Issue - meetings

Strategic Planning Matters

Meeting: 21/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 44)




To identify the latest position on key planning issues affecting the District.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the report on strategic planning matters be noted.


(2)       That the correspondence in Appendices A to D be noted and endorsed by Cabinet.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.


Audio Recording – 50 minutes.


The Executive Member for Planning, Councillor Paul Clark, and the Executive Member for Enterprise, the Arts and Transport, Councillor Sam Collins, presented the report entitled Strategic Planning Matters along with Appendices A-D.


The Executive Member for Planning highlighted points including:


·                The Inspector’s Report on the emerging Local Plan was further delayed; the last assurance given was ‘autumn,’ which had since been updated to ‘November,’

·                Work on the new settlement was going ahead in conjunction with Councillors and officers in East Hertfordshire


The Executive Member for Enterprise, the Arts and Transport highlighted points including:


·                The expansion of Luton Airport was not in the best interests of the area;

·                Consultations were included in paragraphs 8.1.3-8.1.5 of the report;

·                Paragraphs 8.1.6-7 reiterated the importance the Council places on walking and cycling to create sustainability in active transport across the area;

·                The Herts Links project funded by Herts County Council was substantially delivered by a North Herts Council officer, Daniel Washington, who was thanked for his hard work;

·                Railway timetabling was covered at 8.2.0: GTR and LNER had suspended changes to the timetable in May 2022 and postponed them to 2023

·                Cuts to rail services in the area are unacceptable and the Council would not support them;

·                The Council further requested that LNER start serving Hitchin with long distance trains.

·                Royston and Hitchin were delivering active travel plans as part of the sustainable travel towns project.


The following Members asked questions and made comment:


·                Councillor Judi Billing

·                Councillor Ian Mantle

·                Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg


In response to points raised Councillor Clark advised that it was the intention to incorporate the LCWIP and transport plans in to the masterplanning process.


On the vote it was:




(1)       That the report on strategic planning matters be noted.


(2)       That the correspondence in Appendices A to D be noted and endorsed by Cabinet.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.