Issue - meetings

20/00073/FP North Hertfordshire College, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0JD

Meeting: 24/11/2020 - Planning Control Committee (Item 63)

63 20/00073/FP North Hertfordshire College, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0JD pdf icon PDF 670 KB


Demolition of existing sports hall and squash court building, erection of new sports hall, provision of new 3G pitch, new car parking provision, remodelling of site to provide level access to new sports facilities and enabling development of 116 residential dwellings, new access road, open space, landscaping and associated works (as amended by plans received 26/06/20, 16/07/20, 21/07/20 and 13/10/20)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That application 20/00073/FP be GRANTED planning application subject to the conditions in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following amended and additional reasons:


Condition 10 to be amended to read:

“Development B - Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, details of electrical wiring to accommodate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra low emission vehicles for each dwelling, and each flat block (1 charging point per minimum 5 parking spaces shall be provided, including two charging points for Block D), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of each specific unit.


Reason - To contribute to the objective of providing a sustainable transport network and to provide the necessary infrastructure to help off-set the adverse of the operational phase of the development on local air quality.”


Condition 17 to be amended to read:

“Development B - The measures set out in the submitted Ecological Assessment, and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (including any amendments and/or additions to these documents) shall be implemented prior to occupation of Development B, and thereafter shall remain in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interests of the protection of ecology and providing a net ecological gain within the site.”


Condition 23 to be amended to read:

“The relevant parts of the development (A and B) shall not be occupied/used until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 19 for Development A, and condition 20 for Development B, and the provision made for analysis and publication where appropriate.


Reason: In the interests of archaeology.”


Condition 30 to be amended to read:

“Development A - Existing Access –Improved: Cambridge Road- Prior to the first use of the Sports Hall, the existing vehicular access onto Cambridge Road shall be upgraded to the satisfaction of the LPA, to provide a raised pedestrian crossing together with a right turn lane and new section of footways to each side of the access with tactile paving and dropped kerbs, as shown on the plan ref Ghosted right turn priority junction 191900-008 Rev C. Arrangements shall be made for surface water drainage to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge from or onto the highway carriageway.


Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory access and in the interests of highway safety, traffic movement and amenity in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018).”


Condition 31 to be amended to read:

“Development B  - Existing Access – Improved: St Michael’s Road- Prior to the first occupation of the residential development hereby permitted, a revised plan should be submitted that shows the existing vehicular access onto St Michael’s Road narrowed down (subject to tracking) and upgraded to provide a raised pedestrian crossing with tactile paving. Arrangements shall be  ...  view the full decision text for item 63


Audio recording – 6 minutes and 9 seconds.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that Hertfordshire County Council Growth and Infrastructure Unit had informed him that paragraph 3.1.1 of the report should instead read “towards childcare provision as part of the new 2FE primary school on the Highover Farm Hitchin development site.”


The Senior Planning Officer advised that there had been two updates to the Section 106 agreement: the £122,000 contribution to the Hitchin Station Access scheme had been reinstated by the applicant and two new grass pitches are included as well as the full size artificial pitch in the off-site developments for the Priory School.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 20/00073/FP supported by a visual presentation in consisting of photographs and plans.


The following Councillors asked questions of clarification regarding the report:


·                Councillor Daniel Allen

·                Councillor Ian Mantle

·                Councillor Sam Collins

·                Councillor Val Bryant


In response to questions the Senior Planning Officer noted that:


·                The reduction in amenity area size applied to all flats in the development;

·                The play area would be managed by a private management company which was secured by the Section 106 agreement;

·                Phasing agreements as part of the Section 106 agreement would ensure that both parts of the development would be delivered if approved;

·                Condition 10 stated the details of electrical charging facilities to be provided for each dwelling;

·                Advice would need to be sought from the Air Quality Officer on the appropriate level of EV provision for the blocks of flats.


In response to questions the Legal Regulatory Team Leader and Deputy Monitoring Officer advised that:


·                The play area would be kept in perpetuity;

·                The public open space scheme includes the equipment in the children’s play areas which would be managed by the management company engaged;


In response to questions Matt Armstrong, the Highways Development Manager – HCC advised:


·                Modelling showed that during peak hours at the signalised junction the biggest increase was during the AM peak with 5 extra queuing vehicles, adding 14 seconds to journey time; at the roundabout the model showed an extra 2 queueing vehicles during the PM peak;

·                The increase in traffic was not large.


Dixon Searle Senior Consultant, Nick Molyneux presented the Viability Report as follows:


·                the housing scheme in itself was viable; the threat to viability of the project came from the college facilities;

·                In the applicants own appraisal the college sporting facilities were of no revenue generating value which was normal;

·                After disagreement over the works cost a quantity surveyor was commissioned; the agreed position after the survey was £1.6 million below the submitted works cost and the viability appraisal was conducted with that cost in mind in addition to other figure figures disputed with the applicant;

·                The appraisal indicated residual land value of £1.5 million;

·                The latest appraisal assumed that a land value no more than £1.5 million was allowable alongside the enabling cost, effectively counting the provision of sports facilities as an abnormal cost in the enabling housing development;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63