Issue - meetings

Council Delivery Plan Q1 update

Meeting: 13/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 115)




Additional documents:




(1)  That Cabinet noted the progress against Council projects as set out in the Council Delivery Plan (Appendix A) including changes to milestone dates and risks.


(2)  That Cabinet confirmed the completion of one of the Council projects.


(3)  That Cabinet confirmed the addition of two new Council projects, which are the Shared Propensity Fund and Churchgate.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) monitoring reports provide Cabinet with an opportunity to monitor progress against the key Council projects, and understand any new issues, risks or opportunities.


Audio recording – 40 minutes 35 seconds


The Executive Member for Finance and IT presented the report entitled ‘Council Delivery Plan Q1 Update’, alongside the referral from Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and advised of the following updates:


·         The Overview and Scrutiny Committee overall approved the document and liked the new format.

·         They had requested further information on the milestones related to each of the projects detailed and Officers were working on including this in future reports. However, there needed to be a balance on the level of detail provided in the report.

·         There were 13 milestones which required the Cabinet to approve changes and these were detailed in the report.

·         The Shared Prosperity Fund and Churchgate would need to be added to the report.

·         The Electric Vehicle Chargers for Council vehicles can be removed following completion.

·         This report aligns with the Council Plan and is a key document, albeit in its early stages and remains a work in progress. It was hoped that colleagues in Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would appreciate this regular update.


The Chair noted that this was an excellent document which was very accessible and would allow for better scrutiny from Members.


Councillor Steve Jarvis noted that it should be the Shared Prosperity Fund in the recommendations, not Shared Propensity Fund as written.


Councillor Ian Albert proposed and Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg seconded and, following a vote, it was:




(1)  That Cabinet noted the progress against Council projects as set out in the Council Delivery Plan (Appendix A) including changes to milestone dates and risks.


(2)  That Cabinet confirmed the completion of one of the Council projects.


(3)  That Cabinet confirmed the addition of two new Council projects, which are the Shared Prosperity Fund and Churchgate.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council Delivery Plan (CDP) monitoring reports provide Cabinet with an opportunity to monitor progress against the key Council projects, and understand any new issues, risks or opportunities.