Meeting documents

Joint Staff Consultative Committee
Wednesday, 26th March, 2014 3.00 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 18th December, 2013 Time: 3.00pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Tom Brindley (Chairman), Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham, Mrs D Levett (Unison), Chris Carter (Staff Consultation Forum), C Corr (Staff Consultation Forum), Councillor Paul Clark (Substitute) and Councillor Deborah Segalini (Substitute).
 IN ATTENDANCE: Strategic Director of Customer Services
Corporate Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Development Manager
Employee Relations Manager
Committee and Member Services Officer.
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Lawrence Oliver (for whom Paul Clark substituted), Judi Billing (for whom Deborah Segalini substituted) and Fiona Hill.

Jacqui Hamilton from UNISON had sent her apologies for absence and Chris Carter advised the Chairman that he would need to leave at 4pm to attend another meeting.
Data/Joint Staff Consultative Committee/201403261500/Agenda/Minutes

It was agreed that the Minutes of the JSCC meeting held on 18 September 2013 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other business was put forward for discussion at this Meeting.

The Chairman welcomed all Members and officers to this meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee.

He advised that instead of the Discussion item on the Agenda, the Apprentices and Interns currently working at North Herts District Council would give a presentation to the Committee.

The Chairman reminded all present that this was a joint meeting and input from officers as well as Members was welcome.

The Chairman then read out the following statement:

‘Members were reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and they are required to notify the Chairman of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest which requires they leave the room under Paragraph 7.4 of the Code of Conduct, can speak on the item, but must leave the room before the debate and vote.'
SCF 4.9.13
SCF 2.10.13
SCF 6.11.13

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) referred the JSCC to the Minutes of the meetings of the Staff Consultation Forum (SCF) held on 2 October, 6 November and the Draft Minutes of 4 December 2013 (tabled at this Meeting), for details of the meetings, actions taken and the items carried forward. The Minutes of 4 September had been agreed at the last meeting of the Staff Consultation Forum without alteration, and although they were included with the Agenda, it was not thought necessary to go through them again.

The CHRM provided a summary of the main points from each meeting as follows:

2 October 2013
The CHRM referred to the update of the Bullying and Harassment Policy which is out for review and was asked whether unconscious bias fits into this Policy. She said she thought it was covered in the relevant training, but would check on that. Any suggestions would be forwarded directly to the Employee Relations Officer for consideration.

She reiterated that all staff now had the right to request flexible working, which to date had been only available to staff in certain categories. The Policy had been redrafted and was now in effect.

Under NHDC Update, the CHRM informed the Committee that for the national pay claim, the unions had based it on the application of the Living Wage (currently £7.54 per hour outside London). They had also requested a flat rate increase of £1 per hour on all pay points. The CHRM assured the meeting that she would keep them up-to-date on national negotiations.

Under Corporate Update, those present were reminded that the Chief Executive had given the Council's financial position for the next two financial years at this SCF meeting. Savings of £2.8 to £3 million were needed, but due to work already done, nothing else was required until close to the end of the next financial year.

Employee Queries listed several questions from staff, and some discussion was held regarding mileage claimed by staff carrying out occasional work for other local authorities. They were informed that NHDC paid the appropriate mileage to staff members at NHDC rates and then claimed it back from the relevant local authority. Whether or not that authority paid the same mileage rates as this Council it was deemed important that staff should not be disadvantaged by working for another local government authority.

6 November 2013
The CHRM referred to the Right to Request Flexible Working and Right to Train Policies, before moving onto the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) employment checks which had replaced the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks providing information relating to previous convictions which might affect NHDC's ability to employ certain individuals.

Those present were then reminded that work was underway on reviewing the Attendance Procedure Policy. Also of note was the fact that the process of electing some new representatives to the Staff Consultation Forum had begun.

The Housing and Public Protection Restructure was referred to, as was the Corporate Business Planning process and the decision to award Chief Officers at NHDC the 1% pay award which had been made to all other staff earlier in 2013. Also mentioned was the offer from NHDC of flu vaccinations for staff. It was hoped that this would have a good take-up.

Finally, the Committee briefly discussed the Dress Code.

4 December 2013 (Draft)
The Draft Minutes of the SCF Meeting of 4 December were tabled at this JSCC Meeting.

The subject of dress suitable for work was raised once more, with the CHRM informing the SCF of the definition of "appropriate dress" set out in the Employees' Handbook. After discussion, the Committee concurred that staff should come to work dressed as if they were expected to meet with a member of the public and/or Councillors. This subject had gone through both the Senior Management Team and Senior Management Team Meetings. The Committee agreed that this subject needed a modicum of control and commonsense. The CHRM declared that a further update would be given in due course.

Under the heading of NHDC Update, the proposed installation of electric charging points at some of NHDC's car parks was discussed, and it was commented that electric vehicles might be appropriate for Civil Enforcement Officers. It was hoped that this would encourage people to purchase electric cars and in this way help the environment.

The provision of flu vaccinations was applauded and would be offered again in the autumn of 2014. A Councillor enquired whether this was to be offered to Members, and was told that this was unlikely, as the funds were drawn from the Staff Training Budget.

The CHRM informed the Committee under Employee Queries that the ‘downtime issues' relating to the recent loss of IT and the lack of communication to staff were seen as problems by NHDC staff. The Strategic Director of Customer Services (SDCS) had explained that the Communications Manager would be liaising with IT in the future to ensure that staff were kept up-to-date.

The problem with the Ladies toilets on the ground floor would be passed to Property Services for attention, as this could not wait until refurbishment works on the District Council Offices (DCO) began in 2015.

Finally, the Committee was informed that the next Staff Survey was currently in preparation and would be circulated to staff in February 2014.

It was agreed: That the information provided in the above sets of Minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum be noted.

The Corporate Human Resources Manager (CHRM) presented the Committee with the latest quarterly update on the progress made to the People Strategy 2011-2015 Report, which also incorporated the Council's Workforce Development Plan.

She explained that the most critical issue was the new payroll service. Human Resources and Payroll were working to outsource payroll for the new financial year. The Committee were then taken through issues such as the offer to staff of flu vaccinations, preparations for the next Staff Survey, the Right to Request Policy, and the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) which had replaced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks. The CHRM then updated the Committee on NHDC Benefits Extras incorporating the salary sacrifice Bikes for Work scheme and the Childcare Voucher scheme, together with a Staff Discount scheme. Information on the apprentices and interns currently working at NHDC in MSU, Revenues and Benefits, the Museum Service, IT, the Customer Service Centre, Careline and the Children's Service followed. Members were informed that the Attendance Procedure Policy was currently being reviewed with Unison.

The Human Resources Development Manager (HRDM) confirmed that the Learning Management System (LMS) had been successfully upgraded in late October 2013 and officers who administered this had been given the relevant training.

Lastly, the CHRM reminded the Committee that storage capacity had grown on Outlook and staff would be asked to delete all emails not required, to cut down the volume in order to prepare for the reduced email storage capacity which will be applied in 2014.

She went through Appendix A and confirmed that the total absence rates in November 2013 were almost identical to those in November 2012. She also declared that in 2012 1.2 days were lost between December and March, so this may well be similar in 2013.

Regarding Appendix B, the People Strategy Action Plan 2013/2014, the CHRM stated that it was coming towards the end of this Action Plan, and some items may be carried forward. The new Plan was currently being drafted, and would be presented in either March 2014 or June 2014.

The Committee questioned the type of people who applied to be apprentices or interns, and was informed that anybody could apply, provided they were residents of North Hertfordshire. They were a real mixture of ages between 18 and 24 and some were older. The Chairman commented that an update in the weekly Members Information Service would be useful. The SDCS revealed that a change in the labour market suggested that there was underemployment for older people as well as young 16/24-year-olds. The CHRM stated that they had to advertise more than once for the two IT apprentices.

The Chairman commented on the turnover figures, saying that they were healthy and the CHRM confirmed that rates were still generally quite low. The SDCS stated that the target was set when turnover was very high and the target may need to be reset. On asking who decides what goes onto the annual work plan, the Chairman was informed that the work plan is formed from the People Strategy, which is based on consultation with the Heads of Service, Corporate Managers and the Senior Management Team in alignment with the corporate priorities.

It was agreed: That the Committee notes the progress against the People Strategy and HR People Strategy Work Plan for 2013/2014.

The People Strategy supports the achievement of the Authority's key priorities.

The Chairman, Councillor Tom Brindley and Councillor Deborah Segalini both declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in this Agenda item, as they are members of the Local Government Pension Scheme.

To begin with, the Human Resources Manager (CHRM) presented an update on National Pay Bargaining. She stressed that the trade unions Unison, GMB and Unite had reached agreement on the 2014/2015 pay claim, i.e. "A minimum increase of £1 an hour on Scale Point 5 to achieve the Living Wage and the same flat rate increase on all other pay points".

The CHRM confirmed that the Employers had received a regional pay briefing where they sought the views of all councils on affordability and next steps. Councils, for the most part, had declared that they had budgeted for a 1% rise. The local government national pay scale lowest pay point was in crisis and was close to falling under the minimum wage figure. The employers recognised that something needed to be done about this.

Terms and Conditions would no longer form part of national pay bargaining. The employers stated that they had come close to an agreement on a change to HMRC mileage rates but the final step had been impossible and they had written to local authorities with advice on how to manage changes to Terms and Conditions locally.

The CHRM declared that there would be huge changes from April 2014. The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA), who administer the LGPS for NHDC had been invited to present two sessions, on 4 December 2013 and 11 March 2014, to inform officers of the changes. These would provide an opportunity for interested parties to ask questions.

A Member enquired whether pay progression was by time served or based on ability and performance. He was informed that pay progression was automatic to the top of the pay grade, but there was also some measure of gauging satisfactory performance to progress.

It was agreed: That the Committee notes the National Pay Bargaining and Pensions Update.
Verbal presentation

The CHRM introduced the apprentices and interns and explained that as part of the essential learning and development programme for apprentices and interns, they were given a group task that was based on a brief. This group had been asked to:

- Write a joint paper
- Prepare a 15 minute presentation on "The value of apprenticeships and Interns at NHDC for:

1. The council as a whole
2. Individual departments
3. The apprentices and interns themselves."

The group then presented to the Joint Staff Consultative Committee on: "The Value of Apprenticeships and Internships at North Herts District Council". The apprentices and interns involved worked in a variety of departments and fulfilled various functions. They took it in turns to explain to the Committee their role and how they fulfilled it, as follows:

- Emily Iveson and Victoria Causer - Cultural Services (Museums)
They clean, photograph, repack and enter items onto a database.
Also improve facilities, provide new ways of cataloguing and a fresh perspective.

- Eloise Boyd and Leigh Spice - Information Technology
Ellie works alongside the Information Officer, Ingrid Howard.
Both help with maintenance, data matching, customer service, upgrades and information requests.

- Luke Martins-Hesp - Environmental Health
Luke helps ease the work load in his department, providing additional support and helping to meet targets. He has given new insights to the Environmental Health team and assisted in the improvement of the Food Hygiene criteria. He believes that through him and his fellow apprentices/interns, the council is investing in the future.

- Gabriella Hensman - Human Resources
Gabriella provides additional administrative support in the Human Resources department. She dedicates time to new tasks and assists on the HR Helpline and with the evaluation of new policies.

The apprentices and interns explained the value of the process to themselves, commenting between them that: this was an essential part of their study; it could be defining a career path; they were experiencing something new; it gave them a different perspective; they were adapting their skills and learning new ones; they were getting valuable experience of the working environment and were "part of the action"; they met new people and also helped people; they were given an insight into the industry; they engaged with a variety of people; the path to study was defined, being beneficial to future studies; they adapted to a new environment and faced new challenges; new experiences and career opportunities were valuable and they met new people and worked around their other commitments; this was a chance for a career change or to make a decision as to further study. Each presenter then gave their opinion as to the value that they added to North Herts District Council as a whole.

On completion, the presenters were asked how well they knew each other. They said they had come to know each other well through the sessions working on this presentation. The disparity in the ages of some of them was discussed. They were asked the difference between an apprentice and an intern and explained that an intern was somebody who had already completed a course of study and was looking for valuable work experience in their field, while an apprenticeship included accredited learning and employment.

The Chairman voiced the Committee's thanks for the informative presentation and commended the presenters for the professional way in which the process had been handled. On behalf of the Committee, he wished all the apprentices and interns the very best for their future, wherever they went in the progression of their careers.
Choice of topic

The subject chosen for the next meeting on 26 March 2014 was "Outplacement Support".
Published on Tuesday, 14th January, 2014