Issue - meetings

Review of Members' Allowances Scheme

Meeting: 20/01/2022 - Council (Item 84)


To agree the Member’s Allowances Scheme 2022/2023 having taken into account the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)       Considers the report and recommendations of the IRP, as attached as Appendix A of the submitted report.


(2)       Agrees that the 2021/22 Members’ Allowances Scheme continue unchanged for 2022/23;


(3)       Agrees the increase to the Independent Person and Reserve Independent Persons allowances as detailed in 4.8 of Appendix A and 8.9 of this report at 1.75%


(4)       Agrees the allowance to the Independent Member on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee as detailed in Appendix A and 8.12 of this report and should this figure not attract any suitable candidates that the Service Director in consultation with the Executive Member of Finance and IT be authorised to increase this to a maximum of £1500 per annum.


REASONS FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Council meets its statutory requirements of an annual review and adoption of the scheme.


Audio Recording – 2:17:40


The Democratic Services Manager presented the report entitled Review of Members’ Allowances Scheme along with the appendices:


·                Appendix A – Report and Recommendations by the IRP 2022-23

·                Appendix B – Members’ Allowances Scheme 2022-23


The Service Director – Legal and Community gave advice regarding the procedural rules of debate and the legal requirement to approve a scheme of Members’ Allowances.


Councillor Claire Strong proposed the recommendations and Councillor David Levett seconded, and the motions were put to debate.


Councillor Claire Strong proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2 to defer implementation for a year.


The Service Director – Legal and Community advised that the scheme would be up for reconsideration and approval again next year and it would not be lawful to approve a scheme with a deferred implementation timetable.


Councillor Claire Strong withdrew her amendment.


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2 to thank the IRP for their work and note their recommendation but to continue with the amounts as per the 2021/22 Members’ Allowances Scheme unchanged for in to 2022/23.


Councillor Claire Strong seconded and on the vote this amendment was CARRIED.


The substantive motion as amended was discussed. On the vote it was:


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)       Considers the report and recommendations of the IRP, as attached as Appendix A of the submitted report.


(2)       Agrees that the 2021/22 Members’ Allowances Scheme continue unchanged for 2022/23;


(3)       Agrees the increase to the Independent Person and Reserve Independent Persons allowances as detailed in 4.8 of Appendix A and 8.9 of this report at 1.75%


(4)       Agrees the allowance to the Independent Member on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee as detailed in Appendix A and 8.12 of this report and should this figure not attract any suitable candidates that the Service Director in consultation with the Executive Member of Finance and IT be authorised to increase this to a maximum of £1500 per annum.


REASONS FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Council meets its statutory requirements of an annual review and adoption of the scheme.