16 22/00910/FP Land Between Bush Wood And Rokey Wood, High Street, Reed, Hertfordshire PDF 301 KB
Retention of 5,500 cubic metres of inert soils for an engineering
operation to create an agricultural reservoir
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the application 22/00910/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following additional condition:
“Condition 10
Prior to the completion of the development hereby permitted and prior to the first use of the development as a reservoir, or within 12 months of the date of this decision notice, whichever is the sooner, full details of a disposal/reprofiling plan of any excess imported material not required in connection with the development shall be submitted to and thereafter approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a timetable of implementation for the proposed works. Such works shall thereafter be carried out in complete accordance with the approved details or particulars and in accordance with the agreed timetable unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that any excess material imported onto the site is removed or dispersed appropriately following the completion of the development, in the interest of visual amenity.”
Audio recording – 3:40
Anne McDonald presented the report and gave a verbal presentation, which included:
· There are three updates on this item. Councillor Hill has written in in support of the objections set out by Councillor Morris in the report.
· Following the publication of the report Councillor Morris submitted some additional queries regarding the possible 20 cubic metres obstruction of water. These were put to the agent and a response received which has been emailed round. This response also provided drainage plans which are displayed in the presentation. Also there is an update to paragraph 4.3.6 in the last sentence to read that water would be pumped through mobile irrigation equipment to use on the surrounding agricultural land.
· The third update is that Councillor Tyson submitted 6 queries following the publication. A response was received and was emailed round earlier today
· Another update is that the description of development has been amended. The published report states retention of 5500 cubic metres of soils for an engineering operation to create an agricultural reservoir. This has been changed to retention of 11936 cubic metres of soil to create an agricultural reservoir with the capacity of 5500 cubic metres. The agent has confirmed agreement of that amended description.
· This is a full application seeking the retention of soil that has been previously imported on the site and for the soil to be regraded and for an agricultural reservoir to be created
· The reservoir is to be filled primarily by rainwater and surface runoff and this will be used to water existing crops.
· The location of the reservoir is in an area of open countryside between Bush Wood and Rokey Wood.
· The slides displayed showed a plan of the previously imported material which forms a rough U shape. As set out in the planning history, the previous importation of soil. Due to the reservoir not being able to be filled the works were no longer considered to be a viable project.
· The banks must be a maximum of 4m-5m high and the reservoir is to hold 5500 cubic metres. The remaining soil is to graduate down to the farm along the south side. The side of the banks are to be planted with wildflower mix and a landscaping condition for any additional tree planting and/or fencing is recommended.
· There is concern locally about how viable it is for the reservoir to be filled and will this harm water levels remaining in the catchment area and will this harm water levels in local ponds and streams. The Environment Agency raised no objection to the application. The slides displayed shows the drainage routes set out in the farm and is forming a network. the supporting information sets out that the rain water collected from the roofs of the farm and farm yard are to primarily fill the reservoir, along with runoff from fields which would be collected through these drainage ditches.
· In regard to extraction, the reply from the agent is that if extraction is ... view the full minutes text for item 16