Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/09/2021 - Council (Item 50)

50 COUNCIL PLAN 2022-2027 AND COUNCIL OBJECTIVES FOR 2022-2027 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To consider the Council Plan 2022-2027 and Council Objectives for 2022-2027

Additional documents:




(1)       That Council approves the Council Plan (Appendix A) with the three new Council Priorities as outlined below:


·                People First

·                Sustainability

·                A Brighter Future Together


(2)       That Council delegates the authority to make any minor changes in relation to the Council Plan to the Managing Director in consultation with Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council.


REASON FOR DECISION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process, as a high- level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities for the next year. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources; providing a focus for activities, plans and services the Council provide. There is a need to provide closer links between the Council Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy


Audio Recording – 1 hour 14 minutes and 42 seconds.


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg presented the report entitled Council Plan and Priorities 2022-2027 along with the appendices:


·                Appendix A - Council Plan 2022-2027

·                Appendix A - Council Plan 2022-2027


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg proposed the recommendations in the report. Councillor Ruth Brown seconded and reserved her right to speak.


The following Members took part in debate:


·                Councillor Claire Strong

·                Councillor Ruth Brown


On the vote it was:




(1)       That Council approves the Council Plan (Appendix A) with the three new Council Priorities as outlined below:


·                People First

·                Sustainability

·                A Brighter Future Together


(2)       That Council delegates the authority to make any minor changes in relation to the Council Plan to the Managing Director in consultation with Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council.


REASON FOR DECISION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process, as a high- level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities for the next year. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources; providing a focus for activities, plans and services the Council provide. There is a need to provide closer links between the Council Plan and Medium-Term Financial Strategy