Issue - meetings

JSCC - SCF minutes

Meeting: 08/06/2022 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 35)


To receive the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum meetings from  March, April and May 2022.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: To receive the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum meetings from March, April and May 2022.


Audio Recording – 5:03


The Service Director – Resources presented the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum meetings from March, April and May 2022 and highlighted the following discussions:


·         The introduction of regular Green Updates to keep staff aware of what actions the Council is taking on climate change

·         The Staff Recognition Awards

·         The Ukrainian refugee schemes and the role the teams in the Council’s housing and environmental health departments are playing


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg


In response to questions the Service Director – Resources advised that there was no push from management for staff to return to office working but that teams were being encouraged to consider the benefits of working in the office more frequently, and that individual service managers would have the discretion to consider working patterns in light of service needs. Support was still available to staff via the EAP and HR team but gradual adjustment of childcare arrangements as the Council returned to a more regular way of working in the future might be necessary for some staff.


It was:


RESOLVED: To receive the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum meetings from March, April and May 2022.