To inform Cabinet of the applications to designate a neighbourhood planning forum for Charlton and to delegate authority to designate a neighbourhood planning area for the area of Charlton following consultation on the application.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That delegated authority is granted to the Service Director – Regulatory in consultation with the Executive Members for Community Engagement and Planning to:
i. determine the current applications for the neighbourhood planning area and neighbourhood planning forum within the statutory 13-week time limit following the conclusion of the public consultation period; and
ii. work with the Charlton Neighbourhood Forum and other parties interested in neighbourhood planning in the area to address the issues of concern raised in the report and explore the opportunities to progress neighbourhood planning for Charlton.
(1) To ensure the Council meets its statutory duties in relation to neighbourhood planning within the prescribed time periods.
(2) As part of an unparished area of the District, the application to designate a neighbourhood planning area and neighbourhood planning forum must be considered by the local planning authority. However, for the reasons discussed in Section 8 of the report, it would be appropriate for further discussions to be held with the Charlton Neighbourhood Forum and other (potential) neighbourhood planning bodies before a decision is taken.
Audio recording – 24 minutes 18 seconds
The Executive Member for Planning introduced the report entitled Designation of a Neighbourhood Planning Forum and Neighbourhood Planning Area for Charlton, together with the following appendices.
· Appendix A – Charlton Society Neighbourhood Forum Application Letter;
· Appendix B – Charlton Society Constitution;
· Appendix C – Map Charlton NP Area.
The Senior Planning Officer advised that the Council needed to look at designating a Neighbourhood Planning Forum for the area of Charlton because it was in an unparished area of the district.
The following Members asked questions and took part in debate:
· Councillor Ian Albert;
· Councillor Paul Clark.
In response to a question, the Senior Planning Officer advised that the recommendations, should they be agreed, would not have a direct impact on the ‘Save The Windmill Pub’ campaign, and it would be up to a Neighbourhood Planning Forum to develop any policies in future.
Councillor Paul Clark proposed, Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded and upon being put to the vote it was unanimously:
RESOLVED: That delegated authority is granted to the Service Director – Regulatory in consultation with the Executive Members for Community Engagement and Planning to:
i. determine the current applications for the neighbourhood planning area and neighbourhood planning forum within the statutory 13-week time limit following the conclusion of the public consultation period; and
ii. work with the Charlton Neighbourhood Forum and other parties interested in neighbourhood planning in the area to address the issues of concern raised in the report and explore the opportunities to progress neighbourhood planning for Charlton.
(1) To ensure the Council meets its statutory duties in relation to neighbourhood planning within the prescribed time periods.
(2) As part of an unparished area of the District, the application to designate a neighbourhood planning area and neighbourhood planning forum must be considered by the local planning authority. However, for the reasons discussed in Section 8 of the report, it would be appropriate for further discussions to be held with the Charlton Neighbourhood Forum and other (potential) neighbourhood planning bodies before a decision is taken.