To agree the designation of polling places, to
come in to effect at the upcoming local government
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the Council:
(1) Designates the polling places and new polling stations as illustrated in the proposals attached as Appendix A to the report
(2) Instructs the Monitoring Officer to amend the Constitution (4.4.1 (q) & (b)(x)) to enable amendments to polling places and polling stations between compulsory reviews to be delegated to the Service Director: Legal and Community, in consultation with the Returning Officer, relevant ward Councillors and Group Leaders.
(1) Through lack of availability or concerns about suitability, several polling stations previously designated are no longer viable options for use at upcoming elections.
(2) The Returning Officer must therefore identify suitable alternatives for the polling places and subsequent polling stations to be used.
(3) Recommendation 2.2 is for additional flexibility specifically to agree the polling station post Council meeting and generally where this situation arises between mandatory reviews and allows for relevant Member consultation when this arises.
Audio Recording: 7:45
The Democratic Services Manager presented the report entitled Change to Polling Place & Polling Stations and highlighted the following:
· The report is to agree the designation of polling places to come into effect at the coming elections in May.
· Several polling stations that were previously used are no longer viable options.
· Paragraphs 8.3 and 8.4 explain the changes required.
· Within the report is a proposed amendment to the Constitution.
Councillor Dennis-Harburg proposed, Councillor Brown seconded and it was put to debate.
The following Members took part in debate:
· Councillor Claire Strong
On the vote it was:
RESOLVED: That the Council:
(1) Designates the polling places and new polling stations as illustrated in the proposals attached as Appendix A to the report
(2) Instructs the Monitoring Officer to amend the Constitution (4.4.1 (q) & (b)(x)) to enable amendments to polling places and polling stations between compulsory reviews to be delegated to the Service Director: Legal and Community, in consultation with the Returning Officer, relevant ward Councillors and Group Leaders.
(1) Through lack of availability or concerns about suitability, several polling stations previously designated are no longer viable options for use at upcoming elections.
(2) The Returning Officer must therefore identify suitable alternatives for the polling places and subsequent polling stations to be used.
(3) Recommendation 2.2 is for additional flexibility specifically to agree the polling station post Council meeting and generally where this situation arises between mandatory reviews and allows for relevant Member consultation when this arises.