A report setting out the Performance
Management Measures for 22-23
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: To consider and formally approve the Council Delivery Plan and any associated targets, to be monitored throughout 2022/2023 by Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
REASON FOR DECISION: An approved Council Delivery Plan provides the Cabinet with assurance that progress against achievement of the Council Plan objectives, will be monitored throughout 2022/23
Audio recording – 23 minutes 41 seconds
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled ‘Council Delivery Plan for 22-23’ and advised of the following:
· This is the first version of the new report which sets out projects, risks and PIs in one. This report will also go to Finance, Audit and Risk Committee for comment.
· The report contains detail regarding how the report was put together, with input from Leadership Team and Executive Members.
· The projects are either detailed on the Council Plan 2022-27 or linked to the Council’s planned priorities.
· Some further projects will be linked to statutory duties of the Council.
· Risks highlight where delivery of Council Plan, or associated projects, could be impacted and the Performance Indicators show how well targets are being achieved.
· As this is the first report of this structure, it is expected that the process and content may need to be adapted throughout the year, and both Overview and Scrutiny and Finance, Audit and Risk Committees will have the chance to comment on or suggest any changes.
· Performance Indicators have been crossed referenced and matched where possible, but some will no longer be monitored in this report but rather by the service area, as detailed in Appendix B.
· The first progress report will be brought to Overview and Scrutiny Committee in September.
The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:
· Councillor Claire Strong
· Councillor Tony Hunter
· Councillor David Levett
In response to questions and comments, the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised:
· The Town Centre Strategies project detailed was part of the Regulatory directorate, but was unsure of information and scope given to the consultants. This would be looked into further and reported back to Members.
· The Town Centre Strategy project had been put together alongside Executive Members, so they should be aware of this, but would look to provide further detail at a future Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
· The projects were fixed but the risks and mitigations may change as the projects advance and confirmed that the report would show the correct position at that moment in time.
Councillor Tony Hunter requested that information be provided to the Committee on the Royston Town Hall Annexe project, as it had previously been reported to the Committee that the third party was no longer interested.
Councillor David Levett suggested that it may be useful to include in the report which directorate is responsible for the project.
Councillor Claire Strong proposed and Councillor Jim McNally seconded and, following a vote, it was:
RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: To consider and formally approve the Council Delivery Plan and any associated targets, to be monitored throughout 2022/2023 by Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
REASON FOR DECISION: An approved Council Delivery Plan provides the Cabinet with assurance that progress against achievement of the Council Plan objectives, will be monitored throughout 2022/23