Issue - meetings

19/00520/OP Land Between Croft Lane Norton Road And, Cashio Lane, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire

Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Planning Control Committee (Item 6)



Outline planning application for residential development of up to 42 dwellings, all matters reserved but access (as amended by plans and information received 09-06- 2020, 23-07-2020 and 10-12-2020).

Additional documents:


Councillor Michael Muir advised that he was a Hertfordshire County Councillor. However, he had not had any input at County level on this application nor had the application gone before the County’s Development Control Committee. Having sought advice from the Legal Advisor, he would remain in the room and take part in the debate and vote of the item.


Councillor Morgan Derbyshire exercised his Councillor Speaking Right and did not take part in the debate and vote.


RESOLVED: That application 19/00520/OP be DEFERRED so that Hertfordshire Highways could attend a future committee meeting to answer questions in respect to the impact on the safe use of surrounding residential streets.


Audio Recording – 4 Minutes 41 Seconds


Outline planning application for residential development of up to 42 dwellings, all matters reserved but access (as amended by plans and information received 09-06-2020, 23-07-2020 and 10-12-2020)


Councillor Michael Muir advised that he was a Hertfordshire County Councillor. However, he had not had any input at County level on this application nor had the application gone before the County’s Development Control Committee. Having sought advice from the Legal Advisor, he would remain in the room and take part in the debate and vote of the item.


Councillor Morgan Derbyshire exercised his Councillor Speaking Right and did not take part in the debate and vote.


The Senior Strategic Sites Officer presented the report in respect of application 19/00520/OP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


The Officer advised that Plan No: ST-2571-20 was to be removed as it was no longer required.


The following Members asked questions of the Officer in relation to the site area and access.


The Officer responded to questions raised.


The Chair invited Ms Lisa Wallman and Mr Nathan Hanks to address the Committee in objection to the application, including:


·                There had been no written response regarding this site from the Council’s Conservation Officer;

·                There were alternative options for the access;

·                The lane was 3.8 metres wide which was too narrow. Vehicles were not able to pass each other, causing them to mount the verge;

·                This development would increase vehicle movement between the hours of 8am and 9am, which would have an impact on parents and children walking to school;

·                Pedestrians and vehicles would be sharing the same space;

·                There would be harm to the heritage buildings, a loss of trees and a negative impact on the environment;

·                There were safety concerns for other users such as cyclists;

·                The lane was not designed for heavy traffic; and

·                Lots of pedestrians used the lane and they required safe access.


The Chair invited Councillors Daniel Allen and Simon Bloxham, Member Advocates, who were sharing the allotted 10-minute speaking time, to address the Committee in objection to the application.


Councillor Daniel Allen addressed the Committee first, including:


·                Access to the development was unsafe;

·                Croft Lane was too narrow;

·                The lane width had caused problems for the emergency services in the past, preventing them from driving down it;

·                Vehicles have been mounting the verge;

·                There would be an increase in larger vehicles using the lane such as delivery vans; and

·                There was no traffic management plan in place.


The Chair invited Councillor Simon Bloxham to address the Committee, including:


·                Hertfordshire County Council were not initially aware of the highway’s issues. However, as soon as the Leader and Cabinet were made aware, they agreed to remove the sale of the land from the Cabinet agenda for the site to be fully reviewed; and

·                The site was unsuitable.


The following Member asked a question of Councillor Daniel Allen:


·                Councillor Sue Ngwala.


In response, Councillor Allen advised that:


·                The development would have an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6