Decision details


Decision Maker: Council Tax Setting Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


(1)        Set a non-collection rate of 1% for 2022/2023.


(2)        Set the Council Tax Base for 2022/2023 at 49,964.8


(3)       Agree the individual sums shown in Appendix A for each Parish


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To fulfil the statutory requirement to set a Council Tax Base for the District and to enable Major and Local Precepting Authorities to set their levels of Council Tax for 2022/2023.


N.B Subsequent to the meeting some errors were identified in Appendix A which refer to several of the individual parish amounts but not to the overall total. The correct figures are therefore attached and can be found here:

Report author: Jo Dufficy

Publication date: 17/01/2022

Date of decision: 13/01/2022

Decided at meeting: 13/01/2022 - Council Tax Setting Committee

Accompanying Documents: