Meeting documents

Letchworth Committee
Wednesday, 10th June, 2015 7.30 pm

  Printer Friendly
 Date: Wednesday, 11th March, 2015 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Lorna Kercher (Chairman), Councillor Clare Billing (Vice-Chairman), Councillor John Booth, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor T.W. Hone, Councillor David Kearns, Councillor David Levett, Councillor Ian Mantle, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham, Councillor Mike Rice and Councillor Deepak Sangha.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Steve Crowley (Contracts and Project Manager), Andrew Mills, (Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance), Claire Morgan (Community Development Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting eight members of the public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Sandra Lunn.
Data/Letchworth Committee/201506101930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 21 January 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

No other items of business were discussed.

(1) The Chairman welcomed all who had attended the meeting, particularly those who had attended to give a presentation.

(2) The Chairman announced that as some very young people were present and the Police needed to return to duty, she would take the Public Presentation from the Garden City Academy followed by the presentation from the Police, after which the rest of the Public Participation presentations would be heard.

(3) The Chairman drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest need to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.

Mr Gary Mallett, North Hertfordshire Homes, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the work of the children of Garden City Academy regarding litter picking as follows:

- The children, aged 8 and 9 years had twice gone out litter picking;
- In April 2014 they had collected 35 bags of rubbish and this year a further 30 bags;
- The Council were reluctant to install more bins;
- A survey of bins, completed by the children showed that currently, bins were located on the main roads rather than in the centre of the estate;
- It was noticed that the rubbish was concentrated in areas with no bins;
- North Hertfordshire Homes would support the cost of installation of the bins;
- The children wanted to ask the Committee for support to get more litter bins in and around the estate;

Tommy, one of the children, had come to support the presentation, the teachers said that Tommy was brilliant at picking up rubbish and the rubbish collected by him and the other children had included a sofa, motorcycle, coke cans, beer cans and sweet wrappers.

Members congratulated the children for their hard work and queried whether people would use the bins if they were provided and were concerned about the ongoing costs of emptying any bins installed.

Mr Mallett advised that most of the rubbish collected consisted of either sweet wrappers or dog waste bags and that the children had designed posters, which were being placed around the estate about not dropping litter.

Members noted that the land being discussed was partly owned by the Letchworth Garden City heritage Foundation and that there had previously been bins installed, which were no longer in place. They suggested that Officers be requested to investigate this, together with details regarding the street cleansing contract for the area and report back to the next meeting of this Committee.

Councillor Cunningham stated that, as the local Councillor, he would be happy to work with the school regarding this issue and take it forward.

Members unanimously agreed that the children should be praised for their hard word in litter picking and for raising awareness about the problem both in the community and at this meeting and asked that a letter be sent by the Chairman thanking the children.

The Chairman was happy to agree to send a letter as requested and thanked Mr Mallett and Tommy for their presentation.


(1) That the Service Manager (Waste Management) be requested to interrogate the Street Cleansing Contract to determine details regarding litter picking in the area, including how often and where this takes place and report this information to the next meeting of the Letchworth Committee, due to be held on 10 June 2015;

(2) That the Chairman be requested to write to the children of Garden City Academy, praising them for their hard work and thanking them for raising awareness of the problem.

REASON FOR DECISION: To support the local community to enhance the area in which they live and work.

There was no representative present at the meeting to give a presentation regarding Letchworth Town Twinning.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillors Julian Cunningham. Terry Hone, Lorna Kercher and Lynda Needham declared an interest as they knew Yvonne Savage. They advised that they would remain in the room for the item and take part in any vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Ian Mantle declared an interest as he knew the presenters. He advised that he would remain in the room and take part in any vote.

Mr Jeff Foster, Chairman, and Mr Rodney Bywaters, Treasurer, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the work and activities taking place at the Yvonne Savage Club for the Partially Sighted.

Mr Foster advised members that:

- The Club was formed 70 years ago;
- People have to be registered blind to join;
- The Club had 23 members and 13 volunteers;
- Monthly meetings were held at the Central Methodist Church which a two course hot meal was served and there was entertainment;
- During the summer a trip out was organised, which were previously funded by Letchworth garden City Heritage Foundation;
- For some members this was the main trip out of their house;
- The Club provided a vital community service;
- An annual subscription of £5 and a small amount for the meal was charged;
- Rent was £853 per year;
- Grant funding by Letchworth Committee was originally granted when the Club moved from Brotherhood Hall;
- The Club was struggling financially and would be £1000 next year, assuming receipt of the previous Memorandum of Understanding funding;

Members asked where the next nearest club for the partially sighted was based and whether the club had any reserves.

Mr Foster advised that there was a club in Welwyn garden City, but that the members were unlikely to manage that distance. He informed members that the Club had approximately £1,000 in reserves, which was enough to cover any relocation costs.

The Chairman thanked Mr Foster and Mr Bywaters for their presentation.

The representative from Wednesday Drop In had advised that he was unable to attend this Committee meeting. He had however provided a written statement regarding the work and activities taking place at the Wednesday Drop-In Club, which was read by the Community Development Officer as follows:

- The Wednesday Drop-In Club was set up 23 years ago and had 30 members;
- It was aimed at people with mental health problems and learning disabilities;
- The Drop-In met weekly at the Central Methodist Church and was run by volunteers;
- A number of activities were offered including lunch, scrabble, board games and crafts;
- The Drop-In organised excursions and a Christmas lunch party;
- The Drop-In provided an excellent facility for socially isolated people, by providing a safe environment for them to mix with other people;
- As members were of limited means, no membership or weekly fees were charged;
- The Drop-In part owned a minibus and members using this facility made a small donation each week to help with running costs;
- The Drop-In was dependant on grant funding and, due to increased costs, now had less than 12 months funding in hand;
- The Central Methodists Church provided a subsidy for use of the premises and a grant application had been made to the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation;
- The Wednesday Drop-In Club would be requesting further grant funding from the Letchworth Committee.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Booth, Cunningham and Kercher declared interests as Mind Yourself met at the Howard Garden Social Centre of which they were members of the Executive Committee and Trustees of the building. They stated that they would remain in the room for the presentation.

Mr Daniel Theil thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the work and activities taking place at Mind Yourself.

Mr Theil advised Members that:
- Mind Yourself had been running for 7 years and had 15 members;
- Services provided included leisure activities, snack bar, laptops and snooker;
- Some members of the club had gained employment after volunteering;
- Some members had been supported through instances of financial abuse and mental distress by signposting to the relevant services;
- Mind Yourself was often the only forum for socialising, with many members being alone for the rest of the week;
- The club was vital to prevent isolation;
- As mental health services are reduced, the Club filled a vital need;
- Rental costs were £1,500 per year;
- An entrance fee of £2 was charged and a small profit was made on the snack bar;
- The Memorandum of Understanding funding had been invaluable.

The Chairman thanked Mr Theil for his presentation.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared an interest as she was Chair of the Executive Committee and a Trustee of the building. She advised that she would leave for the duration of the item.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Julian Cunningham declared an interest as he was a member of the Executive Committee and a Trustee of the building. He advised that he would leave for the duration of the item.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor John Booth declared an interest as he was a member of the Executive Committee and a Trustee of the building. He advised that he would leave for the duration of the item.

The Vice-Chairman took the Chair.

Mrs Alison Teschner and Mr Tony Page thanked the Vice-Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the work and activities taking place at Howard Garden Social Centre.

Mrs Teschner informed Members that Howard Garden Social Centre was a loved day care service for the elderly as follows:

- Operated by a small team of staff and 30 volunteers;
- Provided social opportunities and activities such as table tennis, art and keep fit;
- 200 members of which 30 percent were aged 71-79 and 40 percent were aged 80-89 and 84 percent were from Letchworth;
- Provided 21 hot meals each day
- Age UK stated that there were over one million elderly people who did not see anyone and were lonely, the centre helped to alleviate this;
- In Letchworth there were approximately 2,800 people aged 65-74 and 2,800 people aged 75+;
- The centre provided vital contact for its members;
- People were reaching greater ages and had more complex needs;
- Looking at providing new activities;
- Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation had provided funding to enable the records at the Centre to be computerised;
- The Centre continually raised funds including holding afternoon tea event during the Food Festival;
- 73 percent of funds were raised by the Centre;
- Outside funding was being reduced each year.

Mrs Teschner advised that grant funding of £5,000 would help with the running costs of the Centre.

The Community Development Officer informed Members that Howard garden Social Centre were Memorandum of Understanding recipients, they had received funding from the Committee for three years and they would be seeking funding for one year pending the outcome of the grant review.

Members asked whether it was possible to identify where the high numbers of aged population lived and how the increased numbers and needs impacted on the Centre

Mrs Teschner advised that information regarding the aged population would be available soon. In respect of higher numbers of people and increased needs, there were more people with more demanding needs and the Centre needed to look at the types of services and activities on offer.

Members discussed that they did not yet know what the grant and memorandum budgets would be for 2015/16 and asked if the Centre could manage financially if a decision regarding any grant funding were considered at the next meeting of this Committee due to be held on 10 June 2015.

Mr Page advised that the Centre had sufficient reserves to continue until the next meeting of this Committee.

The Vice-Chairman thanked Mrs Teschner and Mr Page for their presentation.

Councillors Booth, Cunningham and Kercher returned to the room.

Councillor Kercher returned to the Chair.

Mr Nigel Downs thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation in support of the grant application.

Mr Downs advised Members that preparations were underway for the Big Lunch event, which would be held on 7 June 2015 between 12.00 and 15.00 at Howard Park. The aim of the event was to bring the local community together.

The planned events on the day included:

Bring your own picnic; Barbeque;
Strawberries and Cream Paella;
Jazz and Folk music; Traditional games;
Welly throwing; Tug of war.

Feedback from previous events had been positive, with 1,500 to 2,000 people attending last year's event.

He informed the Committee that this was not a fund-raising event and, in order to achieve success, the event needed publicising through leaflets, radio and local papers and a marquee was required for the entertainers. To do this financial assistance was being sought.

Members asked whether NHDC would be promoted as supporters.

Mr Downs advised that NHDC recycling had a stall at last year's event and that the NHDC logo was placed on all advertising.

The Chairman thanked Mr Downs for his presentation

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor David Levett declared an interest as he was a Director of Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership. He advised that he would remain in the room for the presentation, but would leave the room when the grant application was being considered.

Mrs Kailah Eglington and Mr James Peachy thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation in support of the grant application.

Mrs Eglington informed Members that they were seeking grant funding of £5,000 towards the cost of organising the Food and Garden Festival and Christmas Light Switch On events and that NHDC would be included as sponsors in any literature.

Food and Garden Festival
- Make the event bigger to make it into a Food and Garden Festival;
- Some income would be raised from stalls;
- Jeane Christophe Novelli wanted to take part;
- Need to advertise further afield in order to draw people into the town.

Christmas Light Switch On
- A series of events would be held;
- The Christmas light switch on would take place on 21 November 2015;
- Footfall in 2013 was 13.082 and in 2014 was 29,438.

Members suggested that advertisements could be taken out at key London rail interchanges and that allotment holders could be involved. They also noted that the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation had an association with the RHS and that contact should be made with them.

Mrs Eglington thanked the Members for their suggestions.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Eglington and Mr Peachy for their presentation.
Letchworth Crime Figures
Letchworth Assualt Figures
NHDC Crime Figures

Sergeant Stephen Oliphant thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding Policing and crime recording in the Letchworth Area.

He drew attention to the crime statistics and opened the floor to questions.

Members asked whether there was a seasonal element to vehicle crime and asked for figures regarding Anti-Social Behaviour
Sergeant Oliphant advised that, although there was not a seasonal element to vehicle burglary, there was to burglary dwellings and to public assault, with assaults more common in good weather. He stated that they were currently focussing on victim crime, including assault and public order offences and would email statistics regarding Anti-Social Behaviour to Councillors.

Members asked that the system of setting priorities be explained, particularly as formal Ward meetings no longer happened and contact with local Councillors was sporadic.

Sergeant Oliphant explained that priority setting meetings had started in 2008 and that the various methods of engagement with the public had ranged from street meetings, which did not receive footfall despite trying different locations; using Neighbourhood Watch and surveys and contacting Councillors direct.

Street Meets and house to house visits were being restarted, which would be advertised in advance and he asked that Councillors work closely with PCSOs.

The Ward meetings were no longer appropriate as the Police did not use wards as a basis. He suggested that quarterly meetings with the Letchworth Councillors could be arranged

Members queried why local retailers did not use Shopwatch. It was suggested that all Councillors would find the information sent via the OWL system interesting and recommended that they subscribe to OWL.

Sergeant Oliphant advised that retailers were given training and encouragement to use Shopwatch and that this would continue. In respect of OWL, he asked that when Members sign up, they use the email address accessed most often.

The Chairman thanked Sergeant Oliphant for his presentation.


(1) That Sergeant Oliphant be requested to organise quarterly meetings with Letchworth Councillors in order to discuss Police priorities;

(2) That Sergeant Oliphant be requested to provide statistics regarding Anti-Social Behaviour by way of an email to the Community Development Officer, who will send the information to all Councillors;

(3) That Members of the Letchworth Committee interested in receiving OWL reports be requested to advise the Committee and Member services Officer of the email address that they would like registered with the Police

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Letchworth Committee and Councillors appraised of the work of the Hertfordshire Constabulary within Letchworth Garden City.

Mr James Peachey, Letchworth Garden City BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a presentation regarding the future activities of the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and the Letchworth Garden City BID (Business Improvement District) as follows:

- The BID levy was due to be communicated, with inserts being issued;
- The AGM will be held on 16 April 2015;
- A full calendar of events had been organised, including the Food and Garden Festival and the Christmas Lights Switch On events;
- The Farmers Markets would be revived;
- An Antiques Market would be trialled;
- The development of Leys Square would prove a challenge, with new sites having to be found for events;
- Working with NHDC and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation regarding signage in the town;
- Working with Praxys and NHDC to improve usage of the multi-storey car park;
- Working with bigger business regarding marketing;
- Making more use of social media;
- North Hertfordshire College were helping to develop a training package for new businesses;
- The BID was gradually developing.

The Chairman thanked Mr Peachey for his presentation.
Information Note

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Julian Cunningham declared an interest as he was a Member of the Cabinet Sub-Committee (Council Charities). He advised that as this was an information note and no decision was required, he would remain in the room for the item.

The Contracts and Project Manager presented the Information Note regarding the North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.

He drew attention to the resolutions of Council and delegated authorities regarding additional finances for the development and informed Members that the build stage of the development was almost completed and that the fit out stage would commence shortly with the opening date planned for 5 October 2015.

Members asked several questions including whether the planned opening date would change; whether publicity had been considered; whether former users of the hall had been contacted regarding the new community facility and whether a timetable of exhibitions in the Museum was available.

The Contracts and Project Manager advised that contractors were fully aware of the dates and he was reasonably confident that the opening date would not have to move and that publicity was being considered at the moment. In respect of the community facility, it was not known at the moment who would be operating this and, although NHDC had a list of former users, they could not yet be contacted. He would ask the Cultural Services Manager to feedback to Members regarding planned exhibitions.

The Committee received an information note on North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility at Hitchin Town Hall.
Appendix 1 - Norton Common Green Flag Management Plan 2015-2020

The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance presented the report regarding Norton Common Management Plan 2015 - 2020.

He informed Members that the new plan sought to bring Norton Common up to standard by building on the success of the previous plan and would support grant funding applications.

This plan focussed on areas of woodland and scrub. Cattle grazing on the meadowland was being considered, but this would only happen after consultation with local people.

The actions had been identified and would be funded from existing revenue sources, applications for external funding or by volunteer contributions.

Members asked for clarification regarding the flooding issues; whether there was any Japanese Knot Weed on the Common

The Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance advised that the incidence of flooding had been significantly reduced and there was now a better contract with Anglian Water which enabled a quicker response to any further incidences. Advice had been sought from the Countryside Management Service and Natural England regarding recovery of the area around the watercourse, this advice had been to let the area recover naturally. The intention was to leave it for a further year with just maintenance work.

The grounds maintenance team were unaware of any Japanese Knot Weed on the Common, however operatives had been trained regarding this and action would be taken when bought to our attention. The biggest weed problem was Comfrey, which had been treated with herbicide.

He informed Members that issues such as weed control were discussed regularly and mainly managed by management such as encouraging other species and which areas to mow.

Members suggested that the introduction to the Plan should be updated and the document reviewed, particularly to remove any reference to Letchworth Town Council, which was no longer in existence and include work with Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and to check for other errors.

There was a long discussion about the deer who roam the Common to which the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance responded that deer entered the Common from surrounding countryside and that it would be difficult to control this.

Members wished to acknowledge the work of the Friends of Norton Common.


(1) That the Norton Common Management Plan 2015 - 2020 be noted;

(2) That the recommendations contained in the Norton Common Management Plan 2015 - 2020 be supported;

(3) That the Service Manager - Grounds Maintenance be requested to pass on the thanks of this Committee to the Friends of Norton Common for the work they undertake in supporting Norton Common.

REASON FOR DECISION: To preserve and enhance the community asset and provision including the flora and fauna that can be found at Norton Common.
Appendix 1 - Budget Sheet
Appendix 2 - Grant Application - Letchworth Garden City Town Twinning
Appendix 3 - Grant Application - Rotary Club Big Lunch
Appendix 4 - Grant Application - Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership
Appendix 5 - Area Committee Summary

The Community Development Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services entitled Community Update and Grant Applications and drew attention to the following:

The Community Development Officer reminded Members that, at the meeting of this Committee held on 12 March 2014 it was resolved:

(1) That, subject to sufficient funds being raised to complete the project, grant funding of £5,000 be awarded to Jackmans Community Association from the Capital Visioning Budget towards the costs of renovation of Jackmans Community Centre;

(2) That the grant funding mentioned in (1) above not be released until sufficient funding to complete the project has been confirmed to NHDC;

(3) That the grant funding mentioned in (1) above be made available for a period of 12 months;

(4) That, if the grant funding is not released within 12 months of this meeting, Jackmans Community Association may ask for an extension by making a presentation to this Committee.

The funds had not yet been paid out and, in accordance with resolution (4), a time extension was being requested.

Members were extremely concerned that the position regarding Memorandums of Understanding was unclear, which could jeopardise the future of some recipients of this method of funding. They suggested that Memorandums of Understanding were valuable to some organisations which needed the security of regular funding.

There was some discussion regarding the Memorandums of Understanding budget relating to Letchworth Arts Centre. Members were aware that the organization was no longer being funded and that this was subsequently included in the efficiency papers when the budget was considered by Council.

The consensus was that, this had been funded through the Letchworth budget and therefore the money should remain with the Letchworth Committee to allocate to other organisations.

They agreed that, as there was no formal paperwork, Memorandums of Understanding would not be considered at this meeting, but asked that the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to give an explanaition regarding the future of MOUs, particularly for the next Civic Year.

Members asked that the Community Development Officer be requested to email a list of grants awarded in past years, together with details of what each organisation did to each Members of the Committee.

Members were concerned about the update provided at Paragraph 8.6 of the report. They felt that there were some inaccuracies, specifically that the work at Bedford Road was a County Council initiative rather than par of the parking review and that relevant Members had not been consulted regarding the Nevells Road/ Quadrant areas.

They felt that a full update at the next meeting would be valuable.

The Community Development Officer advised that the next Councillors Surgery would be held on 21 March 2015 and that the Community Development Manager would be providing support.


(1) That the grant funding of £5,000 awarded to Jackmans Community Association on 12 March 2014 be reconfirmed;

(2) That the Head of Policy and Community Services be requested to give an explanation regarding the future of Memorandums of Understanding, particularly for the next Civic Year, at the meeting of this Committee due to be held on 10 June 2015;

(3) That the Community Development Officer be requested to prepare a list of grants awarded in past years, together with details of what each organisation does to email to each Member of this Committee;

(4) That the Principal Transport Policy Officer be requested to present a complete update regarding the Letchworth Parking Review to this Committee at the meeting due to be held on 10 June 2015;

(5) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development and Visioning Budgets be noted;

(6) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Letchworth Garden City be endorsed.

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Letchworth Garden City.

Prior to the application being discussed Councillor John Booth declared an interest as he was the Council's representative to Letchworth Garden City Town Twining and had taken part in fund raising for the group. He stated that he would leave the room for the duration of the debate and vote.

Members questioned how often visits took place each year

The Community Development Officer advised that visits to France were supported by the local Town Council, however visits to Letchworth were funded by the Twinning Association. She advised that the Town Twinning Association had previously been in receipt of Memorandum of Understanding funding of £280 per year, but were asking for grant funding of £480 on this occasion.

RESOLVED: That, in place of the Memorandum of Understanding funding for 2015/16, grant funding of £480 be awarded to Letchworth Garden City Twinning Association from the Discretionary Budget towards the costs of hosting a visit from the twin town of Chagny.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Councillor John Booth returned to the room.


(1) That grant funding of £1,200 be awarded to the Rotary Club of Letchworth Garden City from the Discretionary Budget towards the costs of organising the Big Lunch event due to be held on 7 June 2015 on Howard Park;

(2) That the Rotary Club of Letchworth Garden City be requested to use the North Hertfordshire District Council logo on all publicity.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor David Levett declared an interest as he was a Director of Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership. He advised that he would leave the room whilst the grant application was being considered.

Members were concerned that the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership were asking for funding when the BID was now in place and receiving funds and believed that these events should be working towards becoming self sustaining.

The Community Development Officer informed Members that the BID could only provide additionality. She advised that the following amounts had been awarded to the Town Centre Partnership in previous years:

2013 £7,000
2014 £8,000
2015 £5,000

Members agreed that the Food and Garden Festival should receive grant funding on this occasion, however they asked that the Town Centre Partnership and BID be asked to give a clear statement of the role of each organisation at the next meeting of this Committee after which funding for the Christmas Lights Switch On events would be considered.

It was proposed and seconded that £2,500 be awarded towards the costs of the Food and Garden Festival.

(1) That grant funding of £2,500 be awarded to Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership from the Memorandums of Understanding Budget towards the costs of organising the Food and Garden Festival in May 2015;

(2) That Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership be requested to use the North Hertfordshire District Council logo on all publicity;

(3) That Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership be requested to provide, to the next meeting of this Committee, a clear statement of the roles, responsibilities, abilities to fund events of both the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and the Letchworth Garden City BID;

(4) That a grant funding application for the Christmas Lights Switch On events be considered at the meeting of this Committee due to be held on 10 June 2015.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Councillor David Levett returned to the room.

No Ward or Outside Organisation matters were discussed.
Published on Friday, 24th April, 2015