Meeting documents

Hitchin Committee
Tuesday, 26th May, 2015 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015 Time: 7.30pm Place: Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin
 PRESENT: Councillor David Leal - Bennett (Chairman), Councillor Mrs A.G. Ashley, Councillor Judi Billing, Councillor Paul Clark, Councillor Simon Harwood, Councillor Joan Kirby, Councillor Bernard Lovewell, Councillor Alan Millard, Councillor R.L. Shakespeare - Smith and Councillor Adrian Smith.

Note: Councillor Paul Clark left the meeting at 9.25 p.m.
 IN ATTENDANCE: John Robinson - Strategic Director of Customer Services
Steve Geach - Parks and Countryside Manager
Claire Morgan - Community Development Manager
Nigel Schofield - Committee and Member Services Officer
 ALSO PRESENT: At commencement 23 members of the public, including five registered speakers.
 Meeting attachment Agenda
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

An apology for absence was received from Councillors: Frank Radcliffe, Deborah Segalini and Richard Thake. An apology for absence was also received from the Hitchin Town Centre Manager.
Data/Hitchin Committee/201505261930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29 January 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman and subject to the following comment regarding:

A Member sought confirmation that at the Hitchin Committee meeting held on 29 January 2015 Members had agreed to and supported the request from local residents that the gate in the boundary fence should be reinstated. Upon enquiry by the Chairman those present expressed their unanimous support that the gate should be re instated in the boundary fence between Harrison Court and Woodside Car Park.

There were no items of other business raised at the commencement of the meeting.

1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, those speaking under Public Participation and thanked all who attended and spoke at Town Talk;

2. The Chairman welcomed Inspector Duncan Sales and Sergeant Guy Westwood from Hertfordshire Constabulary to the meeting;

3. The Chairman advised that he had agreed to one additional speaker at Public Participation viz Mr Chris Parker and Walsworth Community Centre;

4. Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.

Mrs Hannah Lane thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised that she was a volunteer for the Hitchin Branch of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT).

The Hitchin Branch of the NCT was very active with over 350 households and more than 700 members but the NCT was open to all Members. There were eight baby and toddler groups in Hitchin, Letchworth, Baldock and Royston which were free and relied on donations, volunteers and free venues. A sling library for hiring baby carriers, ante natal yoga, baby massage , nearly new sales, breastfeeding support were provide to all members.

The NCT raised money to fund essential research into pregnancy and birth practices, practical support to all parents and especially to parents on lower incomes or in receipt of benefits.

The Hitchin branch of NCT planned to hold a Bump, Birth and Beyond Fair on 16 May at North Herts College in Hitchin. The objective was to promote all aspects of the National Childbirth Trust and to offer local businesses promotional opportunities. There would be much to purchase as well as a lot of information on NCT libraries, children's centres, Homestart, midwives and car seat safety. Local groups of national charities would be approached for support on premature babies, post natal depression, sleeping and feeding and an invitation to attend on 16 May.

Mrs Lake advised that events such as these had to be funded and that a £2 entry fee would be charged with as much money being raised for the NCT and that a grant application had been made to cover room hire costs, programme printing costs.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Lake for the presentation and invited questions and or comments from the Committee.

There followed a short discussion in which several Members expressed their strong support for the NCT and a County Councillor confirmed that the NCT were welcome to apply for grants from the County Locality Budget.


(1) That Mrs Lane be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That a decision on the grant application be determined at Agenda Item 12.

Mr Elios Xenophontos thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and stated that he was the Chairman of Hitchin Tennis Club. There were some 120 tennis club members of the club who were tenants of NHDC. The current lease expires in August 2015 and with the demise of the NHDC Courts in Bancroft Recreation Ground there was much more pressure on the tennis club to provide public access. The speaker stated that discussions were underway with NHDC to seek a way forward that would increase a greater public use of the courts which would be difficult as there would be no public courts and fixtures had to be maintained. The speaker advised that if a compromise could not be reached by both sides then the club might have to close.

The speaker confirmed that the current lease did require access for members of the public and that access could be made following an email application but there were time constraints for the two courts at three evenings for a couple of hours and sometimes at weekends.

A Member questioned the need for access to a private tennis club even if the current lease did require public access and that more access would be needed if the public courts were not repaired.

The Chairman sought clarification if Area Committees could make grant funds for the repair of public tennis courts and it was agreed that a response should be made at the next meeting on 26 May 2015.

RESOLVED: That Mr Xenophontos be thanked for the presentation.

Mr Chris Parker thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and confirmed that he was speaking as a member of the Walsworth Community Association and on behalf of the Association Chairman.

Mr Parker advised the Committee that the Association were very concerned that there seemed to be very little support at NHDC for the Community Centre and that the Association did not want to see the building boarded up or demolished. The Association sought clarification of the Community Halls Strategy and a building condition survey both of which Mr Parker opined contained inaccurate and flawed information.

Mr Parker quoted from a letter sent by the NHDC Chief Executive which stated that the age, condition of the building and constraints on the building's use could be taken to potentially indicate that this building had reached the end of its useful life and the Association did not agree with this statement.

Mr Parker stated that the interior of the centre had been well kept as was required by the lease. There was some external redecoration and replacement of two double glazed window panels to the front elevation but the Association considered that the building was in a good condition. The Association considered that the spend of some £160K over the next five to ten years was not justified and that it was not appropriate to convert a Victorian building erected in 1852 to modern building regulations.

Mr Parker stated that many users of the Centre such as Town Women's Guild, Ballet Group, After School Group, Art Classes, Hitchin Community Choir, Mirrors Dance Class all of whom used the centre on a regular basis did not want to see the Centre closed or demolished nor did a majority of Walsworth residents want to see the building taken out of use.

Mr Parker on behalf of the Association sought the support of the Committee to retain this building for community use for current users and future generations. Mr Parker also stated the Centre would be a polling station on 7 May 2015 and he assumed annually thereafter.

Members were concerned that such a valuable and vital Community Asset might become unavailable for use in the future and that many local community groups relied on the Centre for holding activities as described by Mr Parker. Members considered that it would be very difficult to bring a Victorian building up to 2015 requirements and that an external opinion other than a building surveyor should be commissioned. Members also considered that a sensible approach was needed to provide resources from various funders that could be used for refurbishment of the Centre.

A Member stated that he was the current Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and he suggested that the comments raised by the Committee and Mr Parker should be sent to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for review and to the appropriate officers for inclusion in the report to be presented to the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 9 June 2015 (see below).


(1) That Mr Parker be thanked for the presentation;

(2) That the comments raised by Mr Parker be passed to the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management to enable consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee who at the meeting held on 9 December 2014 (Minute 59 refers) agreed to undertake a second review of The Leases of Community Centres in North Hertfordshire.

For clarification Minute 59 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 9 December 2014 referred at (2) above is presented below: Members should please note that the Update on Negotiations for New Leases of Community Centres will now be presented at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 9 June 2015.


(1) That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee welcomed the report and that it was considered as a draft report;

(2) That the Head of Finance and Asset Management be requested to include the following information in the final report:

(i) Previous expenditure on the buildings mentioned;
(ii) Costs for the necessary repair work needed;
(iii) Usage of the buildings mentioned;
(iv) How many Community Centres presented accounts to NHDC;
(v) How many Community Centres were in receipt of rate relief;
(vi) How many Community Centres were in receipt of discretionary rate relief;

(3) That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were minded, on the information contained in the draft report, to support recommendations 2.1 (i) and 2.2 (i) as detailed in the report;

(4) That the Head of Finance and Asset Management be requested to present the final report to this Committee for consideration at its meeting due to be held on 20 January 2015.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the draft report entitled Update on Negotiations for New Leases of Three Community Centres.

Inspector Duncan Sales and Sergeant Guy Westwood thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. Sergeant Westwood tendered the apologies of Sergeant Stephen Oliphant who was the police officer with specific responsibilities for Hitchin and surrounds.

Inspector Sales and Sergeant Westwood advised that there had been an increase in recorded and detected crime in the last 12 months with 76 more crimes in Hitchin, an increase of 3.4 per cent, overall in North Herts there had been an increase of 120 crimes recorded and detected which was 2.5 per cent. The increase was in part due to a new system of recording crimes where for example the theft of a mobile phone was previously recorded as a crime for statistical purposes and now any attempt to steal a mobile phone that was reported to a police officer would be recorded as a crime.

Sergeant Westwood proceeded to give a summary of the recorded crimes by offence in Hitchin and compared to North Herts as a whole: Burglaries of dwellings in Hitchin fell by 12, a drop of 8.1 per cent and in North Herts the fall was 47 a drop of 14.4 per cent. Other burglaries in Hitchin saw an increase of 44 which was 29.5 per cent up, and there was rise of 36 such crimes in North Herts the rise was 36, an increase of 10.9 per cent overall. Criminal damage rose by 63 recorded and detected crimes in Hitchin which was an increase of 19.2 per cent, and overall in North Herts these crimes rose by 146 which was 21.1 per cent. Motor vehicle crime in Hitchin fell by 20 (- 10.5 per cent) and overall in North Herts there was a fall of 33 (-8.0 per cent). Thefts from shops fell by 7 in Hitchin which was a fall of 3.2 per cent compared to a fall of 33 recorded crimes in North Herts, a fall of 6.8 per cent. And finally theft from an individual increased by 14 crimes in Hitchin, up by 17.7 per cent with an increase of 17 in North Herts a rise of 13.7 per cent.

Unfortunately assaults with injury in Hitchin rose by 28 from the previous year an increase of 17.3 per cent with a rise of 102 in North Herts (+27.3 per cent). Assault with no injury had an increase of 37 in Hitchin which was 33.9 per cent and in North Herts the increase was 72 crimes which was an increase 26.6 per cent.

Inspector Sales advised that thefts from the person was mainly pick pocketing and problems often arose when people who were drunk were ejected from licensed premises by door security staff and if there were no further incidents then this was very difficult to record as crime. There had been a slight increase in Anti Social Behaviour in the Hitchin area and that any reported cases of domestic abuse was now recorded as an assault but there had been an increase in injured persons in domestic assault who were coming forward which was welcomed.

The Chairman thanked the officers for the very informative update on crime statistics in Hitchin and invited comments and or questions from the Committee.

A Member referred to the theft of catalytic converters from both private and commercial vehicles and the police officers advised that such thefts were on the increase especially from motor vans (three in February) due to high value of metals. However, there were few accredited places that were able to undertake processing of such metals and a special licence was required. Inspector Sales sought to assure the Committee that police activity at Waitrose Supermarket was the same as other supermarkets in Hitchin and there was no intent to have any differences in police attendance. A Member enquired why there was no evidence of speed checks for a long time and Sergeant Westwood advised that the HCC Speed Management Strategy would provide new equipment and that all recording was to see if average speeds were well in excess of the regulated speed limit. And for example an average of 32 mph in a 30 mph zone was not regarded as significant. Both officers stressed that co-operation and information from the public on speeding vehicles was important.

A Member enquired how residential areas that were 10 minutes walk away from a licensed premises could be made safer as evicted persons or persons under the heavy influence of alcohol may not be raucous at the premises but may well be noisy 10 minutes later. Inspector Sales advised that there were always extra police officers in the town centre which included streets leading away from the town centre and this type of incident or crime were reviewed every 24 hours. A Member also enquired about the fear of crime for local residents as street lighting was stopped at midnight in residential areas. Sergeant Westwood stated that most domestic property burglaries took place in the early morning or early evening and Inspector Sales advised that funding had just been received for a ‘dusk patrol' to identify potential target properties.

A Member congratulated the police officers on the work done and that the recording of crime statistics was noted for its complexity. However, the Member was concerned about Anti Social Behaviour and were crimes not reported due to lack of evidence? Sergeant Westwood confirmed that lack of evidence was critical as many victims of crime did not want to provide the ‘whole story' and all cases must be referred to the Crown Prosecution Service who made the final decision on whether to undertake a prosecution.

A Member referred to an issue raised at Town Talk about cyclists without lights, cyclists proceeding against traffic flows and it was noted that enforcement was in place at Letchworth and needed to take place in Hitchin.

RESOLVED: That Inspector Duncan Sales and Sergeant Guy Westwood be thanked for the presentation including an update on crime statistics in Hitchin and North Hertfordshire.
Information Note

The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) advised the Committee that this Information Note was an update on progress at Hitchin Town Hall since the last meeting held on 29 January 2015.

The SD confirmed to the Committee that Cabinet at its meeting held on 27 January 2015 (Minute 108 refers) had resolved to note the intention of the Chief Executive under Special Urgency procedure to authorise capital costs expenditure of £68,539 for the North Herts Museum Project as a result of additional capital costs following delays in the building programme due to the securing the discharge of conditions for the Listed Building Consent. The SD also advised that Cabinet at the same meeting had recommended to Council the additional expenditure of £223,392 to the Capital Programme for additional costs.

The SD stated that on 29 January 2015 the Chief Executive had used Special Emergency Powers to authorise additional costs of £68,539.

However, at the meeting of Council on 12 February 2015 the SD confirmed that the recommendation from Cabinet for the additional expenditure of £223,392 was not discussed following the suspension of the meeting. The Council meeting was suspended as Councillor D. Leal - Bennett declined to accept the advice from the NHDC Monitoring Officer concerning a Declaration of Interest and his close relationship with Hitchin Town Hall Ltd as set out in Paragraphs 4.6(a) and/or (b) of the Code of Conduct. Also, the Monitoring Officer considered that if Cllr D. Leal - Bennett did not leave the room then the Chairman of the Council would have no option but to suspend the meeting. Consequently the Council were unable to discuss and debate the request for additional funds from the Capital Programme.

The SD advised that as the matter of additional funds was not determined then consideration was currently underway to ascertain how the necessary decision/s could be made. The SD advised that there would be an extraordinary meeting of Full Council on Tuesday 10 June 2015 to resolve and approve the need for additional expenditure.

The SD referred the Committee to Tables 1 and 2 which gave an overview of the key tasks undertaken between December 2013 and February 2015 and the full project plan respectively.

The SD provided a summary of the current status of the project: extension of eight weeks to the contract giving an opening date of 5 October this year, the museum fit out where notice of intention of award had been issued for the period 16 March to 10 April 2015 and the SD confirmed that the tender price was within budget. More than 12,000 objects had been selected for display and staff were in the process of labelling the objects for exhibition. The SD confirmed that the Director of Museums for Arts Council England had visited the project and was very impressed with progress and design.

There ensued a vigorous discussion between a Member and the Strategic Director concerning the reasons for the extension to the opening of the new Museum and the statement that this was caused by the delays in the building programme and securing the discharge of the conditions for Listed Building Consent. The SD advised that this Information Note was exactly that and not in the detail of an officer's report and not all of the background or specific financial details were or could be provided. The SD advised the Member that the reasons for additional costs was clarified in more detail in Paragraph 8.4 of the report to Cabinet on 27 January 2015 (Agenda Item 12 refers). The Member requested further clarification of the reasons for delay in respect of the Listed Building consent and another Member explained that the Planning Control Committee decided to review the conditions attached to the Listed Building Consent to be absolutely certain that the conditions could be discharged.

In response to a request from the Chairman the SD agreed to shade in grey those actions which had been completed in Tables 1 and 2 in future Information Notes.

The Committee received an Information Note on the current status of the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.
Information Note
Appendix A - Approved Master Plan
Appendix B - Draft Water Splash Park Specification

The Chairman invited the Parks and Countryside Development Manager (PCM) to address the Committee.

The Committee noted that Cabinet had at the meeting held on 16 December 2014 agreed to an incremental and affordable improvement scheme for Bancroft Recreation Ground and the first improvement would be a splash park and an update had been made at the meeting of this Committee held on 29 January 2015 (Minute 103 refers). The Consultation period would last for four weeks with requests for comments on the Water Splash Park.

The Chairman thanked the PCM for the update.

The Committee noted the report on the condition of the tennis courts following the use of a power wash and the consequence of the Inspector's report was the closing of the courts as temporary measure and the report acknowledging that the courts were beyond economic or viable repair and that the courts should be replaced or removed.

Several Members were very concerned that the public tennis courts were no longer fit for purpose due to a lack of a maintenance programme over many years. The Members opined that this was unacceptable and despite the public use of courts at Hitchin Tennis Club it was essential that there should be at least on other public court in Bancroft Recreation Ground. The Committee acknowledged that surface repair was not feasible at the courts and that more groundwork/sub surface exploration would be needed. Following a short discussion and advice from the Strategic Director of Customer Services (SD) it was agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Leisure should be advised of the concerns of the Committee and that every effort should be made to re-instate one hard surface tennis court for public use as soon as possible.

The SD confirmed that the costs of repair were being investigated and professional advice was needed on what could be done and whether there needed to be excavation to bring any of the courts into use.

In response to a question the SD stated that officers did not determine policy, it was the responsibility of Cabinet who had approved the Master Plan for Bancroft Recreation Ground but this was now to be implemented in incremental phases.

The Committee noted that the details of a possible water splash scheme was presented at Appendix B and would be near point 3 on the Master Plan presented at Appendix A.

With regard to the consultation period for the water splash facility the Chairman enquired as to the format of the consultation. The PCM advised that all of Appendix B would be the consultation document with a covering comments page and would be posted in the Recreation Ground. Access to consultation would also be on the NHDC web site. The Chairman suggested that it should be possible for officers to make a concerted effort to hand out the document to users in the Recreation Ground and that all primary schools in Hitchin should be sent the consultation papers.

The Committee received an Information Note on the current status on the proposed splash park in Bancroft Recreation Ground as part of incremental development.

Following discussion the Committee:


(1) That the Portfolio Holder for Leisure be requested to note the concerns expressed by the Committee concerning the closure of the public tennis courts in Bancroft Recreation Ground;

(2) That the Portfolio Holder for Leisure be requested to convey these concerns at a future meeting of Cabinet and the necessity to ensure that at least one public tennis court be available for use in Bancroft Recreation Ground following repair.
Information Note

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present for this Information Note.

The Committee noted that Council on 12 February 2015 (Minute 67 refers) resolved to allocate additional funds of £40K that would allow for an independent valuation of the site, including further discussions with Hammersmatch and other interested parties.

Of concern to Councillors was any movement of Hitchin Market to a new location and it was noted that NHDC Officers would work together with any developer who would be responsible for the commissioning of specialist advice that would attempt to find an alternative location for the market.

The Committee received an Information Note on the latest decisions by Council on 12 February 2015 concerning the committal of funds for an independent valuation of the site.
Information Note
Appendix A - Conveyance of 15 August 1939 and Land Registry Plan

The Chairman advised the Committee that there was no officer present for this Information Note.

The Information Note provided a precise update on the existing covenants that applied to The Dell in Walsworth Road, Hitchin following the transfer of assets from Hitchin Urban District Council to North Hertfordshire District Council under the Local Government Act 1972. Consequently The Dell was part of the site owned by North Hertfordshire District Council which was covented to preserve the site as a sanctuary for birds in memory of a Mr Gainsford.

The Committee noted that there were four options open to this Council:

1. Continue to observe the covenant;

2. Ignore the covenant and use of land for other purposes;

3. Approach the relevant government minister for approval for any other required use;

4. Make an application for removal of the covenant to the Lands Tribunal using the 1925 Law of Property Act.

Members considered that the details in the Information Note were very interesting and informative especially concerning existing covenants and what area precisely constituted The Dell. A short discussion centred on how any of the covenants could be overruled and it was noted that there had been an irregular and informal use of The Dell over many years.

The Committee also noted that any group wishing to use The Dell for any activity must make an application to the Council for such permission - which was the case with any open spaces owned by this Council - in respect of any of the options 1-4 above. However, the Committee agreed that officers should be requested to investigate if there could be a formal legal arrangement to use The Dell for community use. A Member suggested that if this was possible then there could be an additional Option 5 open to the Council.

The Committee received an Information Note on the restrictive covenants affecting the site known as The Dell, Walsworth Road, Hitchin.

Following discussion the Committee:


(1) That the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to take note of the comments raised by Members of the Committee regarding the use of the Dell in respect of the existing covenants and previous informal use;

(2) That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management and the Property Solicitor be requested to discuss these concerns and the feasibility of making provision for using The Dell for Community Use;

(3) That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to present an updated Information Note on the feasibility of making provision for using the Dell for Community Use to the next meeting of the Hitchin Committee scheduled for 26 May 2015;

(4) That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management and the Property Solicitor be requested to consider a new Option 5 that would support an ‘open use' of The Dell following the removal of existing covenants.
Information Note

County Councillors Judi Billing and Derrick Ashley thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee.

The County Councillors explained that in addition to themselves County Councillor David Barnard also represented part of Hitchin. Each Councillor had a delegated budget of £90K to allocate to Highways repairs and for small schemes that were not part of the Highways Integrated Work Programme, The Committee noted that all monies allocated for highways works were recorded against each Councillor and listed on the Herts Direct website. It was noted that there were considerable monies allocated from S106 awards that covered sustainable transport, the long awaited link road to the industrial area, the imminent construction of three pedestrian controlled crossing in Hitchin at Queen Street, Bancroft and Cambridge Road.

The County Councillors stated that in addition to funded schemes there was continuous progress chasing on schemes not completed and that gully emptying and cleansing was a regular feature of their work load as were failed street lights.

One major objective was the implementation of the painting of 20 mph signage on the highway surface and the enforcement of parking regulations due to obstruction and footway repairs in many parts of Hitchin. The Hitchin Transport Plan should be re-visited with particular reference to the link road at the Industrial Area, traffic management at Hitchin Station concourse and the junction with Walsworth Road.

The Chairman thanked the two County Councillors for the update on highway maintenance issues in Hitchin and comment was raised by Members concerning drainage in Whitehill Road and Stevenage Road, access for emergency vehicles in and along St John's Road, and that encouragement should be made for all to use the Highways section on the Herts Direct web site for information.

Members agreed that the information provided had been very useful to all District Members and that if possible there should be an update from County Councillors twice a year to this Committee.


(1) That County Councillors Judi Billing and Derrick Ashley be thanked for the update on traffic issues in Hitchin;

(2) That the three County Councillors representing Hitchin be invited to provide an update on Highways Issues to the Hitchin Committee twice a year with the next presentation to be at the meeting scheduled for 8 September 2015.

The Chairman advised that the Hitchin Town Centre Manager was unable to attend the meeting as he was away on holiday. It was noted that a presentation in support of grant funding to Hitchin Town Centre Initiative would be made at the next meeting scheduled for 26 May 2015.
Appendix A - Budgets update
Appendix B - Vaisakhi Grant application
Appendix C - Walsworth Festival Grant application
Appendix D = National Childbirth Trust Grant application
Appendix E - Hitchin Cttee Work programme

The Community Development Officer (CDO) presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services.

The CDO provided a summary of the background to the two grant applications from Sri Guru Singh Gurdwara and Walsworth Festival Association where there had not been a presentation at this meeting.

Each year the Gudwara organised the Vaisakhi procession through the streets of Hitchin including the Town Centre for more than 15 years and was an important part of the community calendar. The CDO advised that for the last ten years this Committee provided grant funding for the Vaisakhi Festival towards the cost of traffic management for public safety

The Walsworth Festival on Sunday 7 May 2015 would be the 40th Anniversary of a festival on Walsworth Common. The grant application was for a contribution towards the festival running costs which provided an opportunity for local groups and organisations to promote their activities and provide entertainment for the residents of this part of Hitchin.

With regard to the overall balance of monies available for discretionary award the CDO confirmed that grants awarded in 2014 - 2015 were carried forward to this year and from previous years which had used all such funds. This meant that there were unused and unallocated funds totalling £18,020 which the CDO sought agreement to carry forward into 2015 - 2016. This proposal was unanimously agreed by the Committee.

The CDO referred the Committee to Appendix A for the detailed breakdown on the Discretionary Budget and to Appendix E for a summary of the Committee work programme. It was agreed that there were no additional highways information required in addition to the details given at Minute 129 above.


(1) That the budget expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development, Visioning and Ward Budgets as set out in Appendix A be noted;

(2) That the proposal made by the Community Development Officer to allocate all unallocated funds in the Area Committee Budget Sheets to ‘Community Projects' for 2015 - 2016 be agreed;

(3) That no funds be awarded to Highway Projects at this meeting of the Hitchin Committee;

(4) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer for greater community capacity in Hitchin be applauded.

To ensure that the Committee was updated on all matters pertaining to the Area Committee Development Budget for 2014-2015, carry forward unspent budgets to 2015-2016 and to award grant funding in support of the local Community and voluntary organisations.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara as a contribution towards the costs of traffic management for the Vaisakhi 2015 Festival.

For the Committee to provide support to Hitchin Community Groups

Declaration of Interest:
Councillors Bernard Lovewell, Alan Millard and Ray Shakespeare- Smith advised the Chairman that they had a Declarable Interest as they were NHDC appointed representatives to the Walsworth Community Association and sat on the Festival Committee and advised they would leave the room for the duration of the item and not vote.

Due to the withdrawal of the three Councillors (including the departure of a Councillor prior to this item) the meeting was not quorate. Consequently the Chairman proposed and it was agreed that the determination of this grant application should be made under Delegated Authority.

RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Rural Affairs and the Head of Policy and Community Services should determine this application using Delegated Authority. (Grant of £1500 to the Walsworth Festival Association as a contribution towards the costs of holding the 2015 Walsworth Festival on Walsworth Common, Hitchin on 17 May 2015).

For the Committee to provide support to Hitchin Community Groups.

RESOLVED: That a grant of £500 be awarded to the Hitchin Branch of the National Childbirth Trust as a contribution towards the costs of room hire, promotion and publicity of holding a ‘Bump, Baby and Toddler Fair on 16 May 2015.

To provide support for the very important charitable service carried out by the National Childbirth Trust.

There were no updates from Councillors.
Published on Tuesday, 17th March, 2015