Meeting documents

Letchworth Committee
Wednesday, 27th January, 2016 7.30 pm

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 Date: Wednesday, 9th December, 2015 Time: 7.30pm Place: Committee Room 1, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City
 PRESENT: Councillor Mike Rice (Chairman), Councillor Paul Marment (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Clare Billing, Councillor Julian Cunningham, Councillor Gary Grindal, Councillor T.W. Hone, Councillor Lorna Kercher, Councillor Ian Mantle, Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham and Councillor Deepak Sangha.
 IN ATTENDANCE: Mary Caldwell (Development and Conservation Manager), Claire Morgan (Communities Officer) and Hilary Dineen (Committee and Member Services Officer).
 ALSO PRESENT: At the start of the meeting 10 members of the public.
 Meeting attachments Agenda Front Sheet
Audio Recording of Meeting
Item Description/Resolution Status Action

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors John Booth, and David Levett.
Data/Letchworth Committee/201601271930/Agenda/Minutes

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 9 September 2015 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.

There was no other business notified.

(1) The Chairman welcomed all who had attended the meeting, particularly those who had attended to give a presentation;

(2) The Chairman reminded those present that the meeting was being audio recorded;

(3) The Chairman drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest need to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.

Rosie, Toby and Max thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the Youth Council as follows:

- The Youth Council was holding a conference on Friday 11 December 2015;
- The conference would be focussing on young people's mental health;
- The Council had been working towards the conference for almost a year;
- Mental health was a large issue for young people that could affect school work;
- The conference would consist of four workshops based on dealing with stress, self-esteem, recognition of self-harm and relationships;
- The groups would discuss the issues in order to gain an understanding and be able to help others.

Members asked several questions including how many young people were involved in the conference both in total and from Letchworth, what would the attendees gain from the conference, who was providing support for the day and what media they used to publicise the Youth Council and its activities.

Rosie informed Members that approximately 50 young people from across North Hertfordshire were expected to attend the conference which aimed to raise awareness of mental health issues by running workshops provided by mental health charities The organisers had gained experience of running their first conference and would be looking at how the outcomes could be shared. The Youth Council had Facebook and Twitter pages on which they publicised activities and aimed to talk about issues that affected young people. They were currently low on members from Letchworth, but were looking at recruitment.

Members were very impressed with the work that the Youth Council had undertaken and that they were addressing issues affecting young people that were not often discussed. They asked that the Youth Council return to a future meeting to tell the Committee about how the conference went.

The Chairman praised Rosie, Toby and Max and thanked them for their presentation.

Ms Samantha Hough, and her colleague Holly, of Imajica Theatre, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding their grant funding application as follows:

- Imajica Theatre was set up 18 months ago;
- It aimed to give children the opportunity to have a theatre experience;
- The company performed in local accessible areas such as Icknield and Wilbury schools and the Letchworth Foodfest;
- The current project was to provide a pantomime party on 12 December 2015 at Fearnhill School;
- Children, with their parents (approximately 60 families) would be given a buffet lunch followed by a theatre workshop and a visit to Santa;
- The children selected were those that would not normally be able to afford to go to the theatre;
- Funds had been raised through a funday, County Councillor Kercher had given some grant funding from her Locality Budget and Davids Bookshop was supporting;
- A programme had been created to enable the children to have a full theatre experience;
- The cast would meet the audience and give out signed photos as well as some audience participation.

Members asked for clarification about how the event would be funded.

Ms Hough advised that they had so far raised £600 and that any shortfall would be met from their own funds.

The Chairman thanked Ms Hough and Holly for their presentation.

Thomas Austin, an under 18 player with Hitchin Kings Basketball Club, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee. He introduced David, the Chairman of the Club and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant funding application as follows:

Mr Austin informed Members that he was in Year 11 and had a passion for basketball, which he wanted to share.

He currently coached the under 14 team and played for the men's team. Playing basketball had given him confidence and through hard work had helped him overcome hardship.

Hitchin Kings trained on Mondays at Highfield School and charged £15 per month in fees, although the underprivileged did not pay this.

Membership was increasing through word of mouth and people seeing the games.

A shortage of good quality equipment affected training sessions and grant funding was being sought to purchase 5 new basketballs, bibs and cones.

Members noted that the club had received a grant in 2014/15 providing that the name of the team was changed to Letchworth.

Mr Austin informed Members that James, the previous coach, had left the Club in a mess and I had been hard work, but they had managed to maintain the Club. It was impossible to change the name of the Club during the season, but they would guarantee to do so at the end of the season.

Members asked how many people were from Letchworth, whether the girl's team, for which grant funding was given last year, was doing well and how was the previous grant funding spent.

Mr Austin advised that 80 percent of members were from Letchworth, that sadly the girl's team had failed due to the coach leaving the club and that he was unaware of the previous grant funding, or what it was use for, although e would send last year's accounts to the Communities Officer for scrutiny.

Members expressed concern that previous grant funding did not appear to have been utilised for the purpose intended and that the accounts should be looked at.

The Chairman thanked Mr Austin and David for their presentation.

The Chairman informed Members that he had invited Ms Aiken to give a presentation to this Committee about the services it offers to Letchworth residents.

Ms Rionach Aiken, CEO of Citizens Advice, thanked the Chairman for inviting her to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation as follows:

- The office, based in Letchworth, is open daily;
- The population of Letchworth is 28 percent of that of North Herts, although 42 percent of clients are from this town;
- Most clients from Letchworth come from the Grange and Wilbury areas;
- Citizens Advice had generated approximately £1 million of benefit income in Letchworth;
- They received funding from Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation for the welfare right work undertaken;
- They had almost 100 percent success rate for disability benefits;
- Letchworth had a high rate of benefit claimants and debt problems;
- Housing benefit problems were this biggest issue, particularly for those whose incomes fluctuates;
- The level of priority debt such as housing association rent and council tax was high;
- Credit card and personal loan debt was lower;
- People who were in debt also struggled with energy bills and rent;

Members asked whether there were more people in private rented accommodation in Letchworth, whether there was a bias for the number of people using services because they were based in the town and whether problems were age related.

Ms Aiken advised that the number of people in private rented accommodation could be monitored, however the rent arrears figures quoted purely related to those in housing association properties. She acknowledged that was a small bias due to the location of the office, but was unable to confirm whether or not problems were age related.

Members noted that Citizens Advice would be moving locations and asked when this would happen.

Ms Aiken advised that the lease on the current office expired in June 2016 and that they would have to raise fund to fit out the new premises.

It was suggested that Citizens Advice make an application for grant funding regarding the cost of fitting out the new office and Members were asked to let Ms Aiken know of any business contacts that may be able to assist them

The Chairman thanked Ms Aiken for her informative presentation.
Appendix 1 - Budgets
Appendix 2 - Grant Application - Imajica Theatre Company
Appendix 3 - Grant Application - Hitchin Kings Basketball

The Communities Officer presented the report entitled Community Update and Grant Applications and drew attention to the following:

The balance available for grant funding was £21,200, which equated to £7,066 per meeting.

Jackie's Drop In
Jackie's Drop In was moving from its current location at St Michaels and had been offered part of the Old Grammar School. Due to the length of lease offered they are not eligible for S106 or Lottery funding and therefore have decided not to install a lift in the new building.

The Communities Officer recommended that Members visit the Club.

Letchworth Town Centre Manager
The new Town Centre Manager, Tom Hardy, was born and bred in Letchworth and started in the role just before the Christmas light switch on. He was currently working for Hertford Town Council, but was working 2 days per week in Letchworth until the New Year when he would become full time.

A grant application for the 2016 events was expected to be received in time for the January meeting of this Committee.

City Chorus
The Communities Officer advised that she was still waiting for information from City Chorus, but would report back to the January meeting of this Committee.


(1) That the budgetary expenditure, balances and carry forwards from the Development and Visioning Budgets be noted;

(2) That the actions taken by the Community Development Officer to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Letchworth Garden City be endorsed;

REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Members of the Committee apprised of the latest developments in community activities in Letchworth Garden City.

Prior to the item being discussed, Councillor Ian Mantle declared an interest as he was a Governor of Fearnhill School. He stated that he would remain in the room for the item and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed, Councillor Terry Hone declared an interest as he was a Governor of Fearnhill School. He stated that he would remain in the room for the item and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed, Councillor Lorna Kercher declared an interest as she had given grant funding fro her County Council Locality Budget. As this could be seen as pre-determination, she would leave the room and take no part in the debate or vote.

It was proposed and seconded that grant funding of £600 be granted.

RESOLVED: That grant funding of £600 be awarded Imajica Theatre Company from the 2015/16 Discretionary Budget towards the cost of providing a Pantomime Party for disadvantaged children on Wilbury.

REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

It was proposed and seconded that grant funding of £185 be awarded on condition that the grant was paid upon receipt of invoices and that bank statements and accounts are presented for the period since the last grant was paid, so that expenditure could be investigated an that the name of the Club be changed to Letchworth Kings Basketball Club at the end of the current season.


(1) That, grant funding of £185 be awarded to Hitchin Kings Basketball Club from the 2015/16 Discretionary Budget towards the cost of purchasing training equipment on the following conditions:
(i) That funds be released upon presentation of invoices;
(ii) That bank statements and accounts, for the period since the last grant was paid, be submitted;
(iii) That the name of the Club be changed at the end of the current season to Letchworth Kings Basketball Club.

(2) That the Communities Officer be requested to investigate the finances of Hitchin Kings Basketball Club for the period since the previous grant was paid and report back to this Committee.
REASON FOR DECISION: To improve services provided by local organisations and groups which are accessed by the community.

Mr Mike Underwood and Ms Janet Capstick thanked the Chairman for inviting him to address the Committee and gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the work and activities of the Letchworth Sustainability Forum as follows:

Set Up and Launch
- Letchworth Sustainability Forum was set up in 2013, with a launch event held on 16 September 2014;
- They learnt from the launch event that energy was the number 1 topic, but it would be difficult to tackle any one subject without considering other areas;
- The types of issues being considered included education, biodiversity, waste, water, transport and food;
- A website had been created and the aim was to get information on all sustainability issues on the website.

Role of Forum
- Create a sustainability plan for Letchworth;
- Initiate and co-ordinate action;
- Core Team Membership included Transition Town Letchworth, Garden City Cottages Group, Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, North Herts District Council and interested and committed Individuals.

Sustainable Letchworth Priorities
Priorities of the Forum were energy, economy, water, biodiversity, buildings, transport, food and waste.

- Hertfordshire is water-stressed due to high per capita use and low rainfall;
- The Forum aimed to explore the feasibility of Letchworth having the lowest water use per head in Hertfordshire;
- Affinity Water have an ambitious water-saving investment programme and want to explore community aspects regarding water saving behaviour;
- Affinity Water are installing meters in Letchworth;
- The Forum could offer Affinity Water greater community involvement and test-bed for ideas and gain experience in working with partners.

Water Saving Project
The Forum wish to take advantage of the water meter rollout programme in order to make people aware of their water usage by:
- Telling people how the water they use gets to them;
- Making use of Water Saving Week, commencing 21st March 2016, to circulate a water attitude survey and identify volunteer trial households;
- Planning community outreach activities;
- Considering how they could use the Letchworth Festival, in June 2016.
- Considering how to communicate to all parts of Letchworth and who were the relevant NHDC contacts.

Greater Involvement with NHDC
The Forum was exploring ways in which they could have closer involvement with the Council and some ideas included:
- Get NHDC logo on website;
- Publicise NHDC sustainability actions;
- Use Outlook for sustainability publicity;
- Official councillor representatives on the Forum;
- Identify areas where policy being made such as waste and landscaping;
- Understand characteristics and needs of different wards.

Members were advised that, if the Council were to appoint an official representative to the Letchworth Sustainability Forum, there was a process to do this.

Members asked whether the meters being installed would give information to the householder about their usage and was it planned that every household would get a meter by next summer.

Ms Capstick advised that he water meters were smart, but would not be capable of giving immediate feedback to customers regarding their usage but would receive information with their bills. It was planned for every household to be installed with a meter, however the customers can chose when they start paying their bills based on those meters at any time in the next two years.

Members were reminded that, in respect of waste recycling North Herts was doing extremely well and was one of the top 20 performers in the country.

Members queried whether the Forum felt that had been involved sufficiently in the preparations for the Local Plan and, if not, how that could be addressed.

Mr Underwood said that everyone had had an opportunity to input into the Local Plan, but in terms of policies included in it, the main issue was how we help existing building become more sustainable

A Member commented that he had attended the launch event and had been given a lot to think about. He felt that it was extremely useful for this Committee to remain in contact with the forum, particularly as there was a lot of reference to the original Garden City ideals and principles.

The group was trying to facilitate sustainability and there was a role for Area Committees to help promote this. It was opportune that Affinity were fitting water meters as this gave an impetuous to the aim of the Forum to promote water saving behaviour and one of the best methods of changing behaviour was to affect bank balances, and these meters were a tool for people to use to save money.

It was suggested that engagement with certain communities could be difficult and therefore a plan would be needed that included local groups, community centres and local Councillors, particularly in deprived areas.

It was proposed and seconded that that an official NHDC representative be appointed to the Letchworth Sustainability Forum.


(1) That Mr Underwood and Ms Capstick be thanked for their informative presentation;

(2) That the Committee supports the nomination of an official NHDC representative to the Letchworth Sustainability Forum;

(3) That Councillor Lynda Needham be requested to start the process to achieve (2) above.

REASON FOR DECISION: To enable NHDC to nominate a representative to the Letchworth Sustainability Forum.
Appendix A - Section 106 Monitoring

Prior to the item being discussed, Councillor Ian Mantle declared an interest as he was a Trustee of Mrs Howard Hall Management Committee. He stated that he would remain in the room for the item and vote.

Prior to the item being discussed, Councillor Julian Cunningham declared an interest as he was a the NHDC representative to the Jackman's Community Centre. He stated that he would remain in the room for the item and vote.

The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report regarding Section 106 and Unilateral Undertakings.

She advised that the report sought to make Members aware of contributions received as a result of planning permissions and subsequently the monies committed to specific projects.

The Receipts in Year figure for 2014/15 at Paragraph 8.4.1 of the report should read £1,289,621.

The changes to legislation, as detailed in Paragraph 8.2, came into effect in April 2015 and, whilst implementation was in its infancy with regard to negotiation of S106 agreements, the emphasis was on the justification for contributions.

Whilst not directly affecting Letchworth, she had attended various Parish Council meetings to explain this, particularly those with development proposals within their parish boundary. She explained that, for any project to possibly be included in any agreement, work needed to be undertaken to prepare a brief, costings and the justification in order to satisfy the tests set out in Paragraph 8.1.1.

A good example of this was Offley Parish Council, who worked up a scheme and held a public consultation that demonstrated their use of monies, collected from the current scheme under construction, for improvements to the recreation ground and, with some further agreements to be included, the monies would be available once orders were finalised.

The Development and Conservation Manager drew attention to Paragraph 8.4.1, which set out the income and expenditure over the years and Paragraph 8.4.2, which showed the projects that had benefited from the contributions during the last financial year and so far this year.

It was anticipated that approximately £312,000 would be drawn down for projects under the Greenspace Strategy, of which £8,000 related to Letchworth projects.

The amount of contributions available to spend as detailed in Paragraph 8.4 did not take into account monies allocated, but not yet spent.

When considering Appendix A, the allocations or the specific requirements for the contributions were highlighted in red. Some of the capital projects may not take place until 2018/19 for example green space management plans and with others there is a ten year spend time.

The Development and Conservation Manager drew attention to some specific points regarding Letchworth and sought their comments and agreement.

Garden Square Development
The contributions were submitted ‘up front' with the application, but should the development not proceed the monies would be returned.

Leisure Contributions
Once the decision had been reached about the scheme, the contributions detailed on pages 27 and 36 of the report would be allocated to the extensions and improvements to the North Herts Leisure Centre.

Jackmans Refurbishments and Improvements
This project was discussed by the Letchworth Committee in 2014 and funds were made available to put towards this scheme for which £14,378.50 was required.

This matter was being discussed again as the monies would come from outside the ward concerned.

The Development and Conservation Manager recommended that the balance be agreed and be taken from the contribution made under application 08/02229/1 Cade Close.

Mrs Howard Hall
Mrs Howard Hall was looking to further enhance this important listed building by improving its thermal conditions so as to attract further clientele and other activities estimated to cost £20,000.

The specialist acting for the Hall approached both the Conservation Officer and Building control regarding the best way forward and the Council had given consent to undertake the works.

Discussions were on-going regarding a new lease and it was anticipated that it would be on place in January/February 2016.

The proposals satisfy the tests set out in Paragraph 8.1.1 of the report and, as this central community facility serves all residents in Letchworth, she recommended:

"That, subject to the agreement of a new lease and the satisfactory receipt of further information to support the application for funding from section 106 contributions, the Community Development Manager, on behalf of the management of Mrs Howard h
Hall, apply for funding towards this project."

The agreement would be for a contribution of £20,000, unless other wise advised, and would be drawn from the section 106 agreements regarding applications 08/009987/1, 08/229/1 and 14/01403/1.

In respect of Mrs Howard Hall, Members acknowledged that the building was owned by the Council and that the proposed works would improve the building, but were concerned that the organisation operating the building made a profit and that these works would enable them to make a greater profit.

Concern was also expressed that Ward Councillors had not been consulted regarding some of the proposed expenditure. Members felt that Recommendation 2.3 should be changed to ensure Ward Councillors were more fully consulted.

The Development and Conservation Manager advised that capital projects agreed by Cabinet or Council, or were part of an agreed Strategy took priority when allocating funds.

In respect of Mrs Howard Hall, she was taking advantage of this meeting to consult with both Ward Members and the Committee as a whole. She also advised that the aim of S106 funding was to improve community facilities and it was not concerned with profit or loss.

Members commented that Appendix A was hard to follow, in that it was difficult to work out what funds were available for what types of project and asked whether the format of the report could be changed.

The Development and Conservation Manager advised that the headings used in the Appendix recognised what the collections were for on each development. In future funds would be collected for specific projects and therefore the existing headings would gradually disappear.

Members acknowledge that, in order to spend funds it was necessary to have a project planned and costed, but were concerned that projects talked about for many years had not been progressed,

The Development and Conservation Manager informed Members that Planning Officers worked very hard to get contributions, but were not responsible for spending the money, but were administrators of the spend.

She worked closely with Service Managers, the Communities Team and Parish Councils to identify projects that could be funded by S106 contributions

Much of the money collected was for areas that NHDC was not responsible such as sustainable transport. The County Council had been asked to progress the planned cycle route.

In future S106 contributions would be collected for specific projects also it would not be possible to pool funds from more than 5 contributions.

There was some discussion regarding a proposed skate park in Norton Common, which Councillors believed would be funded by S106 contributions,and had been approved by Cabinet, however the Development and Conservation Manager had not received any information and would need to consider whether that specific project met the tests.

It was proposed and seconded that recommendation 2.3 be amended to add "any capital projects or approved Strategy of the Council" after the first comma and that the proposed allocation of S106 finding to Mrs Howard Hall be referred to the next meeting of this Committee to enable further questions to be asked and information gathered.

Members noted that this may be the last report Mary Caldwell would make to this Committee as she would be retiring in the new year and wished to place on record their thanks for her hard work and support over the years and offer good wishes for her retirement.


(1) That the contents of the report entitled S106 and Unilateral Undertakings be noted;

(2) That the Development and Conservation Manager be requested to prepare a report regarding S106 and Unilateral Undertakings on an annual basis;

(3) That, other than where a contribution has been negotiated for a specific purpose or project, or will be used for any Capital Project or approved Strategy of the Council, Ward Members of the area where S106 or Unilateral Undertaking funding is generated be consulted prior to allocation of funds to any project;

(4) That, other than where a contribution has been negotiated for a specific purpose or project, or will be used for any Capital Project or Approved Strategy of the Council, Ward Members of the area where S106 or Unilateral Undertaking funding is generated and the Area Committee be consulted prior to funding being allocated away from that area or from a village location to a town;

(5) That the allocation of £14,378.50 S106 funding to the Jackmans Community Centre be supported;

(6) That the proposed allocation of S106 funding to Mrs Howard Hall to improve thermal conditions be referred back to the next meeting of this Committee due to be held on 27 January 2016;

(7) That this Committee thank Mary Caldwell, Development and Conservation Manager, for her hard work and support over the years and offer good wishes for her retirement.

REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that there is a robust system for negotiating and managing Section 106 and Unilateral Undertakings.
Information Note

The Committee received and information note regarding the Land at Radburn Way.

A Member commented the she was pleased with the result as she had been concerned about the green space.

Deprivation Statistics
Councillor Grindal asked whether this Committee could get a report regarding why the information was commissioned, what these figures would be used for and how this Committee and NHDC could work in partnership.

It was suggested that the Head of Policy and Community Development may be able to give some information.

Howard Garden Social Centre
Councilor Kercher informed the Committee that, following flooding earlier in the year, the Howard Garden Social Centre was up and running again and thanked everyone who helped.
Published on Thursday, 7th January, 2016