Decision details


Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Democratic Services Manager presented the report entitled Warding Arrangement Submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England along with Appendices A-C.


The Chair, Councillor Sam North, proposed a motion to suspend standing order 4.8.14(a) for the duration of this item. Councillor Daniel Allen seconded and following the vote it was:


RESOLVED: That standing order 4.8.14(a) be suspended for the duration of Item 8 only (Warding Arrangement Submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England).


Debate followed on each recommendation in the report.


Councillor David Levett called for a recorded vote on each vote under this item.


Councillor Ian Albert proposed a motion that recommendation 2.1 (i) as detailed in the report be split into four sections to allow for separate votes on each area (Rural Wards, Baldock, Hitchin and Royston). Councillor Keith Hoskins seconded and having been put to the vote the motion was CARRIED, the results of the recorded vote were as follows:




FOR:          21


NO:            9

TOTAL:      31


With Councillors voting as follows:

Cllr Sam North


Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir


Cllr Alistair Willoughby


Cllr Amy Allen


Cllr Carol  Stanier


Cllr Chris Hinchliff


Cllr Clare Billing


Cllr Daniel Allen


Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg


Cllr Ian Albert


Cllr Ian Mantle


Cllr James Denselow


Cllr Keith Hoskins


Cllr Philip Weeder


Cllr Raj Bhakar


Cllr Ruth Brown


Cllr Sean Nolan


Cllr Sean Prendergast


Cllr Steve Jarvis


Cllr Tamsin Thomas


Cllr Val Bryant


Cllr Clare Strong


Cllr David Levett


Cllr George Davies


Cllr Ian Moody


Cllr Mandi Tandi


Cllr Morgan Derbyshire


Cllr Ralph  Muncer


Cllr Richard Thake


Cllr Terry Tyler


Cllr Tom Tyson



It was therefore


RESOLVED: That recommendation 2.1 (i) as detailed in the officer’s report be   separate recommendations as follows: 


“That Council:


i)              That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the rural wards attached as in Appendix A;

ii)             That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the Baldock wards attached as in Appendix A;

iii)           That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the Hitchin wards attached as in Appendix A;

iv)           That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the Royston wards attached as in Appendix A.”


Councillor Keith Hoskins proposed an amendment to Appendix A relating to the Hitchin warding arrangements, specifically Hitchin Highbury and Hitchin Priory such that the boundary between Hitchin Highbury ward and Hitchin Priory ward be moved to facilitate two 2-member wards with Priory ward having 4325 electors and Highbury ward with 4823 electors (as per the option previously considered by the Boundary Review Project Board).


Councillor Ian Albert seconded the amendment and on being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED, the recorded vote being:


YES:           21


NO:            12

TOTAL:      34





Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               ABSTAIN


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That the warding arrangements detailed in Appendix A relating to Hitchin be amended  so that the Hitchin Highbury ward and Hitchin Priory ward are both 2-member wards with Priory ward having 4325 electors and Highbury ward with 4823 electors, as per the option considered by the Electoral Review Project Board


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg proposed 2.1 (i) 1 (as amended) - the warding arrangements relating to the rural wards as attached as Appendix A.  Councillor Steve Jarvis seconded and having been put to the vote motion was CARRIED, the results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                22

ABSTAIN:       0

NO:                 13

TOTAL:           35




Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO


It was therefore:


RESOLVED: That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the rural wards attached as in Appendix A for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, noting the deadline for submission being 10 August 2022 and noting the inclusion of 51 Councillors as the basis for the submission.


Councillor Alistair Willoughby proposed recommendation 2.1. (i) 2 (as amended) - the warding arrangements relating to Baldock as attached as Appendix A.  . Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded and having been put to the vote the motion was CARRIED, and the results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                22

ABSTAIN:       1

NO:                 12

TOTAL:           35


Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    ABSTAIN


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That the Council approves the warding arrangements relating to the Baldock wards as attached in Appendix A for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, noting the deadline for submission being 10 August 2022 and noting the inclusion of 51 Councillors as the basis for the submission.


Councillor Ian Albert proposed recommendation 2.1 (i) (3) - the  warding arrangements, as previously amended, relating to Hitchin. Councillor Keith Hoskins seconded and having been put to the vote the motion was CARRIED, the results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                22

ABSTAIN:       1

NO:                 12

TOTAL:           35





Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    ABSTAIN


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That Council approves the warding arrangements for the Hitchin Wards attached as in Appendix A (subject to amendments in relation to Hitchin Highbury and Hitchin Priory) for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, noting the deadline for submission being 10 August 2022 and noting the inclusion of 51 Councillors as the basis for the submission.


Councillor Ruth Brown proposed recommendation 2.1 9i) (4) as amended - the warding arrangements relating to Royston as attached as Appendix A.  . Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded and having been put to the vote the motion was CARRIED, the results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                21

ABSTAIN:       1

NO:                 13

TOTAL:           35




Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  NO

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    ABSTAIN


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That the Council approves the warding arrangements relating to Royston as attached in Appendix A for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, noting the deadline for submission being 10 August 2022 and noting the inclusion of 51 Councillors as the basis for the submission.


The Chair, having invited  a motion relating to the warding arrangements for Letchworth.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed recommendation 2.1. (iii) -  that the Council approve Option B regarding the warding arrangements for Letchworth, as attached in Appendix C of the report. Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded and on being put to the vote the motion was NOT CARRIED. The results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                13

ABSTAIN:       2

NO:                 20

TOTAL:           35




Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  YES

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                     YES

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                      YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr James Denselow                          YES

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   YES

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           YES

Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               NO

Cllr Clare Strong                                 NO

Cllr David Levett                                 NO

Cllr George Davies                             NO

Cllr Ian Moody                                    NO

Cllr Jean Green                                  NO

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               NO

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  NO

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      NO

Cllr Philip Weeder                               NO

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   NO

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              NO

Cllr Richard Thake                              NO

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  NO

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        NO

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            NO

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 NO

Cllr Terry Hone                                   NO

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   NO

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 NO

Cllr Sam North                                    ABSTAIN

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    ABSTAIN


Councillor Morgan Derbyshire proposed a motion that the Council approve Option A regarding the warding arrangements for Letchworth as attached in Appendix C of the report (recommendation 2.1. (ii) ). Councillor Sean Prendergast seconded and on being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.  The results of the recorded vote being:




YES:                21

ABSTAIN:       1

NO:                 13

TOTAL:           35




Cllr Sam North                                    YES

Cllr Carol  Stanier                               YES

Cllr Clare Strong                                 YES

Cllr David Levett                                 YES

Cllr George Davies                             YES

Cllr Ian Moody                                    YES

Cllr Jean Green                                  YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                               YES

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                  YES

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                      YES

Cllr Philip Weeder                               YES

Cllr Raj Bhakar                                   YES

Cllr Ralph  Muncer                              YES

Cllr Richard Thake                              YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                  YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                        YES

Cllr Simon Bloxham                            YES

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                 YES

Cllr Terry Hone                                   YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                   YES

Cllr Tony Hunter                                 YES

Cllr Adem Ruggerio-Cakir                  NO

Cllr Alistair Willoughby                        NO

Cllr Amy Allen                                     NO

Cllr Chris Hinchliff                               NO

Cllr Clare Billing                                  NO

Cllr Daniel Allen                                  NO

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg            NO

Cllr Ian Albert                                      NO

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     NO

Cllr James Denselow                          NO

Cllr Sean Nolan                                   NO

Cllr Tamsin Thomas                           NO

Cllr Val Bryant                                     NO

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    ABSTAIN


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That Council approves the warding arrangements relating to Letchworth as detailed in Option A attached as Appendix B for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, noting the deadline for submission being 10 August 2022 and noting the inclusion of 51 Councillors as the basis for the submission.


REASONS FOR DECISIONS: The warding arrangements have been proposed following discussion amongst Group Leaders at the Boundary Review Project Board, taking into account the feedback from the recent member workshop and subsequent further engagement, local communities, the LGBCE criteria for warding arrangements, and the need to ensure electoral equality.    If the Council does not make a submission, the LBGCE will base its recommendations of warding configurations for this Council on other submissions they receive, as well as their own analytical work


To allow a comfort break, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 21:14.


The meeting reconvened at 21:25.


The usual Standing Orders for the remainder of the meeting were resumed.


Report author: Melanie Stimpson

Publication date: 18/07/2022

Date of decision: 14/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 14/07/2022 - Council

Accompanying Documents: