Report of proposed changes to Performance Indicators due to impact of Covid19.
(1) That the proposed amendments to the PIs and any associated targets that will continue to be monitored throughout 2020/2021 by Overview & Scrutiny be approved;
(2) That an additional “reporting only” figure of those viewing Council meetings, both live stream and video, on YouTube be reported to Overview and Scrutiny in order to gauge public engagement with virtual meetings.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that Performance Monitoring is effective and reflects the current national situation.
Audio recording – 14 minutes 11 seconds
The Leader of the Council presented the report entitled Proposed Amendments to Performance Management Measures for 20/21 and drew attention to the following:
· There were two proposed amendments to targets propose, due to the effects of the pandemic on performance being:
· MI LI015 - Number of visits to leisure facilities;
· Reg 3 - Percentage of Environmental Health programmed inspections completed
Councillor David Levett, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented the referral from the meeting of that Committee (7c) held on 19 January 2021.
He advised that the Committee had discussed public engagement at meetings and felt that viewing figures would clarify the level of those engaging with meetings.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended to Cabinet:
(1) That Cabinet considers and formally approves the proposed amendments to the PIs and any associated targets that will continue to be monitored throughout 2020/2021 by Overview & Scrutiny;
(2) That Cabinet consider instigating a “reporting only” figure of those viewing Council meetings on YouTube in order to gauge public engagement with virtual meetings.
The following Members took part in the debate:
· Councillor Judi Billing;
· Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg;
· Councillor Ian Albert;
· Councillor Steve Jarvis;
· Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb.
Comments from Members included:
· That public engagement should not stop at looking at the number of people viewing on YouTube;
· That investigation needed to take place regarding methods that could be used to engage with those viewing the meeting, as opposed to those within the meeting;
· Another issue raised at Overview and Scrutiny was to consider opening the outdoor pools earlier. This had been passed to officers for consideration.
Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb proposed, Councillor Paul Clark seconded and it was:
(1) That the proposed amendments to the PIs and any associated targets that will continue to be monitored throughout 2020/2021 by Overview & Scrutiny be approved;
(2) That an additional “reporting only” figure of those viewing Council meetings, both live stream and video, on YouTube be reported to Overview and Scrutiny in order to gauge public engagement with virtual meetings.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that Performance Monitoring is effective and reflects the current national situation.