Decision details


Decision Maker: Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Service Director – Resources presented the report entitled Medium term Financial Strategy 2020-25 together with the following appendix:


·                Appendix A- Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-25.


The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:


·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall;

·                Councillor Steve Jarvis;

·                Councillor Sam North;


Members queried how the Commercialisation Strategy interacted with the Medium Term Financial Strategy and asked what estimates had been made regarding growth.


The Service Director- Resources advised that he expected these would form part of detailed budget setting.


Members suggested that the MTFS should contain a comment that it did not take account of any potential impacts of Brexit.


In response to a question about how the MTFS reflected housing growth, the Service Director – Resources advised that currently there was an assumption of one percent growth in Council Tax Base.




(1)       That Cabinet ask the Service Director – Resources to update the MTFS to show that it did not take account of any potential impacts of Brexit;


(2)       That Cabinet recommends to Full Council the adoption of the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-25 as attached at Appendix A.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATIONS: To enable the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee to consider the report entitled Medium Term Financial Strategy prior to consideration by Cabinet.

Report author: Ian Couper

Publication date: 30/07/2019

Date of decision: 29/07/2019

Decided at meeting: 29/07/2019 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Accompanying Documents: