Meeting documents

Baldock and District Committee
Monday, 7th December, 2015 7.30 pm

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 Date: Monday, 7th September, 2015 Time: 7.30pm Place: Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
 PRESENT: Councillor John Harris (Chairman), Councillor Jim McNally (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Janine Paterson and Councillor M.E. Weeks.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Liz Green - Head of Policy and Community Services
Sue Hardy - Assistant Communities Officer
Susanne Gow - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At the commencement of the meeting approximately 7 members of the public, including the speakers for Public Participation, were present.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were given by Cllrs S K Jarvis and M R M Muir.
Data/Baldock and District Committee/201512071930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 June 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no additional business raised at this Meeting of the Baldock and District Committee.

(1) The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the general public, Members of the Committee, NHDC including the Head of Policy and Community Services and the new Assistant Communities Officer for Baldock, Sue Hardy. He also welcomed Cllr Lynda Needham, Leader of North Hertfordshire District Council;

(2) The Chairman wished to put on record the Committee's thanks to the outgoing Communities Officer, Ashley Hawkins, who while assisting Sue Hardy to settle into her role, is now focussing his attention on supporting the Royston and District and Southern Rural Committees;

(3) He announced that the grant applications raised by the speakers under Public Participation would be decided straight after each speaker had addressed the Baldock and District Committee, so that they did not have to wait until the end of the Committee Meeting to find out whether their grant application had been successful;

(4) The Chairman then reminded Members that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and they are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members revealing a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

(5) Members of the Committee were requested to clearly state their reason for declaring an interest and what that interest is and to say whether they will remain in the room, speak and vote and not just to declare an interest per se.

Liz Eversden gave the background of the Baldock Community Association since its formation in 1970, what it consists of, its Committee and who uses the Community Centre. She informed the Baldock and District Committee that it is run by a small group of part-time paid staff and volunteers and managed by a voluntary management committee. Herts County Council Youth Services used it for some time as a local youth centre, but provided no upkeep, maintenance or refurbishment. The Community Centre urgently requires updating and renovation to ensure the hall is a more attractive space for current and potential users to hire. North Hertfordshire District Council have agreed in principle to fund extensive works, including renovation of the kitchen, toilets, the platform lift between the split levels, new lighting, a new exterior doorway, new floor covering and redecoration throughout. The Baldock and District Committee had originally been asked for part-funding of £400 to assist with the production of architectural drawings for the proposed renovation works to the Youth Wing, but the sum required was now £1,500 since the Association had been advised by NHDC technical officers that the cost would be significantly more. The Baldock Community Association would contribute £500.

The Baldock and District Committee numbered six Members, of whom two had sent apologies for their absence, and Cllrs Harris, McNally and Weeks were all on the Management Committee of the Baldock Community Association. This left just one Member who was able to vote and the Committee was therefore inquorate. After some discussion, it was agreed that the decision be taken under the delegated authority of the Head of Policy and Community Services in discussion with the Executive Member of Community Engagement and Rural Affairs, to grant the sum of £1,500 to help the Baldock Community Association with the cost of the production of architectural drawings and plans outlining the proposed improvement works to the old Youth Wing of the Baldock Community Centre.

The Chairman thanked Liz Eversden for addressing the Baldock and District Committee and explained that due to the Committee being inquorate, it was currently impossible to give her a response at the meeting, as the delegated decision would take a little time to implement.

Ted Ellis of the Baldock Arts and Heritage Group (BAHG) thanked the Committee for giving him the chance to address them. He explained that the Group met in the Baldock Town Hall which was a venue for live performances. They had been renting stage lighting and sound equipment but this had been returned. The Group had purchased a basic sound system but a higher grade of stage lighting and sound equipment was required to enable a greater variety of acts to perform in the Hall. He explained that any equipment bought for this purpose could be hired out to other organisations who use the Town Hall and this would bring in much-needed revenue whilst saving on current hire charges. A grant application for this had been submitted. The Committee discussed this request and proposed that the Community Officer's recommendation of £598 be increased to £1,000.

The Chairman thanked Mr Ellis for his address to the Committee and informed him that the grant application would be decided at Minute 23 on the Agenda.

Faith Hojeer representing Home Start North Herts explained the role of Home Start in providing for the universal needs of all vulnerable families requiring assistance of any kind. Home Start provides families with support and looks after their welfare and well-being. However, the demand was increasing but funds were falling, due to former grants from the Herts County Council having been withdrawn. Ms Hojeer stressed that no other organisation provided services similar to Home Start's and they were currently looking at restructuring plans. The cost of supporting one family for a whole year was currently £1,400. The organisation also wanted to arrange a Family Fun Day, similar to the one run recently in Hitchin Market Square at a cost of £500. As a result, Home Start was applying to the Baldock and District Committee for funding for five families plus the cost of a Family Fun Day, a total of £7,500.

Members' discussion touched on the structure of Home Start and the percentage of families being helped in Baldock (30%) and Letchworth (45%). The remaining families came from Hitchin and the surrounding areas. Currently a total of 48 local families are being supported by Home Start. Cllr Weeks declared an interest in this grant application, as Home Start had provided much needed support and respite to his family in the past. Ms Hojeer was asked whether Home Start was requesting £7,500 from the Baldock and District Committee alone, and this was confirmed, as the organisation wanted to support as many families as possible.

The Assistant Communities Officer's recommendation was £1,500 which would cover support for one family and a £100 contribution for a Baldock Family Fun Day in 2016. This was agreed (see below at Minute 23), to be split between Baldock Town, Baldock East and Arbury in the usual way. It was agreed that the Member for Weston and Sandon also be requested to make a contribution of £400, totalling a sum of £1,900 from the Baldock and District Committee.

James Lunnon distributed the Baldock Town Partnership's (BTP) Calendar of Events to Members of the Committee and NHDC officers present. He then updated the Committee, going through the events and explaining the outlay expended for printing, hire of outside caterers etc on Baldock Day. The BTP had not requested financial assistance, but had returned a profit of £55 from Baldock Day. A grant of £500 was awarded for the Cycle Challenge and there was a profit of £337. Stallholders at the Farmers' Markets and the Wednesday Markets were charged £20 per stall and new signage had been produced, to be used for a variety of purposes. However, some had been stolen and were having to be replaced.

Mr Lunnon went through the Future Events in the Calendar and explained that efforts were being made to try and increase the number of stalls on the Farmers' Markets and that the forthcoming Farmers' Market would include food courts as well as the usual produce stalls. It was noted that the markets were weather-dependent and the event held the previous day had been very well attended, producing a lot of footfall.

The Baldock 10km Race was fast approaching (on 20 September) and it was hoped that numbers of those registering would pick up. At present it was hoped that between 100 and 200 entries would be registered. An output of £400 had already been incurred, together with £200 for medals, but there was more preparation to be done and it was hoped to make a profit of at least £400.

He advised that the Baldock Halloween and Firework Display had been scheduled for 30 October, to be held at Knights Templar School in association with Baldock Football Club and on 5 December there would be a Christmas Market, possibly with the addition of a ski slope.

Members were advised of the amounts charged monthly to businesses for membership of the Baldock Town Partnership and despite attracting stalls to the Wednesday and Farmers Markets being a struggle, finances were currently stable and Fraser Valentine was expected to take the organisation to the next level. Mr Lunnon reported that there are no empty shops in Baldock as there are in other North Hertfordshire towns, so there is no requirement for establishment of a BID for Baldock.

The Committee commented very favourably regarding the efforts made by the BTP to organise events for the benefit of the town. The Committee thanked the BTP organisers for their efforts and the Chairman invited them to return to the next Baldock and District Committee Meeting on 7 December 2015 to present a further update on the plans made and results achieved by the Baldock Town Partnership.


(1) That Liz Eversden of the Baldock Community Association, be thanked for giving a presentation to the Committee in support of the grant application submitted by the organisation;

(2) That the grant application relating to the Baldock Community Association would be set out on the Agenda at Minute 21;

(3) That Ted Ellis of the Baldock Arts and Heritage Group be thanked for his address to the Committee in support of a grant application for additional lighting and sound equipment in Baldock Town Hall;

(4) That the grant application relating to the Baldock Arts and Heritage Group be set out on the Agenda at Minute 23;

(5) That Faith Hojeer of Home Start North Herts be thanked for addressing the Baldock and District Committee in support of a grant application for funds to support one local family for a year and also cover the costs associated with the organisation of a Family Fun Day in 2016;

(6) That the grant application relating to Home Start North Herts be set out at Minute 22 below;

(7) That Mr James Lunnon be thanked for giving the Baldock and District Committee a comprehensive update on the work of the Baldock Town Partnership over the last six months.



Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

The Assistant Communities Officer (CO) Sue Hardy, introduced herself and informed the Committee that she had only been assigned to Baldock as a Communities Officer for a few weeks. She also assisted the Committees in Hitchin and Letchworth. She stated that the previous Communities Officer had briefed her on project updates and given her a summary of the situation in Baldock, as well as taking her on a tour of the area. She had also assisted in preparation of the paperwork for the recent Baldock Festival. She went through future events with which she was involved and stated that she had introduced herself to all Baldock and District Councillors and Parish Clerks from the surrounding villages and learned much about them. The major societies and organisations in Baldock had been approached and informed of the change of Community Officer and she had learned a great deal about the issues affecting Baldock. On visiting Baker's Field, she was surprised by the amount of litter in the area. She had informed Grounds Maintenance who had arranged for it to be cleared up. Sue Hardy had been instrumental in publicising the new Town Talk, to be held just before the Baldock and District Committee Meeting, and for which she took the notes.

She informed the Committee that she had been in contact with the charity Child UK who provide sport development in Hitchin and Letchworth for children with ASB, to see if they could do the same in Baldock. In addition, she confirmed that the Firework event on 24 October is going ahead, but that the venue has not as yet been finalised. There have been some developments on the issue of Sale Drive.

The Assistant Communities Officer then presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

Updates were given at the meeting as follows:

Baldock Town Partnership
Representatives from the Baldock Town Partnership were asked and agreed, to give an update on events past and present to the Baldock and District Committee at every Meeting from now on. The next meeting will be on 7 December 2015 in the Small Hall, Baldock Community Centre. This will no longer be taken under the Community Update report.

Balstock Community Event
This music event will take place on the weekend of 12/13 September, and the Assistant Communities Officer had assisted with the preparation of the paperwork

Baldock Community Firework Event
This event was likely to return to Baldock, and the date earmarked for it was Saturday 24 October 2015. It had not yet been decided where it would take place.

Sale Drive
Reference the lighting in Sale Drive, Highways had not as yet received the necessary permission from North Hertfordshire District Council. Once it is given, the process will go ahead in 2016.

The Committee were informed that the North Herts Youth Council were willing to come and give a presentation on a date to be determined. These young people were overseen by Connexions and it was considered an excellent opportunity to engage young people in local politics.

Grant Funding
The spreadsheet at Appendix A showed the detailed spend to date of the Baldock Area Committee Budget 2015/2016. Members were asked to note the funding applications being considered for payment by the relevant Wards, as follows:

- St Mary's Church, to assist with the costs of new publicity material to promote the Church, including a new Church History booklet and a Discovery Trail for schoolchildren;
- Howard Cottage Housing Association, to assist with costs of running a dementia support group in the Baldock area.


(1) That the activities and schemes with which the Assistant Communities Officer has been involved to promote greater community capacity and well-being for the Baldock and District area, be endorsed;

(2) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards within the Area Committee Development Budget spreadsheet attached as Appendix 1, be noted;

(3) That the Baldock and District Committee considers the Assistant Communities Officer's recommendation to increase the grant award of £400 to £1,500 for the Baldock Community Association. However, as the Committee was inquorate, the decision to award this grant would be referred to be taken under delegated authority by the Executive Member for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs and the Head of Policy and Community Services, as detailed at Minute 21 below;

(4) That the Baldock and District Committee considers the grant award of £1,500 to Home Start North Herts (Baldock, Letchworth and Hitchin), to fund financial support of one family for a year plus a sum towards a Baldock Fun Day for all families in the Baldock area. It was decided to consult the Member for Weston and Sandon Ward and enquire whether he would contribute £400, making a total of £1,900 for Home Start. This is detailed at Minute 22 below;

(5) That the Baldock and District Committee considers increasing the recommended award of £598 to £1,000 for the Baldock Arts and Heritage Group. This will help cover installation costs of lighting and sound equipment at Baldock Town Hall, to enable a higher quality of productions and activities to be staged in the future. This is detailed at Minute 23 below.

(6) That the Committee acknowledges the recent release of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) grants for the financial year 2015 only to the following groups in Baldock:

- Baldock Town Twinning (£240)
- Ashwell Museum (£260)
- Baldock Festival (£820)
- Baldock Seniors Club (£1,040)
- Baldock Town Partnership (£1,860)
- Baldock Rotary Club (£750)
- Baldock Retirement Sewing Club (£320)


(1) To ensure that the Committee are kept informed of the work of the Assistant Communities Officer;

(2) This report is intended to inform Members of the financial resources available to the Committee. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation, assists in the effective financial management of the Baldock and District Committee's budget and ensures actions are performed within the Authority's Financial Regulations and the guidance in the Grants Policy;

(3) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(4) Production of this report is a requirement of the ‘Priorities for the District' in which the Assistant Communities Officer is required to produce a formal report to the Area Committee in line with the Civic Calendar.

Councillors Harris, McNally and Weeks all declared an interest regarding this grant application, as they are on the Committee of the Baldock Community Association. They stated that they would take part in the discussion on this item. As two Members of the Baldock and District Committee were absent, only Cllr Paterson was able to vote, but this made the Committee inquorate. The grant application would therefore be referred to the Head of Policy and Community Services, for decision under delegated authority in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs.

The Head of Policy and Community Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs be requested to grant the sum of £1,500 to Baldock Community Association to assist with the cost of the production of architectural drawings/plans outlining the proposed improvement works to the old Youth Wing of the Baldock Community Centre.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,900 be awarded to Home Start North Herts to support one family for a year, together with costs towards the Family Fun Day 2016 in Baldock. This sum will be split between Baldock, Baldock East and Arbury wards. The Member for Weston and Sandon Ward was to be asked if he can also contribute from his budget, bringing the total sum awarded to a possible total of £1,900.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.

RESOLVED: That the sum of £1,000 be awarded to the Baldock Arts and Heritage Group to assist with the cost of installing lighting and sound equipment within the Main Hall at the former Baldock Town Hall. This will enable future productions and activities to be of a higher quality and the equipment could be hired out to other groups, generating income. The sum will be split between Baldock Town and Baldock East in the ratio 76%:24%.


(1) The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims and strategic priorities of the Council;

(2) The allocation of funds will improve the services provided by local organisations and groups that are available and accessed by members of the community.
Published on Wednesday, 7th October, 2015
8.35 p.m.