Meeting documents

Letchworth Committee
Wednesday, 9th September, 2015 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 29th July, 2015 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Mike Rice (Chairman), Councillor Paul Marment (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Clare Billing, Councillor John Booth, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor T.W. Hone, Councillor Lorna Kercher, Councillor David Levett, Councillor Sandra Lunn, Councillor Ian Mantle, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham, Councillor Deepak Sangha.

N.B. Councillor Sandra Lunn arrived at 7.40 p.m.
 IN ATTENDANCE: David Charlton (Senior Estates Surveyor), Claire Morgan (Communities Officer), Susan Hardy (Assistant Communities Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting 16 members of the public.
 Meeting attachment Agenda Front Pages
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gary Grindal.
Data/Letchworth Committee/201509091930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 10 June 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no other business notified.

(1) The Chairman welcomed all who had attended the meeting, particularly those who had attended to give a presentation.

(2) The Chairman advised that he had agreed to move Item 6 - Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Manager to the front of the agenda and hear the grant applications immediately following Item 5 - Public Participation.

(3) The Chairman drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest need to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.

Mr Brian Foreman, Chairman of North Hertfordshire Arts Council, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding availability of exhibition space for local artists.

He informed Members that he had previously addressed both Hitchin Councillors and Cabinet regarding what appeared to be the exclusion of local exhibitors from booking the only dedicated gallery space provided by North Hertfordshire District Council.

Previously organisers of exhibitions would arrange to hire the gallery in local museums like Letchworth. This process provided an income stream, through hire charges and commission on purchases of works of art.

Despite being upstairs, the gallery at the Letchworth Museum proved suitable, particularly with its town centre location.

The Letchworth Art Society regularly hired the NHDC museum in Letchworth for their annual exhibition at which high standard work was exhibited and well attended. The Hitchin Art Society had a similar arrangement with Hitchin Museum.

Letchworth Arts Centre provided an alternative exhibition centre, which helped meet a considerable demand by local people for exhibition space. It appears that, following a three month refurbishment, this exhibition space will now consist mainly of national and touring exhibitions.

It would seem that North Hertfordshire District Council had also taken a policy decision to have national and touring exhibitions in the new District Museum.

The programmes being drawn up by NHDC and the Letchworth Arts Centre were taking away the ability to hold local exhibitions by hiring space at a modest charge.

Mr Foreman asked Members to support local artists and the Letchworth Art Society by enabling them to hire the dedicated gallery space in the District Museum for local art exhibitions.

Members acknowledged that the gallery space in the District had changed. Previously the various museums had gallery space that could be hired, but these had not been suitable for National or Touring exhibitions. The new District Museum had gallery space, which met all the requirements for national exhibitions and these had been booked.

They advised that the Letchworth Committee had no part in the decisions made regarding the District Museum and no longer had any role to play regarding the Letchworth Arts Centre. However Letchworth Councillors did meet with Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation and this would be one of the issues discussed.

The Chairman thanked Mr Foreman for his presentation.

Mr Marc Campbell, North Herts Sports Officer for Child UK, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant funding application.

Mr Campbell informed Members that he created and delivered creative sports for hard to reach young people, including previous project in the Grange area.

He had noticed a group of young people in the Norton area and would like to organise a unique basketball project for young people aged 9 - 12 years and over in the Norton area, which would take place over 10 weeks.

Mr Campbell advised that sport could change lives and help reduce anti-social behaviour thereby changing communities.

Members were supportive of the proposed project and commented that it would be good to see Norton Common used, however were concerned about what would happen in bad weather and asked how many employees Child UK had and whether Youth Connextions would be involved in the project

Mr Campbell informed Members that he was in discussion with Fearnhill School regarding use of their school hall from September 2015. Child UK had 5 full time and 6 part time employees as well as 20 volunteers. They worked in partnership with Youth Connextions, who would talk to young people not yet taking part, it was also aimed to get the local PCSO involved.

Members commented that the Committee had recently agreed grant funding for another basketball project and asked what grant funding would provide.

Mr Campbell advised that he was aware of North Herts Kings Basketball Club, which had 60 participants and one coach. That club charged participants, which excluded those who could not pay.

The aim of this project was to start a community club, which would become sustainable and to do this would need to purchase equipment, such as nets and hoops. Child UK also received grant funding support from Sport England.

The Chairman thanked Mr Campbell for his presentation.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared an interest as she attended the Wilbury Forum on a monthly basis, however, as she was not on the Committee of the organisation, she would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Deepak Sangha declared an interest as he attended the Wilbury Forum on a monthly basis, however, as he was not on the Committee of the organisation, he would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Terry Hone declared an interest as his wife supported the Wilbury Community Forum, however, as neither he nor his wife were on the Committee of the organisation, he would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Ms Sue Lines, Wilbury Community Forum, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant funding application.

She introduced members of the Hart family and other members of the Wilbury Community Forum.

The Wilbury Community Forum was well established in the Community and would like to start a project comprising of 5 individual sessions of dance, movement, drama, singing and information to promote health, well-being, diet and obesity issues. Young people would be welcome to attend one or all of the sessions and handouts will be produced to share with family, school or clubs.

A member of the Forum explained how her daughter, a young carer of mixed race had found it difficult to access groups and clubs, but through the Wilbury Community Forum had become a dance co-ordinator with the Youth Council, which had boosted her confidence and helped her develop.

Members asked what grant funding would be used for

Ms Lines advised that, although sessions had not yet been planned, funds were needed to pay instructors fees, insurance and on-costs.

The Chairman thanked Ms Lines for her presentation.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared a declarable interest as she was a board member of the Howard Gardens Social Centre, which hired hall space to Cortex. She advised that she would listen to the presentation, but would leave the room whilst the grant application was being considered.

The Chairman offered condolences of the Committee on the death of Ms Frances Acaster, a founding member of Cortex.

Ms Brenda Reeve and colleagues from Cortex thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant funding application.

She informed the Committee that, following the death of Ms Acaster, they considered closing Cortex, but had been contacted by new people and therefore decided to continue.

About 20 people attended each month, paying £5 for tea, coffee and food. New people continued to contact and attend the group showing there was a clear need. The support offered by the group helped prevent suicide by being able to talk openly and provide information.

Funds were needed to cover hall hire and public liability insurance.

Councillor Kercher advised that, due to flooding at the Howard Garden Social Centre, Cortex was searching for a new place to meet. Unfortunately they had met with some problems as some churches would not allow them to meet in their premises.

The Chairman thanked Ms Reeve and her colleagues for their presentation.

Rev. Barry Pate, Kids can Cook (formerly Get Lunch) Project, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their proposed grant funding application.

The Get Lunch Project was a national project operating in areas of social need. Wilbury was deemed to be an area with social problems.

It had been proven that kids who get free school meals lose nutrition over the summer months. Food was also important for social mixing and to reduce isolation.

The name was being changed from Get Lunch Project to Kids Can Cook and would meet every Tuesday over the summer holidays from 11.30 am to 1 pm and involve 32 children, 25 carers and 6 volunteers. The children would prepare pizzas and be supported to prepare meals.

This project was already supported by Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, local churches and some local businesses.

Funds were needed to provide a banner to advertise the project and to sponsor an event.

The Chairman advised that a grant funding application had not yet been received, but the Committee could support funding of the project in principle.

A Member asked whether this should be provided ore often than the proposed once a week.

Rev Pate agreed that more was needed, but this was all that volunteers could offer at the moment.

The Chairman thanked Rev. Pate for his presentation.


(1) That the Letchworth Committee supports funding of the Kids can Cook (formerly Get Lunch) project to the sum of £300 towards purchase of a Banner and Venue Hire;

(2) That, once grant application documentation is received, the Communities Officer be requested to present a delegated decision request to the Strategic Director of Finance, Policy and Governance for consideration;

(3) That, following completion of the project, the Communities Officer be requested to invite Kids Can Cook to give a further presentation to update this Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Mr James Peachey, Letchworth Garden City BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a presentation regarding the relationship between the Letchworth Garden City Town Centre Partnership and the Letchworth Garden City Business Improvement District (BID) as follows:

- When the BID was formed it was to provide additionality to things already being provided;
- Habit and custom had been considered when looking at what was normally provided;
- The BID said it would do more and add to existing events such as the Food Fest, Street Fest and Christmas Light Switch On, but would not finance these events;
- The Town Centre Partnership would be maintained to enable the usual events to continue;
- The Town Centre Partnership had requested grant funding for the normal events that would not be finance by the BID and would remain open to enable this to continue.

Members queried who made up the board of both organisations and whether he had held discussions with Hitchin BID or Royston BID and whether Royston and Hitchin BIDS had been contacted for advices about how they provided additionality.

Mr Peachey advised that the BID had two employees, whereas the Town Centre Partnership did not employ anyone. The Boards of the two organisations had some members in common. There were some efficiencies of providing joint activities, but it was necessary to keep the finances separate.

He had not spoken to the other North Hertfordshire BIDS regarding addionality, but had looked at the regulations and requirements regarding BIDs.

Members acknowledged that both organisations aimed to improve Letchworth Garden City however it seemed bureaucratic to retain the Town Centre Partnership purely to apply for grant funding. They suggested that Mr Peachey talk to the Royston and Hitchin BID managers to get their interpretation of the regulations and find out how they operate.

Councillor Levett, NHDC representative to both the Town Centre Partnership and the BID, informed Members that the initial intention had been to close the Town Centre Partnership. This was originally delayed in order to sort out bank accounts, leases employees and some legal questions regarding additionality. Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation was now grant funding through the BID and it was still being investigated as to how the events could continue if the Town Centre Partnership closed.

The Chairman thanked Mr Peachey for his presentation.

The Senior Estates Surveyor presented the report of the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management regarding land at Radburn Way and Baldock Road.

He informed Members that this was a consultation with Letchworth Committee following consideration by Cabinet,

Freeman House, on land adjacent to this NHDC owned land, had been declared as surplus by Hertfordshire County Council. This gave NHDC the opportunity to review the land for building.

Mr Andrew Wearmouth thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the land at Radburn Way and Baldock Road.

Mr Wearmouth advised that he had addressed Cabinet on this subject, but felt that the decision taken by Cabinet had not taken into account the points he raised.

The Council did indeed own the land, which had no covenants, however the Council, at the time of the Compulsory Purchase Order made its solemn promise that the buffer strip would be kept in perpetuity and that promise was embodied in the Ministers letter of consent to the original Compulsory Purchase Order.

The Council built a bock of maisonettes just 10 metres away from the boundary of this buffer strip and some 65 houses and flats enjoy the amenity of the land.

The report to Cabinet contained serious factual errors, which no Councillor asked about.

The Council's Draft Local Plan contains a policy that there should be a buffer strip between old and new developments. The same Draft Local Plan went out for consultation earlier in the year. Residents were assured that their submissions mattered and that serious consideration would be given to them. Submissions had been made about this piece of land by residents and by Sir Oliver Heald MP, but these were totally disregarded in the report to Council.

This is a Garden City and this buffer strip was a wonderful amenity and home to a diverse range of wildlife.

Mr Wearmouth suggested that, if the land belonged to anyone else, the Council would required adherence to the policies and consultation process of the Draft Local Plan and questioned whether the decision of Cabinet to proceed with development of the land was based entirely on a wish to realise a capital receipt, irrespective of the social aspects and the promise made in order to own the land.

He acknowledged that the Letchworth Committee had no decision making powers, but asked that the Committee express concern at the total dismissal of the Draft Local Plan and the promises made.

The Chairman thanked Mr Wearmouth for his presentation.

The Senior Estate Surveyor advised that extensive background work had been undertaken, which addressed the matters raised. In respect of amenity use, most of the land had previously been let to individuals and therefore had not been available for general use and the allotment site would remain in use.

Councillor Terry Hone, Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT, informed Members that describing the land as "never able to be developed" was not correct. The Local Plan was being developed as there was a requirement to provide housing.

This land could be developed without access through Freeman House as there were alternative possible access routes, but the proposed disposal of Freeman House by Hertfordshire County Council gave NHDC opportunities for this land.

NHDC was in discussion with HCC on a number of matters including whether Freeman House could temporarily be used to house homeless people and families.

Members debated the report and acknowledged that NHDC had some responsibility to maximise assets, however all aspects needed to be considered, including social value.

There was some concern about whether developing this piece of land was the best thing for the Jackmans Estate. There was also concern that any land swap with County Council would leave NHDC with a piece of land that could be developed, particularly as some Members understood that Playing Field land would not be able to be developed for some years.

RESOLVED: That, as the Letchworth Committee have some concerns regarding proposed use of this land, Cabinet be requested to report back to this Committee, particularly in respect of discussions with Hertfordshire County Council regarding land swap proposals and consideration of social value, prior to a final decision being made.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Letchworth Committee to comment on the proposals for the Land at Radburn Way & Baldock Road.
Appendix 1 - Budgets
Appendix 2 - Grant Application - Child UK
Appendix 3 - Grant Application- Wilbury Community Forum
Appendix 4 - Grant Application - Cortex

The Communities Officer presented the report of the Head of Policy and Community Services entitled Community Update and Grant Applications and drew attention to the following:

The grant of £1,000 previously awarded to Jackie's Drop-In was use put towards the hire of stage and sound equipment for their Fun Day, which was held on 27 June 2015. This event was extremely well attended and the group estimated that they raised £3,000 towards the costs of their imminent relocation.

Grant funding from this Committee together with S106 funding had enabled the Community Association to engage the services of an architect. Replacement windows had now been installed and contractors were being engaged to complete the rest of the works.

A Member advised that the roof of the kitchen in the main building had collapsed during heavy rain.

The Communities Officer gave the Committee a brief flavour of the type of work in the community that she was currently involved in as follows:

- Undertake work, with the organisations and internally to get grants ready for consideration - £4,300 of grant funding requests was being considered this evening;
- Working with the Chairman of the Council and Youth Connextions on youth engagement;
- Looking at whether can get a Youth Council representative to this Committee;
- Organised for Veolia to pick up waste following the Dump the Junk project. Following this the area looked much better;
- Organised the Jackmans Networking Group which offered sharing of information on the local projects, support and signposting to the many organisations working in the area;
- The Wilbury Networking Group offered similar services to those in Jackmans.

Councillor Surgeries
The Communities Officer asked Councillors to consider how often Councillor Surgeries should be held, particularly taking into account that there would be fewer meetings of the Committee from 2016/17. She further advised that the number of queries recorded during surgeries varied as follows:
April - 7, May - 5, July - 1, October - 12, March - 4.

Members noted the number of queries recorded, but noted that these figures did not include those people who came for a chat with Councillors. They felt that the location made a difference to the success of the surgeries and that advertising the event was important

The Communities Officer advised that the more Councillors present at a surgery, the more comfortable people were in coming forward and that the surgeries were advertised on the NHDC Facebook page and via Twitter.

It was proposed and seconded that Letchworth Committee Councillor Surgeries be held on a two monthly basis.

Members were pleased to receive outcomes from grant funding and asked that outcomes and feedback be given more regularly.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development and Visioning Budgets be noted;

(2) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Letchworth Garden City be endorsed;

(3) That the Communities Officer be requested to continue organising Councillor Surgeries for the Letchworth Committee on a two monthly basis;

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Letchworth Garden City.

Members were supportive of the project, but asked that the Communities Officer monitor the project and report back to the Committee.

RESOLVED: That, on condition that the Communities Officer monitors the project, grant funding of £1,500 be awarded to Child UK from the 2015/16 Discretionary Budget towards the costs of delivering activities for young people, focusing on Norton Common, to help prevent anti-social behaviour.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared an interest as she attended the Wilbury Forum on a monthly basis, however, as she was not on the Committee of the organisation, she would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Deepak Sangha declared an interest as he attended the Wilbury Forum on a monthly basis, however, as he was not on the Committee of the organisation, he would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Terry Hone declared an interest as his wife supported the Wilbury Community Forum, however, as neither he nor his wife were on the Committee of the organisation, he would remain in the room and take part in any debate and vote.

Members acknowledged the benefits of the Wilbury Community Forum to the Community and were very supportive of this project, although were keen that it became self sustainable

RESOLVED: That, grant funding of £1,500 be awarded to the Wilbury Community Forum from the 2015/16 Discretionary Budget towards the costs of providing 5 sessions of dance and drama for deprived children in the Wilbury area.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Lorna Kercher declared a declarable interest as she was a board member of the Howard Gardens Social Centre, which hired hall space to Cortex. She advised that she would leave the room whilst the grant application was being considered.

Members acknowledged the important role that Cortex played in the community and that this was the only group providing support to transsexual and transgender people. They advised that a new grant policy was due to be considered and that, in the current financial situation, the amount of grant funding available would likely be reduced.

It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED: That, grant funding of £1,000 be awarded to Cortex from the 2015/16 Discretionary Budget towards the costs of hall hire and insurance.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Councillor Kercher returned to the room.

A Member advised that several cars were being left in the car park at Norton Common by a local firm and asked whether enforcement action would be taken.

The Portfolio Holder for Policy, Transport and Green Issues advised that he was aware of the problems and was in discussion with Officers. Currently enforcement action was not being taken, but survey work was being undertaken, which would inform whether a Traffic Regulation Order was appropriate.

It was planned to place a barrier across the entrance, which would only be open during pool opening hours.

Councillor Kercher expressed concern at the level of flooding in Letchworth and queried why this was happening and what NHDC was doing to prevent it.

Members discussed that general flooding was a County Council issue, however acknowledged that flooding within Howard Park and Gardens could be an NHDC issue. They also noted that Pix Brook under the culvert from Norton Way South was heavily overgrown.

RESOLVED: That the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services be requested to contact Hertfordshire County Council to discuss the concerns of the Letchworth Committee regarding flooding in Letchworth Garden City and report his findings back to this Committee.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Letchworth Committee to consider the reasons for and remedies proposed regarding flooding in Letchworth Garden City.
Published on Tuesday, 25th August, 2015
9.52 p.m