Issue - meetings

Performance Management Measures 22-23 - Council Delivery Plan

Meeting: 16/03/2022 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 27)


A report detailing the performance Management Measures to support Delivery of the Council Plan 22-27

Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Cabinet considers and formally approves the Council Delivery Plan and any associated targets, to be monitored throughout 2022/2023 by Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: An approved Council Delivery Plan provides the Cabinet with assurance that progress against achievement of the Council Plan objectives, will be monitored throughout 2022/23.


Audio Recording: 1:10:50


The Service Director – Resources presented the report entitled Council Delivery Plan and made the following key points:


·         This version of the Council Delivery Plan is for 2022/23 and has been discussed by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee last night;

·         Appendix A is the proposed Council Plan;

·         Appendix B is the list of risks and PIs that have been previously reported at this Committee or at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that will not be reported in 2022/23;

·         The majority of these risks have become outdated, however the online fraud is also listed, which is still important to the Council; the indirect potential implications are potential.


Councillor Keith Hoskins proposed and, following a vote, it was:


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Cabinet considers and formally approves the Council Delivery Plan and any associated targets, to be monitored throughout 2022/2023 by Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: An approved Council Delivery Plan provides the Cabinet with assurance that progress against achievement of the Council Plan objectives, will be monitored throughout 2022/23.