Decision details


Decision Maker: Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




(1)       That the Quarter 2 Update on Performance against Performance Indicators be noted;


(2)       That the Executive Member for Recycling and Waste be requested to circulate the spreadsheet containing waste route map information to the Committee;


(3)       That any Members who are aware of any issues with regard to waste collection routes be requested to inform the Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management so that this information can be passed on to the contractor;


(4)       That Recommendation No.2 of the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS) report dated November 2020 concerning performance indicators, which concerned the role of Overview and Scrutiny Members in challenging performance data, be noted.




(1)       That Cabinet be requested to consider reviewing the PIs for Environmental Health to allow for the lockdown period where no business was possible;


(2)       That Cabinet be requested to consider revising the PI in relation to usage figures for the leisure centres in line with the revised recovery programme, due to the loss of business caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.


Report author: Rachel Cooper

Publication date: 11/12/2020

Date of decision: 08/12/2020

Decided at meeting: 08/12/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Accompanying Documents: