To receive a discussion paper on shaping our future and values.
RESOLVED: That the Strategic Discussion Paper on Shaping Our Future be noted.
Audio Recording – 22:45
The Learning and Employee Engagement Business Partner presented the Strategic Discussion Paper on Shaping our Future and highlighted points including:
· The Council’s values had recently been refreshed but were based on a set of values produced in consultation with staff from across the Council making sure to include staff at all ‘satellite sites’ as well as those working in the District Council Offices;
· The values and behaviours were now clearly displayed to staff across the Council at every opportunity and formed part of the regular performance review process as well as other training which ensured that the values and how staff were expected to demonstrate them was at the core of all work at the Council;
· The Shaping our Future group had the aim of developing a high quality, diverse, inclusive and resilient workforce; resilience had been a key focus in recent years with the pandemic and work on other priorities was ongoing particularly in the IT department in facilitating creative and innovative new ways of working.
The following Members and representatives asked questions and took part in discussion:
· Councillor Raj Bhakar
· Councillor Tom Plater
· Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg
· Councillor Claire Strong
· Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews
· Christina Corr
Points raised included:
· How were values communicated to staff and incorporated into the recruitment strategy
· How did the Shaping our Future group encourage and engage with diverse perspectives on the future of the organisation
· Values and behaviours highlighted the attitudes practiced by staff as a matter of course in their work
In response to questions the Learning and Employee Engagement Business Partner advised that:
· The values and behaviours were conveyed in part through a major branding effort; personal development sessions had been held that focused on the values; values already featured in the RPR process but as part of the recruitment refresh the team would be looking at how to promote values-based recruitment and display the Council’s values prominently to prospective applicants;
· Ideas from the Shaping our Future group were discussed by the Inclusion group and feedback was gathered from other groups including apprentices and staff at all levels;
· All staff that worked with the Council – whether full time, part time, or on fixed-term contracts – were considered members of staff;
In response to questions the Service Director – Resources advised that the Shaping our Future group had previously included Members but it was felt by the steering group that staff-led feedback from a wider range of levels across the organisation was key.
It was:
RESOLVED: That the Strategic Discussion Paper on Shaping Our Future be noted.