This report covers the Transport Panel
proposed to replace the Place Panel and Public Transport
Users’ Forum (and associated wording for the other Panels),
changes for Service Director responsibility and an issue raised
regarding one of the Procedure Rule (our Standing
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That Full Council:
(1) Approves the amendments detailed in Appendix A, and the Transport Panel’s Terms of Reference Appendix B.
(2) Approves the Member appointments (and Co-Chairs to the extent necessary) to the Transport Panel, as detailed in 8.3-8.4
(3) Having taken the part 2 report and Mr Peter Oldham KC’s advice into account, instructs the Service Director – Legal & Community to draft an amendment to the Constitution, in consultation with Group Leaders, regarding the removal of Council Procedure 4.8.23 (a) with the exception of Regulatory and Disciplinary Committees as well as certain statutory matters of Full Council, and present that wording to the next Full Council meeting on 10 November 2022.
REASON FOR DECISION: To reflect good decision making practice, reflect changes to Service Director’s responsibilities and the review of the Panel arrangements to keep them up to date.
Audio Recording: 1:31:58
The Monitoring Officer presented the report entitled Constitutional Amendment, Panel Approval & Appointment Report and highlighted the following points of clarification:
· In appendix A any references to ‘Commercial’ should be ‘Enterprise’;
· Any reference to the Procedure Rule should be 4.8.23(a)
Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg proposed and Councillor Alistair Willoughby seconded and, following a vote it was:
RESOLVED: That Full Council:
(1) Approves the amendments detailed in Appendix A, and the Transport Panel’s Terms of Reference Appendix B.
(2) Approves the Member appointments (and Co-Chairs to the extent necessary) to the Transport Panel, as detailed in 8.3-8.4
(3) Having taken the part 2 report and Mr Peter Oldham KC’s advice into account, instructs the Service Director – Legal & Community to draft an amendment to the Constitution, in consultation with Group Leaders, regarding the removal of Council Procedure 4.8.23 (a) with the exception of Regulatory and Disciplinary Committees as well as certain statutory matters of Full Council, and present that wording to the next Full Council meeting on 10 November 2022.
REASON FOR DECISION: To reflect good decision making practice, reflect changes to Service Director’s responsibilities and the review of the Panel arrangements to keep them up to date.