Issue - meetings

Quarterly Risk Management Update

Meeting: 15/12/2021 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 24)




An update on Q2 Risk Management at North Hertfordshire District Council.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the Committee notes the update on the Corporate Risks for the quarter, namely:


        The review of the Covid-19 Leisure Management Contract Corporate risk with an unchanged risk score of 9 and a Target risk score of 6.


        The review of the Novel Coronovirus (Covid-19) Recover Corporate risk with a current risk score of 9 and a target risk score of 6


        The review of the Managing the Councils Finances Corporate risk with an unchanged current risk score of 9 and a target risk score of 3


        The proposal to downgrade the Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities Corporate risk to a service risk


(2)       That the Committee notes the annual review of the Risk Management Framework


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the Annual Review of the Risk Management Framework be approved.




(1)  The responsibility for ensuring the management of risks is that of Cabinet;


(2)  This Committee has a responsibility to monitor the effective development and operation of Risk Management.


Audio Recording - 19:57


The Service Director – Resources presented the Quarterly Risk Management Update along with Appendices A – E and drew attention to the following:


·         Two of the corporate risks in the leisure management COVID-19 risk, and the overall COVID-19 had developed since the date of the reports publication; the latest monitoring into the leisure contracts was going well but there was concern that there would be a downturn in attendance and use of facilities in the near future.

·         The Council was looking at how to support the NHS with the booster vaccine programme if requested.

·          The main change proposed was in relation to the impact of antisocial behaviour; the reduction in antisocial behaviour has been consistent across lockdowns and reduced restrictions and efforts to mitigate antisocial behaviour have been effective and it was proposed that the risk be reduced and categorised as a service rather than corporate risk.


Councillor Terry Hone commented that he felt the proposed risk scores were accurate and was supportive of retaining the scores for those risks rated at 9.


On the vote it was:




(1)       That the Committee notes the update on the Corporate Risks for the quarter, namely:


        The review of the Covid-19 Leisure Management Contract Corporate risk with an unchanged risk score of 9 and a Target risk score of 6.


        The review of the Novel Coronovirus (Covid-19) Recover Corporate risk with a current risk score of 9 and a target risk score of 6


        The review of the Managing the Councils Finances Corporate risk with an unchanged current risk score of 9 and a target risk score of 3


        The proposal to downgrade the Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities Corporate risk to a service risk


(2)       That the Committee notes the annual review of the Risk Management Framework


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the Annual Review of the Risk Management Framework be approved.




(1)  The responsibility for ensuring the management of risks is that of Cabinet;


(2)  This Committee has a responsibility to monitor the effective development and operation of Risk Management.