Decision details


Decision Maker: Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




(1)  That the draft 2020/21 Annual Statement of Accounts, as set out in Appendix A, be approved based on the draft Audit Results report.


(2) That, subject to the final Audit Results report not requiring any substantial changes, the Committee delegates to the Chair of the Committee the final approval of the 2020/21 Annual Statement of Accounts. This will include confirming that the Chair of the Committee can sign the Statement of Accounts to confirm that they have been approved by the Committee.


REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Council abides by the Audit and Account Regulations 2015, which require the approval and publication of audited Statement of Accounts.


Report author: Ian Couper

Publication date: 17/03/2022

Date of decision: 16/03/2022

Decided at meeting: 16/03/2022 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Accompanying Documents: