Decision details


Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Ian Albert proposed, Councillor Sam North seconded, and the recommendations in the report were put to debate.


Councillor Steve Jarvis proposed an amendment, Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded.


Councillor Simon Harwood declared an interest in respect of his daughter being an employee of the Hitchin Outdoor Pool whose opening hours were being considered as part of the amendment. The Monitoring Officer advised that he take no part in the debate or vote on this amendment.


The amendment was put to the vote.


The results of the vote were as follows:


YES:           35


NO:            0

TOTAL:      35


The individual results were as follows:


Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Adam Compton                                   YES

Cllr Adem Ruggiero-Cakir                            YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                      YES

Cllr Claire Strong                                  YES

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                   YES

Cllr David Barnard                                  YES

Cllr David Levett                                   YES

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg                       YES

Cllr George  Davies                                 YES

Cllr Gerald Morris                                  YES

Cllr Ian Albert                                     YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr Jean Green                                     YES

Cllr Judi Billing                                   YES

Cllr Kate Aspinwall                                 YES

Cllr Kay Tart                                       YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                                  YES

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                    YES

Cllr Michael Muir                                   YES

Cllr Mike Hughson                                   YES

Cllr Mike Rice                                      YES

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                              YES

Cllr Nigel Mason                                    YES

Cllr Richard Thake                                  YES

Cllr Ruth Brown                                     YES

Cllr Sam Collins                                    YES

Cllr Sam North                                      YES

Cllr Sarah Dingley                                  YES

Cllr Sean Prendergast                               YES

Cllr Simon Bloxham                                  YES

Cllr Simon Harwood                                  

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                   YES

Cllr Terry Hone                                     YES

Cllr Terry Tyler                                   

Cllr Tom Tyson                                      YES


As such it was:


RESOLVED: To amend the recommendations to include an additional recommendation 2.6 as follows:


“Noting the additional flexibility resulting from the final Local Government Settlement, Council approves the following further investments to support the council’s sustainability objectives and the continuing provision of high quality leisure facilities for local people:


A.    Implementation of additional wilding schemes from those set out in the  Wilding Audit prepared for the council by Countryside Management at a total cost of £25k.


B.    Work with user groups to investigate and implement potential extensions to open air pool opening at the end of the 2022 season at a cost of £25k.


C.   Provision of expert leisure market, pre-procurement and strategic investment advice in respect of the leisure services contract retendering at a cost of £25k.”


The substantive motion as amended was put to debate.


The substantive motion as amended was put to the vote.


The results of the vote were as follows:


YES:           21


NO:            0

TOTAL:      36


The individual results were as follows:


Cllr Val Bryant                                     YES

Cllr Adam Compton                                   ABSTAIN

Cllr Adem Ruggiero-Cakir                            YES

Cllr Amy Allen                                      YES

Cllr Claire Strong                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Clare Billing                                  YES

Cllr Daniel Allen                                   YES

Cllr David Barnard                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr David Levett                                   ABSTAIN

Cllr Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg                       YES

Cllr George  Davies                                 ABSTAIN

Cllr Gerald Morris                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Ian Albert                                     YES

Cllr Ian Mantle                                     YES

Cllr Jean Green                                     ABSTAIN

Cllr Judi Billing                                   YES

Cllr Kate Aspinwall                                 YES

Cllr Kay Tart                                       YES

Cllr Keith Hoskins                                  YES

Cllr Mandi Tandi                                    ABSTAIN

Cllr Michael Muir                                   ABSTAIN

Cllr Mike Hughson                                   YES

Cllr Mike Rice                                      ABSTAIN

Cllr Morgan Derbyshire                              ABSTAIN

Cllr Nigel Mason                                    YES

Cllr Richard Thake                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Ruth Brown                                     YES

Cllr Sam Collins                                    YES

Cllr Sam North                                      YES

Cllr Sarah Dingley                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Sean Prendergast                               YES

Cllr Simon Bloxham                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Simon Harwood                                  ABSTAIN

Cllr Steve Jarvis                                   YES

Cllr Terry Hone                                    

Cllr Terry Tyler                                    YES

Cllr Tom Tyson                                      YES


As such it was:


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)       Notes the position on the Collection Fund and how it will be funded.


(2)       Notes the position relating to the General Fund balance and that due to the risks identified a minimum balance of £30.5 million is recommended.


(3)       Approves the savings and investments as detailed in Appendix B.


(4)       Approves a net expenditure budget of £18.123m* as detailed in Appendix C


(5)       Approves a Council Tax increase of £5 on a band D property (other bands with pro-rata increases). This is in line with the Medium Term Financial Strategy and is equivalent to 2.08%


(6)       Noting the additional flexibility resulting from the final Local Government Settlement, Council approves the following further investments to support the council’s sustainability objectives and the continuing provision of high quality leisure facilities for local people:


A.        Implementation of additional wilding schemes from those set out in the  Wilding Audit prepared for the council by Countryside Management at a total cost of £25k.


B.        Work with user groups to investigate and implement potential extensions to open air pool opening at the end of the 2022 season at a cost of £25k.


C.        Provision of expert leisure market, pre-procurement and strategic investment advice in respect of the leisure services contract retendering at a cost of £25k.


[*It was confirmed that the amended substantive resolution therefore was an approved net expenditure figure being £18.198m – being the figures in 2.4 and 2.6]


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that all relevant factors are considered in arriving at a proposed budget and Council Tax level for 2022/23 and to ensure that the budget is aligned to Council priorities for 2022/23 as set out in the Council Plan.

Report author: Ian Couper

Publication date: 14/02/2022

Date of decision: 10/02/2022

Decided at meeting: 10/02/2022 - Council

Accompanying Documents: