Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 8th September, 2014 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 9th June, 2014 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor M.E. Weeks (Chairman), Councillor John Harris (Vice-Chairman), Councillor S.K. Jarvis, Councillor Jim McNally, Councillor M.R.M. Muir, Councillor A.D. Young.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Ashley Hawkins (Community Development Officer)
Susanne Gow (Committee and Member Services)
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement of the Meeting, 6 members of the public, including the speakers under Public Participation.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

There were no apologies for absence, as all Members of the Committee were present.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201409081930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 March 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201409081930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 June 2014 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no additional business raised at this Meeting of the Baldock and District Committee.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the new Member of the Committee, Cllr Jim McNally, the speakers for Public Participation, Members and NHDC officers;

(2) He then reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and they are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

3) Finally, the Chairman stated that on behalf of the Baldock and District Committee he would like to thank Ian Knighton for his hard work, both as a North Herts District Councillor over the past 15 years and as the Portfolio Holder for Leisure. He asked that the following be recorded in the Minutes:

RESOLVED: That the Baldock and District Committee thanks Ian Knighton for his valuable work over the years as a North Herts District Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Leisure.

a) The Chairman welcomed Mr James Lunnon of the Baldock Town Partnership (BTP) to the meeting and invited him to address the Baldock and District Committee.

Mr Lunnon explained that he was speaking in support of a grant application to the BTP of £500 for publicity and advertising costs for the Baldock Cycle Challenge on Sunday 22 June 2014. He revealed that to date 200 cyclists had registered to take part and the funds requested would be used for posters to advertise the event, as well as race cards and certificates for the participants.

A Member of the Committee made an enquiry about the route the Cycle Race would take, and this was clarified.

The Chairman thanked Mr Lunnon for his presentation and informed him that the grant application relating to the Baldock Town Partnership would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 11.

b) The Chairman then welcomed Mr Graham Woods of the Avenue Park Sports Committee and invited him to address the Baldock and District Committee.

Mr Woods explained that the club house was used by many clubs, and their members ranged in age from 11 to 82 years. Some of the club members had a variety of health conditions and those with disabilities were unable to enter the club house, therefore a grant application for £1,500 had been submitted to assist with funds towards a stair lift. This would enhance the building, which actually belonged to North Herts District Council (NHDC). It had been agreed that an ordinary lift would require too much space and its construction would cost more than the lift itself, so the best solution was the installation of a stair lift. As well as club members using the hall, it was hired out for functions, to the Rotary Club of Baldock and luncheon clubs for the elderly.

Mr Woods was asked approximately how many people used the building, and he estimated over 100 people visited, including some of an advanced age. He emphasised that the hall was used for social purposes and that the Avenue Park Sports and Social Club had already raised £2,222 towards the cost of provision of the stair lift and its installation.

The Chairman thanked Mr Woods for his presentation and informed him that his grant application would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 12.

c) Mr Graham Kingsley, representing Radwell Village Hall, introduced himself and informed the Committee that the Village Hall had been built in 1930 and was currently in good condition as the kitchen and toilets had recently been refurbished. However, the entrance to the site was not in good condition as the gateposts and steps were in an extremely bad state, although new replacement gates had been donated. In addition, the entrance on the side of the building required a path leading to it across the grass. A grant application for £1,015 had been submitted to fund the path and gateposts' supply and installation.

The Chairman thanked Mr Kingsley for his presentation, and assured him that the relevant grant application would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 13.

d) Lastly, Mrs Charmaine Rogers of Home-Start North Herts addressed the Committee, explaining that she was seeking funding support from Area Committees to fund an 8-week course for vulnerable families on Healthy Lifestyles, to be run over the summer holidays 2014.

She handed out a guide to Home-Start and also its 2013 Annual Report, to inform Members of the Baldock and District Committee, while she explained that Home-Start was a community-based group which supported families who were isolated, bereaved, had multiple births, special needs, suffered from disability or illness or who were struggling with parenting in general. The team was formed of a paid manager (herself), two play leaders and all the rest of the team were volunteers who had been Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked. They met at the Norton Methodist Church on North Road, but they went out and about as well. The Committee were informed that the summer holiday programme would also include older siblings in families. She ran through the activities planned, including healthy eating and cooking healthy food in an effort to improve local families' health and reduce obesity and explained that the sum requested in the grant application was £415.

Members questioned Mrs Rogers as to whether the scheme was for Baldock families only, or would it include families in the area, and they were told that everybody in the villages and outlying areas were to be included. On being asked, Mrs Rogers revealed that numbers of those attending the meetings included 20-30 adults, 30-40 children, with their older siblings in the school holidays. Home-Start had 100 families on their books, referred to them by GPs, Social Services, friends and the families themselves.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Rogers for her informative presentation and notified her that the grant application for Home-Start would be considered later on the Agenda at Item 14.


(1) That Mr James Lunnon, Chairman of the Baldock Town Partnership be thanked for giving a presentation to the Committee in support of the grant application submitted by the organisation;

(2) That the grant application relating to Baldock Town Partnership be considered later on the Agenda at Item 11.

(3) That Mr Graham Woods, representing the Avenue Park Sports Association Committee, be thanked for addressing the Baldock and District Committee in support of a grant application towards supply and fitting of a chairlift to ensure that the Avenue Park Sports and Social Club is DDA compliant;

(4) That the grant application relating to Avenue Park Sports Association be considered later on the Agenda at Item 12.

(5) That Mr Graham Kingsley, representing Radwell Village Hall be thanked for addressing the Baldock and District Committee in support of a grant application to assist with the installation of new gateposts, construction of a new path to the side door of the hall and resurfacing of the ground inside the gateway;

(6) That the grant application relating to Radwell Village Hall be considered later on the Agenda at Item 13.

(7) That Mrs Charmaine Rogers representing Home-Start (North Herts) be thanked for addressing the Baldock and District Committee in support of a grant application to assist with costs for putting on an 8-week event on Healthy Lifestyles for disadvantaged and vulnerable families during the summer holiday period.;

(8) That the grant application relating to Home-Start (North Herts) be considered later on the Agenda at Item 14.

Following the Agenda Item on Public Participation, the Members of the Baldock and District Committee had a short debate regarding whether grant applicants need to appear before the Committee at Meetings to personally request the funds. The Community Development Officer (CDO) was of the opinion that applicants were meant to "sell" their grant application to Members, but that maybe people should make the decision for themselves.

Baldock and District Committee Members agreed, stating that regular applicants should be given the option as to whether they attended the relevant meeting to address the Committee. In the case of applicants from organisations which had not previously applied to the Committee for financial help, it was agreed that they should present their case to the Committee in person, in order to clarify any points raised by the Members of the Baldock and District Committee.
Appendix 1 - Budget Sheet
Appendix 2 - Area Committee Summary Update
Appendix 3 - Grant Application - Radwell Village Hall
Appendix 4 - Grant Application - Home Start
Appendix 5 - Grant Application - North Herts Samaritans

The Community Development Officer (CDO) for Baldock and District presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

He went through the budget spreadsheet and the Area Committee Work Programme 2013/2014, reviewing the progress of the schemes and events both held in the past and proposed for Baldock and its surrounding area.

The Committee was reminded that this was the final year that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) would be paid under the current three-year MoU arrangements, which were subject to a 7.1% annual decrease. Whilst the Committee understand that the three-year annual deduction arrangements under the MoU had come to an end, it was felt that the concept of MoUs was a good one which saved a considerable amount of time and effort of all parties involved. It was agreed that the Chairman would make this point to the relevant officer for consideration in a forthcoming review to be presented to Cabinet.

The CDO ran through the projects, activities and schemes, giving an update on the Farmers Markets and reporting that there had been an improved take-up of stalls for the weekly Wednesday market. The Baldock Town Guide had originally been due to be completed and circulated in December 2013 but was still not ready, and a production date of June/July 2014 had been suggested, which had not pleased several businesses who had signed up to the project in October 2013.

The Baldock Town Manager position had been moved to part-time (20 hrs) once more, as the cost of his salary full-time would exceed the funds brought in. The focus of his work would now be on supporting local businesses, managing the weekly market and Farmers' Market, co-ordinating the Baldock Network Group and managing the Baldock Town Partnership website. He will no longer focus on running sporting events.

Matters had progressed with Sale Drive, and following adoption of the land in question Hertfordshire Highways would receive the necessary funds to enable the project to go onto the 2014/2015 Work Programme. The Chairman proposed that he would get in touch with the Senior Estates Surveyor for a discussion on adoption of the land from Barratt Homes to Hertfordshire Highways.

The Baldock Big Lunch had been a success on 1 June, but not holding a raffle on this occasion was seen as a missed opportunity to bring in more funds for the Baldock Partnership.

The CDO had liaised with Graham Woods of the Avenue Park Sports Association Committee regarding assistance with funding a stair lift to make the building DDA compliant, and this had been covered earlier in these Minutes under Public Participation, with the grant application submitted below at Item 12.

The Baldock Festival had been held during May and was deemed a great success. At the suggestion of a Member, it was agreed that the Chairman would write to the Baldock Festival Committee, congratulating them on another successful Festival and thanking them for all their hard work.

A new section had been added to the Baldock Cycle Challenge, due to be held on 22 June and hopefully this would attract more serious racers.

Highways Matters - the Herts County Councillor on the Baldock and District Committee commented that he had not been approached for assistance with any Highways Matters by his colleagues on the Committee, which was surprising as he had put his Locality Budget at their disposal. He repeated his offer of assistance.

Grant Funding
The Baldock and District Committee were then requested to note the list of funding applications at para 7.9 and also asked to consider granting the sum of £250 to North Herts Samaritans for help with funding CCTV equipment.

The Chairman thanked the Community Development Officer for his report and for his efforts on behalf of the people of Baldock and the surrounding District.


(1) That the activities and schemes with which the Community Development Officer has been involved be noted;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards within the Area Committee Development Budget spreadsheet attached as Appendix 1 be noted;

(3) That the Committee considers the award of £250 to the North Herts Samaritans (see Item 15 below);


(1) To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Community Development Officer;

(2) This report is intended to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants Policy;

(3) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District' in which the Community Development Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Area Committee in line with the Civic Calendar.
Appendix 7 - Baldock Town Partnership

RESOLVED: That the sum of £500 be granted to Baldock Town Partnership to assist with the cost of publicity material, documentation and maps for the participants of the Baldock Cycle Challenge.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Appendix 6 - Avenue Park Sports Association

Councillor Harris declared a Declarable Interest, as his son is a member of the cricket club which uses this facility. Councillor Young also declared an interest, as he is a Trustee of the Avenue Park Sports and Social Club.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,500 be awarded to the Avenue Park Sports Association to support funding for a chairlift to ensure that the Avenue Park Sports and Social Club is DDA compliant.

(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Appendix 3 - Radwell Village Hall

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,013 be awarded to Radwell Village Hall to assist with the installation of new gateposts, construction of a new path to the side door of the hall and resurfacing of the ground inside the gateway.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Appendix 4 - Home-Start

RESOLVED: That the sum of £415 be awarded to Home-Start North Herts to assist with costs for putting on an 8-week event on Healthy Lifestyles for disadvantaged and vulnerable families during the summer holiday period. The sum granted is to be provided by all wards in the usual proportions;


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Appendix 5 - North Herts Samaritans

RESOLVED: That the sum of £250 be awarded to North Herts Samaritans to assist with the purchase of CCTV equipment to monitor face-to-face interviews and to screen the front and rear entrances/exits of the building.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Published on Wednesday, 25th June, 2014