The report sets out the proposed changes to
the Contract Procurement Rules. The Committee is asked to consider
the proposed changes and recommend their adoption to Full
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the Committee considers the proposed changes and recommends their adoption to Full Council.
REASON FOR DECISION: That the Contract Procurement Rules are part of the Constitution (under Section 20) and are revised and updated periodically as part of the Council’s governance and procurement review processes, contributing to effective organisational internal control.
The Legal Commercial Team Manager presented the report entitled Updated Contract Procurement Rules for 2022/23, together with Appendix A – Contract Procurement Rules showing track changes. She drew attention to the following:
· The amendments have been made in consultation with the Councils Contracts and Procurement Group, as well as relevant Executive Members and Deputies;
· Amending the Go Local threshold from £50,000 to £100,000, asking officers to consider going local in procurements that meet that threshold;
· The Contract Procurement Rules form part of the Constitution at Section 20, amendments to these rules have been made as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union;
· Paragraph 8.5 sets out the threshold amendments that have been made and contained in Appendix A as tracked changes;
· Terminology has also been changed to reflect the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.
The following Members asked questions
· Councillor Terry Hone
· Councillor Adam Compton
In response to questions, the Legal Commercial Team Manager advised:
· Consultations with neighbouring Local Authorities took place before any amendments were made;
· The Council’s Contracts and Procurement Group allows discussions between key contract managers and any changes are made after consulting this group;
· If these amendments are adopted, the Legal Commercial Team Manager would provide training on any key amendments;
· A requirement to add contracts above £5,000 into the contract register would be added to the Contract Procurement Rules due to the Local Government Transparency Code;
· A definition would be provided for the acronym WTOGPA;
· The use of the term ‘e-tender’ would be looked into due to its possible confusion between tender and quotations.
· Guidance is provided on the intranet around Regulation 84 reports which can be added onto the Section 20 CPRs.
RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That they recommend to Full Council the adoption of the Updated Contract Procurement Rules for 2022/23 as outlined in Appendix A
REASON FOR DECISION: That the Contract Procurement Rules are part of the Constitution (under Section 20) and are revised and updated periodically as part of the Council’s governance and procurement review processes, contributing to effective organisational internal control.