Issue - meetings

Q1 2021 – 2022 Performance Against PIs

Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)




To consider the Quarter 1 2021/22 update on performance against PIs.


RESOLVED: That the 2021/22 1st Quarter Update on Performance against Performance Indicators be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.


Audio recording – 36 minutes 56 seconds


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled 2021/22 Quarter 1 Performance Indicators and drew attention to the following:


Status Summary


·                This first quarter report showed the status of 21 indicators to the end of June 2021;

·                There were six green, one amber and two red indicators;

·                The rest of the indicators were for information only, with no targets set.


MI P&R 001 – Sales Ledger Collection Rates


·                Collection rates continued to be affected by Covid but collection rates were improving month on month.


REG 1 and REG 2 – Homelessness Prevention and Relief


·                North Herts was performing well in this area against other Hertfordshire authorities.


LI035a – Number of Households in Temporary Accommodation


·                This was up compared to the previous year.


REG 3 – Number of Environmental Health Inspections Completed


·                This indicator had been temporarily suspended due to resources being diverted to Covid-related work and also covering long-term sickness in this service area.


MI LI 015 – Number of Visits to Leisure Centres


·                This continued to perform well against the agreed Recovery Plan.


NI 191, NI 192, FW1 and GW1 – Waste Indicators


·                The overall tonnage of waste collected and recycling levels were both showing an improvement on this time last year but were still under target. Analysis showed that food waste was still being placed in residual waste and officers would be concentrating efforts on communications in this area.


Missed bin statistics had been provided for information.


The following Members commented and asked questions:


·                Councillor Claire Strong;

·                Councillor Jim McNally.


In response to questions and comments, the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised that:


·                Targets had not been considered useful for some indicators and therefore the target column showed as ‘Not Applicable’. Targets were set each year in January by the Executive Members in conjunction with the service areas. Members would have the opportunity to feed into the next round of target setting as the report would be provided to the Committee before going to Cabinet;

·                The possibility of including repeated table headers on each page of future reports would be looked at.


Councillor Jim McNally proposed, Councillor Claire Strong seconded and it was unanimously:


RESOLVED: That the 2021/22 1st Quarter Update on Performance against Performance Indicators be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.