To seek approval to extend the July 2020 resolutions of Cabinet in relation to the proposed Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) pending the outcomes of the Local Plan Examination.
(1) That the Developer Contributions SPD approved by Cabinet in July 2020 continue to be used as a material consideration in the negotiation and determination of relevant schemes;
(2) That, pending the updated Green Space Strategy and revised programme of Supplementary Planning Documents, Fields in Trust standards be used to assess open space provision in new development;
(3) That officers, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning, determine whether any areas of the Developer Contributions SPD require additional work prior to adoption and present any revised draft or final version(s) to Cabinet for their approval.
(1) To allow the continued use of the detailed guidance in the Developer Contributions SPD in the negotiation of relevant schemes;
(2) To ensure the provision of appropriate levels of open space in new development;
(3) To enable officers, in consultation with the Executive Member and Deputy, to consider whether any matters arising since the July 2020 resolutions of Cabinet necessitate substantive additional work before the Developer Contributions SPD is formally adopted.
Audio recording – 19 minutes 59 seconds
The Executive Member for Planning introduced the report entitled Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
He advised that the report sought the extension of the July 2020 resolutions of Cabinet in relation to the proposed Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), pending the outcomes of the Local Plan Examination.
The following Members asked questions and took part in debate:
· Councillor Steve Jarvis;
· Councillor Paul Clark.
In response to a question, Councillor Clark confirmed that Cabinet would be updated via the regular Strategic Planning report on the long-term standards to be adopted for open/green space in future.
Councillor Clark reported that, in terms of strategic planning matters, there was an examination into the possibility of extending further the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, but further information on this was not available at this time.
Councillor Paul Clark proposed, Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded, and upon being put to the vote it was unanimously:
(1) That the Developer Contributions SPD approved by Cabinet in July 2020 continue to be used as a material consideration in the negotiation and determination of relevant schemes;
(2) That, pending the updated Green Space Strategy and revised programme of Supplementary Planning Documents, Fields in Trust standards be used to assess open space provision in new development;
(3) That officers, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning, determine whether any areas of the Developer Contributions SPD require additional work prior to adoption and present any revised draft or final version(s) to Cabinet for their approval.
(1) To allow the continued use of the detailed guidance in the Developer Contributions SPD in the negotiation of relevant schemes;
(2) To ensure the provision of appropriate levels of open space in new development;
(3) To enable officers, in consultation with the Executive Member and Deputy, to consider whether any matters arising since the July 2020 resolutions of Cabinet necessitate substantive additional work before the Developer Contributions SPD is formally adopted.