Issue - meetings

Council Plan and Priorities 2022-2027

Meeting: 06/09/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 134)

134 COUNCIL PLAN AND PRIORITIES 2022-27 pdf icon PDF 221 KB

The report details the Council Plan as agreed at Council in September 2021. There are no proposed changes to the objectives or themes of the Plan in this report and it has been provided at the request of Overview & Scrutiny Members for consideration.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted that the Council Plan and Priorities remain as stated in the 2022-27 Plan, except the details of projects on pages 8-10 which will now be covered within the Council Delivery Plan.


REASON FOR DECISION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process. As a high-level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources, providing a focus for activities, plans and services the Council provide. There is a need to monitor progress against the priorities laid out in the Plan and the Committee has requested that this is presented to this Committee meeting



Audio recording – 56 minutes 06 seconds


The Policy and Community Manager presented the report entitled ‘Council Plan and Priorities 2022-27’ and outlined for Members that there was close alignment between this report and the Council Delivery Plan.


Councillor Alistair Willoughby proposed and Councillor Phil Weeder seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted that the Council Plan and Priorities remain as stated in the 2022-27 Plan, except the details of projects on pages 8-10 which will now be covered within the Council Delivery Plan.


REASON FOR DECISION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process. As a high-level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources, providing a focus for activities, plans and services the Council provide. There is a need to monitor progress against the priorities laid out in the Plan and the Committee has requested that this is presented to this Committee meeting