Siting of an events marquee for a temporary period of five
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That application 19/02227/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following additional condition:
· Condition 4 to be added with the following:
“Prior to 31 March 2023 if the marquee hereby permitted is still in operation and use, full details of an acoustic performance review, including details of any noise complaints received and how they were addressed shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a review shall also include additional noise mitigation as may be required as a result of the review and any approved additional measures shall be carried out in accordance with a timetable that shall have been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and remain in operation thereafter until the use of the marquee ceases.
Reason: To ensure the continued operation of the marquee does not have harm local amenity through excessive noise nuisance.”
Councillor George Davies announced to the Chair that he had a declaration of interest in this item and, once he had completed his presentation as Member Advocate, he would leave the Chamber for the remainder of the item.
Councillor Terry Tyler advised that he had a declaration of interest in this item and, as a non-registered speaking Member, he would leave the room immediately.
At this point Councillor Terry Tyler left the Chamber.
The Conservation and Development Manager advised of the following updates to the report:
· Condition 3, outlined on page 52 of the agenda pack, should read ‘no later than 11pm’, not 11am as currently written.
· The applicant had requested that this be extended to 11.30pm, but from discussions the Officer recommendations remain at 11pm.
The Conservation and Development Manager presented the report in respect of application 19/02227/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The Chair invited the Member Advocate, Councillor George Davies, to speak against the application.
Councillor Davies thanked the Chair for the chance to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation including:
· There had been a large amount of public interest in this application and it had dominated several Parish Council meetings and it was felt appropriate that the decision making process on this application should be public in light of this.
· The temporary marquee permission was granted a while ago and a further application for a larger marquee was rejected, although the marquee was still erected and a retrospective planning permission application was advised.
· The land contours of the area carry sound well and this means a large amount of noise is carried into local villages, which had been demonstrated recently at a Parish Council meeting.
· The report details that no new noise complaints had been received, but this may be down to the Parish Council viewing the matter as being dealt with by the District Council and as such have not submitted any further comment.
· Since events have restarted following the pandemic, there have been noise complaints made by local residents.
· A resident has been provided with a noise measuring device to record high volumes and the time this happens.
· It is important that should permission be granted, noise conditions should be imposed to limit the impact to local residents.
In response to points raised by the Member Advocate, the Conservation and Development Manager advised:
· Enforcement Officers at the Council would not tell people not to complain about issues they are experiencing.
· Noise issues were controlled under Environmental Protection Act and if new complaints were received, these would be diarised and the Environmental Health team can deal with these issues if they became a nuisance.
· Conditions imposed by the Committee, the two year proposed limit of permission and the Environmental Protection Act all gave some level of control over the site.
· By the end of 2022, the applicant would be looking at a more permanent arrangement.
At this point Councillor George Davies left the Chamber.
In response to a ... view the full minutes text for item 58