Issue - meetings

Staff Consultation Forum

Meeting: 10/03/2021 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 23)


To receive the minutes from the Staff Consultation Forum from December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021.

Additional documents:


IT WAS AGREED: That the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held in December 2020 and January 2021 and February 2021 be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Joint Staff Consultative Committee to consider any issues addressed by the Staff Consultation Forum.


Audio Recording – 5 minutes 5 seconds.


The Service Director – Resources presented the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held in December 2020, January 2021 and February 2021 and provided an overview of the matters discussed including:


·                The relationship between SCF, JSCC and the Shaping Our Future group

·                Home working expenses and tax allowances

·                Monthly learning & development sessions

·                NHS volunteering

·                Remote social events and wellbeing strategies running in the organisation


The following Members and representatives contributed to the discussion:


·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall

·                Councillor Claire Strong

·                Christina Corr – SCF


Points raised included:


·                Staff were appreciative of the efforts being made to promote wellbeing while working from home;

·                The number of social events produced by teams was encouraging;

·                It was positive that staff did not feel guilty for taking time to socialise remotely;

·                The People Recovery Plan should consider allowing staff the flexibility to continue working from home if they choose.


IT WAS AGREED: That the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held in December 2020 and January 2021 and February 2021 be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Joint Staff Consultative Committee to consider any issues addressed by the Staff Consultation Forum.