Issue - meetings

Integrated Performance Management

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 57)




RESOLVED: That the proposals set out in the report were approved, which relate to the creation and monitoring of an Integrated Council Delivery Plan.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: To approve the changes to the Constitution as detailed in Section 9.


REASON FOR DECISION: To improve the current processes that are in place which do not seem to be well integrated with each other or the Council Plan.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled ‘Integrated Performance, Project Monitoring and Risk’ including:


·         Outlined the changes to the processes which were included within the report.

·         This proposal was to change the way project monitoring and risk was presented to the Committee with an integrated approach to monitoring Performance Indicators and the Council Plan.

·         This Integrated Report would be provided to the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and Cabinet, as well as this Committee.

·         This should help to ensure both Committees receive the full picture and make the information published online more relevant to the public.

·         Monitoring of the Council Plan will be done quarterly by Overview & Scrutiny and can be referred onto Cabinet, strengthening the role of the Committee.

·         Finance, Audit and Risk would no longer receive updates on particular risk, but would have a view of the overall performance of Risk Management, which is hoped will remove overlap between the two Committees.

·         A slight change to the Constitution would be required to extend the role of Overview & Scrutiny in risk monitoring, outlined in the report.

·         The proposals would allow better alignment to the Council Plan, better Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny oversight and will make information more accessible to Councillors, Officers and members of the public.

·         An informal consultation had taken place with the Chairs of both Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and Overview & Scrutiny and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee would also receive this report for commenting.

·         The first report in the new format will be the Q1 reporting at the Committee meeting in September 2022.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Terry Hone


In response to questions the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised:


·         Consideration of resources (staff and financial) would be considered when drawing up the list of projects to be included in the delivery plan, as takes place during the budget setting process.

·         Confirmed that it was proposed for the Chair of Overview & Scrutiny and Finance, Audit and Risk attend the Risk Management Group, but processes would need to be determined, agreed and put in place to manage this.


The Chair commented that it was positive to see that the reports would be linked up which would allow the Committees to monitor risk and performance as a whole and he welcomed the move.


Councillor David Levett, as Chair, proposed and Councillor Morgan Derbyshire seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the proposals set out in the report were approved, which relate to the creation and monitoring of an Integrated Council Delivery Plan.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: To approve the changes to the Constitution as detailed in Section 9.


REASON FOR DECISION: To improve the current processes that are in place which do not seem to be well integrated with each other or the Council Plan.