To consider the subjects for debate at future meetings of the Committee and review discussion topics previously considered by the Committee.
Members considered which subjects should be discussed at future meetings and:
(1) That the discussion topic for the next meeting be as follows:
(i) The Employee Assistance Programme
(2) That the discussion topic of the challenges and rewards of home working and the return to office work be considered at the meeting after next;
(3) That an Employment Law Update should be presented in the next civic year;
(4) That regular updates on the work of the Inclusion Group be provided to the Committee.
REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to choose a discussion topic of interest.
Audio Recording – 1 hour 7 minutes.
Members considered which subjects should be discussed at future meetings and the following points were considered:
· Lockdown restrictions may not have been lifted by June and a paper on the challenges and rewards of home working presented then may be premature;
· Any paper presented for June would have to be researched and written in the months prior;
· The conversation regarding a return to office working would have progressed by June so that meeting could be an opportunity to provide feedback;
· The Employee Assistance Programme was worth considering;
· The challenges and rewards of home working item had been on the list for a long time and when originally proposed was not purely focussed on COVID;
· It had been a long time since the Committee had received an update on employment law.
(1) That the discussion topic for the next meeting be as follows:
(i) The Employee Assistance Programme
(2) That the discussion topic of the challenges and rewards of home working and the return to office work be considered at the meeting after next;
(3) That an Employment Law Update should be presented in the next civic year;
(4) That regular updates on the work of the Inclusion Group be provided to the Committee.
REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to choose a discussion topic of interest.