Issue - meetings

21/02957/FP Land On The South West Side Of, Barkway Road, Royston, Hertfordshire

Meeting: 15/09/2022 - Planning Control Committee (Item 20)



Erection of ten dwellings (2 x 2-bed, 2 x 3-bed, 4 x 4-bed and 2 x 5-bed) with ancillary works including alterations to existing vehicular access, new access road, parking and landscaping

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the completion of a satisfactory S106 Legal Agreement and the reasons and conditions set out in the report, subject to the following amendment to condition 9 to read:


“The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations and mitigation measures set out in the submitted Bat Survey Report by Three Counties Ecology,  the Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Potential Roost Assessment (August 2021).’”


Audio Recording: 1:17:41


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 21/02957/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans, along with the following updates:


·             The supplementary agenda pack published with this item included an update on the implications of the Inspectors Report on the emerging Local Plan which had been returned; the main point included was that subject to a number of main modifications set out in the appendix to the report the emerging Local Plan was sound, legally compliant, and capable of adoption;

·             This meant that the policies and site allocations made under the emerging Local Plan could be given very significant weight when determining planning applications;

·             Late representations had been received which reiterated points already considered by the report including concerns around; design, height and proximity of the houses and the loss of privacy to Shepherd’s Close residents; concerns that an archaeological survey should be carried out; increase in traffic; additional burden on the town’s infrastructure; concerns of damage to existing properties that might occur through construction; health and safety issues; and concerns around surveys including the bat survey conducted and the design codes used by the Council in assessing the development;

·             There was an amendment to be made to the S106 table at page 129 of the agenda pack to reflect the monitoring fee of £340 charged at each trigger point in the legal agreement;

·             There was additional wording to be added to condition 9 as follows: “The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations and mitigation measures set out in the submitted Bat Survey Report by Three Counties Ecology,  the Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Potential Roost Assessment (August 2021).’”


The following Members asked questions:


·             Councillor David Levett

·             Councillor Tom Tyson


In response to questions the Principal Planning Officer advised:


·             The power line ran directly above the access road;

·             The bridleway/foothpath headed northwards towards central Royston.


The Chair invited Mr Roger Mead to speak in objection to the application.


Mr Roger Mead gave a presentation including:


·             Plots 7 and 8 on the plan were intrusive and would sit close to his property resulting in a loss of light and overlooking;

·             A light survey he had conducted from October to March between the hours of 8:15-14:15 suggested he could lose up to 88% of the light to his property and to his neighbours;

·             The view from his property would be interrupted by the new development;

·             The height of the proposed dwellings was such that it would lead to overlooking and a loss of privacy and there were first floor windows looking directly on to his property;

·             There would only be 1.5m distance between the boundaries of his property and the plots at 7 and 8;

·             He was supportive of development in Royston but concerned about the position and height of this part of the proposed development.


The Chair invited the Principal Planning Officer to respond to points raised in the presentation.


The Principal Planning Officer advised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20