note

The Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCDM) wished to clarify to the Committee that the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens was within the NHDC Green Space Strategy and that any plans for Bancroft Hall were included within the NHDC Community Halls Strategy.

There would be an application for funding of the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens under the Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery Fund within the Parks for People regeneration programme. This matched one of the main aims of the Green Space Strategy which recognised the importance of town centre parks and gardens. There had been a delay to the development proposals for Bancroft Gardens while the findings of the Community Halls Strategy were awaited (Cabinet, 24 January 2012, Minute 92 refers)

The decision taken by Cabinet not to provide a new building in Bancroft Gardens meant that a grant application could now be prepared which would meet the aims of the Parks for People programme to cover the costs for increasing the community use of privately run tennis courts and Lawn Bowls pavilion, provision of a new informal games area, landscaping and security arrangements.

The PCDM advised the Committee that the recent refurbishment of Howard Park and Gardens in Letchworth Garden City had been supported by a grant of £1.8 M from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The PCDM referred the Committee to Appendix A which gave details of the Parks for People scheme and to the three steps of the application. It was hoped that the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens would follow a similar path to that of Howard Parks and Gardens. Once the outcome of the pre-application enquiry was known there would be work on the Stage 1 application with regular updates provided by Information Note to the Hitchin Committee and via Members Information Service.

The Chairman thanked the Parks and Countryside Development Manager for the update and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

Whilst this Information Note dealt solely with the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens as part of the Green Space Strategy it was clear from the ensuing debate and by reference to Mr Girvan's presentation on Bancroft Hall (Minute 99 above refers) and issues raised during Town Talk that the future of Bancroft Hall or a replacement building was a matter of some concern for those present. It was accepted that there were two separate Strategies but it was considered by several Members that the two Strategies could not be separated and that it made sense to keep some form of link between the two strategies, and a Member queried whether any parts of the two strategies could be combined.

During the debate there was strong support for the Community Users Group proposed by Mr Girvan and in response to a question on the provision of a public convenience as Bancroft Toilets were closed the PCDM confirmed that proposals for funding would include such a provision.

Members gave support to the regeneration of Bancroft Gardens as the whole site needed improvement and that a range of users would come to enjoy the outdoors and green spaces. It was accepted that Bancroft Hall was built some fifty years ago and would require a considerable sum to make the necessary repairs and meet the requirements of current legislation. Another Member proposed that some form of retail outlet should be included in the regeneration proposals.

The Chairman thanked Members for their comments and questions and following further discussion it was agreed to support the proposal made by Mr Girvan on behalf of Hitchin Bridge Club that a meeting be convened as soon as possible between Hitchin Councillors, Senior NHDC officers and representatives of local stakeholders and interested parties to discuss the way forward for Bancroft Parks and Gardens with a specific proposal being made for a Community Hall within the current confines of the boundary of the site with the potential of using the footprint of the Bancroft Toilet block.


(1)That the information in the update report be noted;

(2)That it be noted that the re-development of Bancroft Gardens was within the NHDC Green Space Strategy;

(3)That it be noted that the provision of a Community Hall within Bancroft Gardens was included within the NHDC Community Halls Strategy adopted by Cabinet at the meeting held on 27 September 2011 (Minute 47 refers);

(4)That the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to make the necessary arrangements to convene a meeting with representatives of a Bancroft Community Group, Hitchin Councillors, The Portfolio Holders for Leisure and Community Development and Rural Affairs and senior officers that would discuss the issue of a Community Hall in Bancroft Gardens with due regard to the adopted NHDC Community Halls Strategy and decisions made by Cabinet at the meeting held on 24 January 2012 (Minute 92 refers).

The Chairman invited those Councillors who were appointed as NHDC representatives to comment on the organisations they were associated with.

North Herts Sanctuary
Councillor Bernard Lovewell advised the Committee that since the transfer of management of The Sanctuary to St. Mungos Charity there had been dramatic improvements for the users of The Sanctuary. The original concept of a bed and breakfast and evening meal arrangement and maximum six weeks stay had moved forward to some 85 per cent of users moving into their own accommodation from The Sanctuary. The Sanctuary was a much improved facility for vulnerable people and there were plans to re-develop the site to provide much more support for homeless people.

Hitchin Rugby Football Club Joint Management and Advisory Committee
Councillor Richard Thake advised the Committee that there was a very large and important youth development programme, but unfortunately the club house and facilities were becoming unfit for purpose. There were plans for improvements and funding applications would be a major activity in the future.

The Chairman thanked those Councillors who had made a short presentation and it was agreed that this topic would continue to be a regular agenda item at Hitchin Committee meetings.

Mr Keith Hoskins the Hitchin Town Centre Manager thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Mr Hoskins advised the Committee that Hitchin Initiative wished to be an integral part of the proposed Bancroft Hall Development group. There would be a lack of community space at the refurbished Hitchin Town Hall and it was important to retain another community space in Hitchin with a change in policy to accomplish this objective. Mr Hoskins opined that refurbishment of Bancroft Hall would be the best option.

Mr Hoskins strongly put forward the case for a radical approach to car parking regulations and charges in Hitchin and North Herts as there was a shrinking retail market with changing economic circumstances and car parking charge increases were not acceptable. Mr Hoskins also expressed concern on behalf of the Hitchin Business Community concerning the lack of progress towards the announcement of development proposals by Simons Developments for the redevelopment of Churchgate.

Mr Hoskins referred to the recent resolution by Council on 9 February 2012 (Minute 56 refers) to designate streets within North Hertfordshire for the purposes of Street Trading as consent streets which would take effect from 2 April 2012. Mr Hoskins proposed that the Hitchin Town Centre Initiative should be the agency to grant consents for street trading in Hitchin on behalf of NHDC, although there was a particular problem as to which agency was responsible for Hitchin Market Square. Mr Hoskins commented that bookings had been made for space into 2013, the Square was always busy and that it was not practical to move Hitchin Market to Market Square. Mr Hoskins considered that the Town Centre Partnership was taking on more duties with less resource and any income stream from street trading permits would be re invested in the Town Centre. Mr Hoskins concluded his presentation by advising the committee that Hitchin Bids was working well especially on highways enforcement.

Consequently Hitchin Initiative sought a meeting as soon as possible with the newly appointed Interim Chief Executive to discuss car parking charges, Churchgate and Street Trading Consents.

The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for the presentation and his comments and welcomed the proposal to be part of the Bancroft Hall Development Group.


(1)That the Hitchin Town Centre Manager be thanked for the information on events in Hitchin;

(2)That the proposal by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager to assume management of the issue of permits within the boundary of the listed consent streets in Hitchin be noted;

(3)That the comments made by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager on the need for a more radical approach to car parking charges in Hitchin be noted;

(4)That the proposal made by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager as part of Hitchin Initiative to be an integral part of a Bancroft Hall Development Group that could refurbish Bancroft Hall be welcomed;

(5)That the proposal made by the Hitchin Town Centre Manager to meet with the NHDC Interim Chief Executive to discuss the proposals for Churchgate, Car Parking Charges and Street Trading Consents be noted.
Appendix A
Appendix A.1
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services and asked Members to advise her of when they would be available to attend the Senior school surgeries as per the dates in the report. The CDO was pleased to advise the Committee that The Bancroft Project (meals for rough sleepers) had received additional grants from the High Sheriff and Lord Lieutenant and that repairs had been made to the surface of the skate park at King George playing fields.

With regard to the ongoing problems of heavy goods vehicles in Cadwell Lane, Hitchin the CDO advised the Committee that Hertfordshire County Council had been given leave to appeal against the decision by the Planning Inspectorate not to impose any restrictions on Metal and Waste Recycling Limited made on 1 February 2012.

The Chairman invited Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith to comment on cold calling in Hitchin. Councillor Shakespeare - Smith advised the Committee that there had been a spate of cold calling in Walsworth and that he had received advice from Trading Standards and the police on how to proceed. There should not be a deliberate attempt to restrict trade but Members should be aware that there were distraction burglaries as a result of cold calling, there could be rogue trading, some residents could be regarded as vulnerable and would not welcome cold calling. Any area designated as a cold calling zone would be self contained and had to meet certain criteria which the police would approve.

The CDO advised the Committee that the sum of £7082 remained available for grant allocations within this Civic Year and advised the Committee that unspent budgets could be carried forward and did not have to be committed to any particular scheme or project.

The CDO concluded her presentation with additional information on Consent Streets for trading in North Herts in that it was expected to receive a detailed report on Street Trading at the May or July 2012 meeting which would detail the implementation process in North Herts provided that there was no challenge following the public notice of the Council's resolution.

There were no questions for the CDO and the Committee proceeded to determine the five grant applications (Minutes 109 to 113 below).


(1)That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well being since the last meeting of the Hitchin Committee held on 10 January 2012 be noted;

(2)That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development Budgets and Visioning Budgets as presented at Appendix A be noted;

(3)That the contents of the Hitchin Area Committee Work Plan for 2011 - 2012 as presented at Appendix F be noted;

(4)That the contents of the Highways Work Programme for 2011-2012 as presented at Appendix G be noted;

(5)That the information provided on Consent Streets at Paragraph 3.14 and Appendix H be noted together with the expected presentation of a report on the way forward for allocation of permits in Hitchin to a meeting of the Hitchin Committee in May or July 2012 be noted;

(6)That the information concerning cold calling zones and how to apply for designation of such zones as provided by Councillor Ray Shakespeare - Smith be noted.

To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer, confirm allocation of funds, acknowledge the status of budgets and action grant awards.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,250 be awarded to the Rotaract Club of Hitchin as a contribution towards the costs of organising a Hitchin Olympics Event on the weekend of 7 and 8 July 2012.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,250 be awarded to Strathmore School Parents Association as a contribution towards the costs of establishing a sensory garden at the school for the benefit of Strathmore pupils and the wider community.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara as a contribution towards the costs of licences for event permit, partial road closures and playing of music during the 2012 Vaisakhi procession.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,250 be awarded to Young Person of the Year 2012 as a contribution towards the costs of visiting Hitchin schools to support the recognition of and rewarding the achievements of young people in Hitchin.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB


Following a short discussion the Committee declined to support this grant application.
Agreed  Community Development Officer - MB

Published on Thursday, 29th March, 2012
9.14 p.m.