Decision details


Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED: That Full Council:


(1)       Approves the amendments in Appendix A (as amended);


(2)       Notes the changes to Executive portfolio areas identified in Section 14* (table shaded green);


(3)       Notes the typographical error changed in Section 20 (Contract Procurement Rules) under  Rule 33.9 (as described in Appendix A), on 19 April 2022 (table shaded green).


REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure the Constitution remains up to date, and continues to improve its working practices where legally possible.

Report author: Jeanette Thompson

Publication date: 18/07/2022

Date of decision: 14/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 14/07/2022 - Council

Accompanying Documents: